Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 39 (Holy Hot Hell in July)

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Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad

My heart was beating wildly around in my chest pounding fiercely like a gorilla. My mother came back. She was actually here. Except I honestly didn't want to see her sorry face. I'd rather punch it.

I know that's cynical to say about the person who gave you life but what kind of a mother up and leaves her daughter alone? She would have been in jail if I decided to go to Child Protective Services.

I licked my lips, my throat suddenly drying up like a well, "What are you doing here?" I managed to choke out.

"I'm here for good now Addison. I'm back, aren't you happy?"

My throat released a strangled laugh, "No. You know why? You are dead to me. Fucking dead! In my mind, you died as soon as you left me alone!"

She ran her fingers through her thick wavy hair nervously, "No Addison! I didn't want to leave you but I had to help your father! Please you have-"

I screamed, tears burning my eyes as I interrupted her, "Bullshit!" My chest heaved as I pointed a finger, "The fact that you actually want to help and defend the person who beat me, for years!"

The witch took a deep breath, "He made a mistake Addison. Forgive and forget..."

My blood was red hot as I quieted down, "How the fuck can you say that mother? How can I forgive him for what he did to me? He fucking knew what he was doing as soon as he put a bottle to his lips... How can I forget when I have to look at this constantly-" I pulled down the strap of my tank top and turned so she could see the scar. The one covered by my tattoo. "How can I forgive him when almost every night, I have dreams about him? I wake up in a sweat ready to grab a knife... If I can't forget, then how can I ever forgive.?"

She sighed, "I know Addison... But look, I'm here to help you now. We will get through this."

As much as it pained me, I looked at her through tears in my eyes. "I don't need shit from you, just get the fuck out." I say, not even trying to hide the venom dripping from my voice.

She puts her hands out walking towards me, "Addison, please-"

I grabbed a vase from the open curio cabinet to my left and screamed, "GO!" Before throwing it at the wall behind her.

She dashed out and before the door could slam shut, I was already on my knees crying.


After a few hours of sobering up, I unpacked all of my things and put them in the washer and dryer. I took a shower and let the warm water purge me of all the stress on my shoulders.

It was now nearing five o'clock and so I decided to get dressed to go to Tatum's. From the dryer, I pulled out the black pencil skirt that I wore in the picture I sent him while we were in the Big Easy. I was going to wear the same crop top but I had a better idea.

Running up the steps and into my bedroom, I went through my drawers looking for the shirt I had in mind.

I screeched in excitement once I found what I was looking for. An old, see through, lace, shirt that I was always too afraid to wear. Ripping off the tags, I put it on and tucked it in under my skirt.

This shirt made me feel sexy as it showed off just bits of my black bra and tanned skin.

And now for the hair.. My sun bleached locks were wild today so I used a bit of hair spray and pulled it all up into a tight bun on the top of my head. It was easy and looked quite elegant.

I then lengthened my lashes with some mascara and smoked out my eyes using a black pencil and eyeshadow. The darkness I put around my blue eyes made them pop.

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