Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 37 (Storms, Kisses, and Other Surprises)

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Hey guys! So I've been freaking out because MCKB is #916 in romance and #966 in teen fiction! Thank you guys sooooo much! :)

(Not edited)


Chapter 37 (Storms, Kisses, and Other Surprises)

The soud of chirping birds filled my ears slowly awakening me from my much needed slumber. I slowly opened my eyes, embracing the morning sun. I was in the bed of Tatums truck, lying next to him in a pile of blankets and pillows. I had half of my body lying on his, our legs tangled together.

I pulled the large blanket - damp with dew- closer to my chest before making a content sigh, breathing in Tatums glorious scent of something salty, sweet, and masculine.

I had just missed the sunrise to my dismay.

Soon after I awakened the thought that we are no longer in high school finally hit home. This is it. We are adults now on this crazy train called life.

Tatum's left arm was wrapped around my body when I admired the other that was behind his head, supporting his neck. The band of tattoo on his bicep teased me as it was only peaking out of his tee shirt just a bit. At some point he got that one done. It's a band of deer tracks probably to show his love of hunting. It was cute an I think it made him look even more sexy.

I looked at Tatum smiling to myself as I took in his baby-like appearance. When he slept, he didn't look like a teenager with too much on his plate. He looked like his age, the stress lines faded and the dark circles are gone for now.

He inhaled a deep breath and his eyes fluttered open revealing the dead giveaway to his age. His eyes were not your normal teenagers. They were ones clouded with worry. Worry about his family, about his livelihood if it doesn't rain, and sad about his brothers. One brother dead and from the way it sounds, the other might as well be. One thing I caught in his green orbs however, was love. Love for me.

The one side of his mouth curled upward when he looked at me and it made my heart swell. "Good mornin' Belle." He spoke, his voice still raspy with sleep. He rubbed his eyes to clear them, the dark circles and stress lines returning.

"Morning Tatum." I said raising my left arm and drawing random shapes on his chest.

He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it, "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, "You were holding me, so yes." This time he cracked a smile, his lips connecting with my forehead.

I pulled out my phone needing to remember the moment. Holding it up above us, I smiled at it hoping that it turned out good when I took it.

After I was finished I put my phone away and sighed with content looking at the glorious morning down in the valley. The sky was a pink and baby blue shade. The clouds still low to the ground.

Tatum chuckled, "I wish I could have grown up living here and be a hermit. That way, I wouldn't have to work on the farm- as much as I love it- and deal with all the bull shit of society."

I nodded.

His chest rumbled under me some more, "Only reason why I haven't already left yet is because of you."

My brows furrowed and I looked up at him, "Tatum, I don't want to be the strings holding you here. It's going to take me a while to earn some money for school so you do what you want. I'm not going to be that person holding you back from your wants and dreams. I just can't do that. Not to you. You deserve a great life, the way you want it."

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