Chapter 43- (I Loathe You)

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Heyooo! Pretty sure this is a long chapter! (Disclaimer: obviously drugs are bad and I am not telling anyone to do them) love y'all

Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad

My blurry eyes started to open and the first thing I saw was a poster. Normally, I wouldn't be freaked out by that. Except it was the poster for a death metal band that-quite frankly-scared the crap out of me.

I shot up from the bed I was in, the sheet sliding off my body exposing my naked chest. It was then that I remembered what I had done last night. Dean was sleeping peacefully next to me, the sheet just covering his lower half. Last night was great. It was great knowing that I wasn't being used and that we decided to have sex as just a mere stress reliever. It didn't mean anything and it's not like Dean could break up with me the next day.

All my life I've been sheltered from the idea of sex and how it was bad. My mother always preached that sex before marriage was a sin and that god would punish us. Deep down I didn't believe it. After all, she was the woman who got knocked up with my brother out of wedlock.

Dean and I could be monogamous with no strings attached. Just, I will have to get the right protection. As much as the idea of sex out of matrimony irritates me, I don't want to have a kid at eighteen.

I have enough money to go to Urgent Care, see a doctor, and have them prescribe me the pill. Everything would be okay.

That is until there was a banging at our door. I didn't know this until yesterday, but on the far side of the bar was a flight of steps that led to the front door of our apartment if you will. That's where the knocking was coming from. I shot up from the bed and grabbed the entire sheet with me as I ran to my room wrapped in it. I hear Dean grumble as I left his entire naked body sheetless. I threw on my robe and ran to the door, the knocking becoming persistent.

I open the door to see a tall man dressed in a black suit and a brief case. "Can I help you?" I ask, attempting to pat down my hair.

"Are you Addison Miller?" The strange man asked.

"I am." I say suspiciously. "And you are?"

He holds out his hand, "My name is Richard Lawson and I work for the Atlantic County law firm. If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to you for a few minutes. I've been trying to reach you for quite some time."

My brows became furrowed, "Yeah sure... Come on in..." I open the door and he steps in walking into the kitchen.

He set his brief case down and plopped himself in a chair. I sat across from him and watched as he pulled out a bunch of papers. "Since you are now considered a legal adult, the contracts in your grandmothers will are now intact."

"So what the hell does that mean?" I question.

The lawyer man raised his brow, "I take it you didn't know about your grandmothers will then?" I shake my head. "Addison, you've inherited everything that your grandmother left behind. Her house, her cars, her money, hell-her goldfish if she had one."

What? There's no way! My grandmother wouldn't leave everything to me would she!? I covered my mouth, the room dead silent until Dean walks in wearing only his boxers, "Thanks for taking the damn sheet-" he paused, his face dropping, "oh... My bad..." He turned around and walked out, his bedroom door slamming shut.

This is why Daniel went after me! They knew about grandmas will and went after me for the money! Oh my god.... It all makes sense now!

I faced the lawyer again, shock clearly written on my face, "How much money did she leave behind...?"

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