Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 27 (You Should Be A Butt Model)

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Hey y'all! Here's chapter 27 :)

My Luke Bryan concert on Saturday was AMAZING!!!

He legit brought a big black, jacked up truck on stage and danced on it for "That's My Kinda Night"!!!

If you wanna watch some short clips, check out my Instagram @shanniboo402

Photo on the side is  a picture of Luke that I took of im on his truck ;)


Chapter 27- (You Should Be A Butt Model)

A year ago I would have been scared out of my mind to be doing what I am now. A year ago, I cared what people thought of me and my actions.

Not anymore.

My ambitions for life and the way I lived flew out the window with my ticking time bomb. I knew it was a matter of time before I were to explode.

Right now, I just wanted to live my life with all the freedom in the palms of my hands. A little reckless fun didn't hurt anyone right?

Okay, that's a lie.

It hurts the people who love you but in my case, I'm not loved.

Sure Tatum does, but I think my hatred for life is gravitating more towards my mother.

I have been giving Tatum directions just to go anywhere in search of something illegal to do.

Tatum looked at me, "Oh, how about we go run around on that miniature golf course..."

I glanced out of the tinted window, seeing a miniature golf place with the theme of pirates, "Eh. It's too plain."

I notice Tatum smirked and made a provocative expression, "How bout we do it... naked?"

I playfully slapped his thigh laughing at his comment, "Nice try Boyer. You have to try a little harder to get me outta my dress." I smirked back and his eye brows raised.

It seems that we have transitioned onto the highway and we continued to cruise along for about an hour before I saw an exit sign for Middle Georgia Regional Airport.

I smirked and looked at Tatum, "Take the next right."

And so Tatum took the right on the exit ramp until we pulled into the airport yard. I made him follow a road until we got to the back of the perimeter facing the runways. We followed a dirt road that led us to where the large fence stops and the forest takes it's place as a natural barrier.

"Stop right here."

He slowed to a stop and shut the engine off. I jumped out and smiled, admiring the amazing view. Right now a plane was taking off soaring into the night sky.

"You grab the beer and I'll grab the blankets." I say, going to the diamond plated tool box.

Grabbing a few blankets in my left hand, I turned around and ran my other across the tall metal fence as I walked towards the tree line ahead.

I couldn't help but notice the "NO TRESPASSING" signs hanging on the fence in equal increments. Taking to time to read the fine print, I smiled at what it said, "Trespassers will be taken into police custody and if convicted, pay a fine of $750 or face jail time"

For some reason, that made me all giddy. It was exhilarating to know that I was breaking the law more then normal, and I had no care about getting caught.

I rounded the fence and squeezed in between it and the trees. I walked out into the grass of the airport knowing I was officially breaking the law.

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