Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 16- (You Are My Little Rebel Child)

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Hey ya'll! I just wanted to say thanks for so many reads, comments, and votes! Keep em' comming!

You will see astrics (****) through out the story, meaning they are lyrics!

UN EDITED (sorry)

Hope you enjoy this chapter <3

Chapter 16- (You Are My Little Rebel Child)

I awoke from what felt like a weeks worth of sleep to what sounded like two people talking near me. I recognised the first voice as my mothers but the second voice was unknown. I'm not sure where I am but the constant beeping next to me is getting really agitating.

Fighting back heavy, dreadful eyes, I pop one open to see my mother talking with some lady dressed in a lab coat holding a clip board. Then I looked out through a window in the door and realized I was in some sort of hospital.

It smelt stale and old. The room was pale and bland. I tried foussing on my mothers conversation with the doctor lady but my mind just wouldn't concentrate.

I don't know why I'm in here but it's giving me the creeps. I hate hospitals. I mean, sure, Patrick Dempsey is toatally hot but Grey's Anatomy is too much hopitalish for my liking.

Now it looked like the doctor lady and my mother were fighting about something under their breath. I closed my one eye again and flipped my body over. Even though my eyes were closed, I could feel the light against my eyelids from perhaps, a nearby window.

I opened the opposite eye this time and instead of looking out of a pretty window, I saw the devil himself...

My father.

He stood up abruptly, "She's awake!"

He was advancing on me, coming closer to my uncomfortable bed. What could I do? What am I going to do?

My mother rushed to my side but I blocked out her voice wih my screams. Pleads. "Stay away from me Bradley!" He latched on to my wrists, attempting to get me to calm down. I thrashed and kicked until I was free from my fathers grip.

Accept, it didn't reall feel like his at all... "Addison. Shh... It's me! Tatum!"

The doctor lady stood in between my father and I, "Tatum, sit down. You are triggering a memory or vision."

Why? Why is she calling him Tatum? He is no Tatum. He is a monster. A cowardly monster! I heard my father reply to the doctor, "Why is she calling me Bradley?"

In that second I saw my fathers face morph into Tatum's. I stared at him, confused, not even noticing tears making a steady stream down my cheeks.

My father was just there...

"Bradley." My mothers voice chimed in, "Thats her fathers name..."

The white doctor lady turned towards my mother leaving me out in the open staring directly at so called Tatum who was in front of me. "Is there anyway Bradley could have caused Addison some mental or physical harm?"

I turned and saw my mother swollowing a large lump in her throat, "No." she choked.

More tears flowed and I whispered a faint "yes".

My mothers eyes shot directly towards me. When she realised I was serious, she flocked to my side, tears spilling from her eyes. "Baby, what happened?" she sniffed, "What did he do to you? You can tell me."

Instead of seeing any horrible picture of my father, I shut down and didn't say a word back. I wanted talk, but my brain just couldn't manage to salvage up a couple of stupid words.

Once I calmed down, I realised that it was Tatum sitting there the whole time. He was looking at me with the unmost amount of regret. He stared at me as if trying to tell me to say something, but it was impossible. I just lay there breathing, but not moving. Awake, but not talking.


I was numb.

Tatum abruptly jumped up startiling me, "Her father beat her before the first time he ran away. I think my fight at school must have triggered some sort of vision. It also doesn't help that I practically threw her onto the ground..." Tatum ran his hands over her face, "I'm so so so sorry Addison. That fight got so out of hand and I never itended to hurt you like I promised I never would... God, I'm such an asshole."

I ignored his pleas for forgivness and turned my attention to the doctor, "Where am I?"

"You are in Ancora phychiatric hospital."

"As in for mental people?" I ask. "I am not mental... I'm not crazy. Please don't lock me up." I beg.

"It's okay Addison," said the doctor who's name I saw to be Dr. Brady, "You are just here for obsevation. We arn't locking you up, you are just unstable right now..." Dr. Brady smiled, "Here take these, and you will feel better." She handed me two purple pills and the glass of water that was situated next to the hopital bed.

I gulped down the two pills and within a few minutes, I began to feel better. The fog that was crouding in my brain was slowly disapating. I remember in the book Mockingjay, they tried to get Peeta to remember things so they asked him "real" or "not real" questions.

It always worked for Peeta so I decided to try it on Tatum. "Real or not real..." I say, "Are you Tatum?" I hold out my right hand for him to touch.

Tatum grabs my hand and It's the same gentle touch that I remember from the night he and I almost kissed in his Jeep, "Real." Tatum squeezed my hand in reassurance, "It's me. Your father isn't here to hurt you... I'm so so so sorry I hurt you earlier... I hope you know it was never my intentions and it will never happen ever again..."

"It's okay Tatum. I'm really sorry about the things I said to you before I left for New Jersey."

Tatum smiled, scrunting his bruised face up, "It's OK. I understand... You had a right to be angry with me. About everything."

I scrunched up my face thinking about Felix, "How is Felix?"

Another look of hurt flashed through Tatum's eyes, "He's OK. About as battered as me..."

We were inturrupted halfway through our civil conversation by the doctor walking into my room looking at my mom, "Okay Mrs. Miller, we can contact the police and have them search for Bradley Miller. His One charge would atleast be assault."

"No!" I screech, "You can't tell the police. Please. He's probably already in a different state!" I ripped my hand from Tatum's grasp and started nervously fiddling with my fingers.

"Addison, why are you going to protect him? He diserves to be in jail. Look what he's done to you!"

My blood was boiling at the moment and I couldn't control anything I was saying, "Oh? It's not like you don't belong in jail either..." I retorted, immediately regretting it. The look on Tatum's face killed me. Hurt, embarrassment, sadness. He looked at my mother with wet eyes before storming out of my room.

"Tatum's right Addison, he could come back for you anytime. Is better to just let the cops find him before he finds you..."

I sighed. It's not that I'm protecting my no good father, it's just that, I can't deal with this anymore... It's too much. "Fine. Call the cops but if they find him, I want no part in seeing him."

"Oh baby..." my mother hugged me, "I'm so sorry baby girl." Tears ran down her cheeks and it made me happy that she cared about me right now.

"Good choice Miss. Miller. I'm going to tell my secretary to report the crime and then I'll be back with your medicine and treatment options."

I looked at my mother and swallowed a large gulp that must have accumulated during our talk, "Treatment?"

My mother nodded and wiped a tear from my cheek with with the pad of her thumb, "Yes, baby. There's different ways to help cope with your visions and dreams."

I was about to reply to my mom but Dr. Brady came back with her normal clipboard in hand, "Okay Addison, I'm gonna prescribe you with Prozosin. It's generally a drug used to cure nightmares and visions in PTSD patients of war. I think it will work. So I'm going to prescribe you with fourteen pills for one week. If you have any serious reactions, then we will switch."

My mother was nodding while I was trying desperately to pay attention.

Dr. Brady continued, "That purple pill I gave you a half an hour ago is the pills you will be using." she was filling out my prescription paper when my mom asked about treatment. "Well Addison has a few choices... She can come see me one or as many needed times a week, she also can fight back the pain by doing the thing that scares her most which is fighting or hitting. My suggestion is that she participates in a boxing class downtown in the gym. It's also better if someone accompanies her for support."

"No offense Doc but I'm not seeing a shrink every week." I confess.

"I don't know if I can participate to boxing with her either. I work a lot..." my mother replied to Dr. Brady.

"Mrs. Miller, in order for your daughter to get better you need to dedicate yourself. Helping someone in a different state of mind isn't as easy as making a sandwhich. If neither of you can commit to a treatment method, I'm going to need to, by law, send Addison away to a camp for troubled teens."

A camp? No. No. No. I don't want to go to a camp for crazies! I just can't!

Just as I was about to protest I heard a voice by the door, "I'll do it. I'll take her and participate in boxing."

I turned my head to the left to see that it was Tatum saying these things.

Was he serious?

"Mr. Boyer, are you sure you are willing to commit? It's going to be a long road of recovery for Addison. She may need to box every day if the week..."

"Yes ma'am I understand and I am willing to commit. What ever it takes to get Addison better, then I'm all for it."

"Great." Dr. Brady smiled, "Now about your pills, you are going to take one every night before bed and I'm directing you to only take a pill when you have hallucinations. Alright?" I nodded my head, "Great. And the boxing class is sponsored by Ancora so it's covered by your insurance."

"Tatum was back sitting in a chair that was closest to the door, "What about the extra person that meant to be there? Are they paid for?"

"Yep. All expenses paid by insurance except getting yourselves there and back." her pager clipped to her white coat started to beep, she looked at it and said, "Sorry guys I have to go but tomorrow Addison will be abled to leave. The pills I gave will last all night so need to take anything else..." the doctor smiled before walking out of the room leaving my mom, Tatum, and I in an awkward silence.

One thing that made me mad was that my mother wasn't abled to commit. Having to work is no excuse...

I also can't forget Daniel. How he isn't here I have no idea. I miss the old Danny. The overprotective, goofball. I hate the new Danny which involves drinking and staying out late with his college buddies.

I want him back...

My mother cleared her throat, "Well I'm gonna go get something to eat from the cafeteria. Do you want anything Tatum?" He shook his head no, "By the way, it's nice to finally meet you..." my mother smiled before turning to me and kissing me on the forehead, "Get some rest baby."

My mother was gone and now there was only two... Tatum and I.

"Why are you going to help me after all I've done and said to you?" I asked him honestly wanting to know.

Tatum moved his chair closer to the side of my bed, he took a deep breath, "I think you and I have become close over the last few months and I don't think it's right to leave you now. Sure we still have things to share with each other, but we have about three more months of school and summer."

I smiled a bit and looked at my fingers covered in clips and wires, "Thank you." I whispered looking towards him.

"So do you really forgive me for what I did to you?" he asked.

I smiled again, "I can't just forget about our friendship can I?" I looked at him again and Tatum was searching my eyes for any sign if insincerity, "So, yes, I really do forgive you."

"Good." he smiled, "But on a sort of personal level can I ask you something about you and your father?"

"S-sure." I stuttered accidentally.

"I know he abused you but did he abuse in in the other way?" I could see his hands made into fists. Knuckles going white the longer it took for me to respond.

"You mean as in r-rape?" Tatum made the most curt nod. He held my gaze searching for the truth after I replied with a quite "no."

I sigh of relief escaped his lips, "Thank God." he muttered under his breath. "So you really are a virgin?"

I chuckled, "Yes. Thankfully that monster never did anything like that to me." I sat up in my bed and turned my body so that my left shoulder was facing Tatum. "Pull down the gown from my shoulder."

I half expected to hear Tatum say something dirty, but this time he didn't and I liked that. I heard his chair creek letting me know that he got up. The next thing I felt was my ungodly hospital gown being slowly pulled down from my shoulder.

"Oh Addison..." Tatum spoke.

I felt his warm fingers against the dark jagged scar that runs from the top of my shoulder blade to just below the same bone. I shivered even if it was I good feeling. "That's the kind of things he did to me..." I say.

"Addison, this is like five inches long and an inch wide... What the hell did he do?"

I squeezed my eyes shut taking deep breaths trying to not see my father hitting me. Once I recovered successfully, I replied back, "He got drunk and took a bottle of whiskey and kept bashing me with it. Eventually the bottle broke but he still kelt hitting me with it until there was ni bittle keft to hold. He threatened me with my life if I went to my mom or grandmother with the wound."

"So what did you do?" Tatum asked.

I shuddered at the thought, "I let it get so bad that it got infected. I let it get so bad that I could actually smell the infection. Once the pain became so unbearable I just had to tell my mother. Since the infection was so bad, it started eating away into my flesh which makes the scar look even bigger."

"Did you tell your mom the truth?"

"God no. I just told her that I cut it on a nail sticking out of the wooden pillars holding up the boardwalk at the beach. She believed me too..." I shook my head.

"I'm so sorry Addison..." I breathed a sigh of pleasure when Tatum's fingers smoothed over my cold scar. His gentle touch made my eyes flutter closed.

For a few seconds every thing was fine and then I started to feel sick. I just pushed it down thinking it wasn't anything.

But boy was I wrong...

I suddenly jumped from the bed, pushed Tatum out of the way. I covered both hands over my mouth as a made a beeline for the bathroom connected to my room.

I kneeled down with my head over the toilet, wretching up everything that was in my stomach, which wasn't very much.

I was really hoping that I closed the bathroom door in Tatum's face, but turns out I didn't...

"Addison what's wrong are you OK?" Tatum was in the door way with a worried expression.

"It's OK. I'm Ok." I spitted out with my head pushed deeper into the toilet bowl, hoping Tatum wouldn't see my face.

Within seconds I felt strong arms around my waist. Tatum had crouched behind me and with one hand he held my hair, keeping it out of my face.

By now I was just dry vomiting. Nothing would come out but the sound of my gags. I couldn't stop shaking. I heaved up one more vomit of just air before I collapsed my head onto the top of the toilet.

It took me a few minutes to regain my breath and get my shaking under control.

All this time, Tatum stayed glued behind me, rubbing my back soothingly. "Are you OK now?" Tatum asked me.

"I think so..."

Tatum then let my hair drop as he picked me up and set me on my feet next to the mirror. I walked in front of the mirror only to see my face was beat red with heat. "Rinse out your mouth. I'm gonna go get someone to help you."

I nodded and took a paper cup next the faucet. I filled it up with water and washed away the nasty taste.

Tatum came back with Dr. Brady and my mother. Doctor made me sit back in the bed while she check me out. My mother was freaking out when in reality I doubt she actually cared. "Well, only thing I can think of is that your sickness was just a side effect of the medicine I gave you. But don't worry. Once your body adapts to the foreign drug, all the side effects should go away."

I nodded my head and could tell that Tatum was relieved. I have no idea why he stayed with me while I was puking and heaving my guts out... But, I liked it...

"You really need to rest..."

"She's right." my mother said, "I'm gonna head home but I'm gonna be back to pick you up tomorrow. Tatum, do you need a ride home?"

"No ma'am." he shook his head while my mom kissed my cheek and walked out of the door.

Then the Doctor left, "Goodnight." she smiled before walking out.

Once again Tatum and I were left alone. He silently stood up and walked over to me. "I'm sorr-" I was inturrupted by Tatum's warm lips being pressed to my forehead.

"It's fine, you don't have to keep apologizing to me Addison. I'll see you soon." Tatum walked towards the door and before walking out, he shut off the lights, "Goodnight." With that I heard a click letting me know that he was gone.

Now it was down to one.

In the morning, I woke up to a bag on the small table next to my bed. I slowly got up and thankfully I was no longer hooked to wires. Opening the plastic bag, i was happy that it revealed a pair of pants a tee shirt sweater plus, my tooth brush and tooth paste.

My mother must be here because these were left here.

I took the bag into the bathroom, which was now clean, and set it on the sink. My hair was disheveled and I just felt horrible. I changed out of that horrible polka-dot gown and replaced it with my clean pair of clothes.

I then looked down into the bag and realized that mother also packed my hair brush.

Thank God...

I just couldn't see it because of my clothes.

I thoroughly brushed my hair and teeth before walking into my room to find a tray of food sitting on the table waiting for me. A few times the nurses would check up on me and just as my mom came late afternoon, Dr. Brady came in to check on me as well. She made sure I was okay and then that's when my mother spoke up.

"You ready to go home?" she asked.

I nodded and practically begged, "Yes please..."

I am so ready to get out of here...

On the ride home, everything was pretty quiet. The only time my mother and I talked was when she told me she picked up my medication and set up a gym membership through our insurance.

She then started to talk about my father and how they haven't found any leads as to where he is. Honestly, I really could care less...

The scenery was rapidly changing from the big Georgia city, to small towns, and then you got to the middle of no where farms.

We pulled into my driveway and I got out walking very slowly. Daniel's truck was gone. What a shocker...

I made it at the foot of the steps before my mother stopped me, "I am going to make dinner just for you. What do you want?" she smiled.

I faked a smile back, "Um, how about some eggplant parmesan?"

"Sure!" my mom chirped, "Oh shoot! I have to go out and get some eggplant! But then I can make it! Will you be fine here?"

"I'll be fine mom. It's not like I'm gonna kill myself..."

She faked a laugh, "Okay honey. I'll see you in a bit."

I finally could walk up the steps and that when I walked into my room, I almost passed out... It was probably about a million degrees in here! It's only late April!

I kicked off my shoes and threw on a pare of shorts just to keep me cooler. I opened my double balcony doors and my window, letting the cool breeze blow in.

I flopped down onto my bed, which I have missed, and grabbed my phone. Sliding the unlock button, I opened to see I had a few missed messages. I went into my messages only to find that they were from Leila, freaking out.

I messages her back telling her that I was all and well. I also added that we had to hang out soon.


After sending the text I finally laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I was trying to sleep but it wasn't really working. I tossed and turned miserably for a few minutes, trying to find the right position. I finally found a good position when I heard the low rumbling of an engine.

Only one engine sounds like that...


I smiled and jumped out of my bed and to my balcony. I saw his truck driving down my street. I knew he was stoping at my house because he looked up at my window.

I hurriedly slipped on my boots and shoved my phone into my back pocket. I ran down the steps as fast as I could.

Throwing the front door open and closed as fast as I could, I ran right to Tatum's truck idling in my driveway. As I ran across the front of the Chevy, I also ran my hands over the hood. I'm not sure why, it just seemed like something different to do.

Before I could open the passenger side door, Tatum beat me to it.

"Hop on in." he smiled that smile that can make and girl swoon.

I jumped in and grinned, "So, where are you taking me today?"

Tatum started backing out of my driveway, "Oh you'll see." he winked and I pretty much lost it..

Why does he have to be so pretty? I don't get it...

Tatum cranked up the radio and I leaned my seat back, kicking my legs up on the dash. I let the breeze blow through my hair and I felt good...

I'm pretty sure we have been driving for about an hour now and Tatum still won't tell me where we are going... The sun is setting and the moon is starting to come out little by little.

Finally I got impatient, "Are we almost there?" I moaned.

"Yes Belle." Tatum chuckled.

It felt like we were going uphill but I couldn't really tell because the only lights we had were Tatum's dim headlights.

Finally we slowed down to a stop and Tatum rolled his window down. He reached out with his phone, for light, in hand. He appeared to be typing in a password. Something then beeped and that when we started driving again.

Through the headlights, it appeared that we went passed a small gate that was lifted up when Tatum typed in the right password.

We then started winding through a gravel road that had a slight incline. After a few minutes we finally were flat Tatum kept driving as I turned to him, "Where here right?"

He waited maybe fourth five seconds before replying, "Now we are. Turn around."

I turned around and my breath was taken away. Because of being on such a high incline, I could see hundreds of miles away. All the twinkling lights the city has to offer, and the dim lights from farming communities. It was beautiful. To make it even better, the bright moon was just above without a cloud in the sky. Just the beautiful stars.

I turned back to Tatum, "Tatum this is beautiful. Where are we?"

"We are in a campground. My brothers friend owns it. I figured it was the perfect time to take you up here because its completely empty."

Tatum pulled into a dimly lit pavilion all the way at the top of the incline. I was facing directly at the view and honestly I could just watch it all night.

Tatum and I both hopped out of the truck and while I was too awestruck, Tatum was getting something from the back of his truck. He placed a large boom box on the ground and turned it on letting his favorite country station play.

Suddenly, I wanted to dance..

How cool would it be to dance on a night like this with a view so amazing right in front of me. I pulled out my phone and ignored the one message I had before tapping my camera app.

"Hey Tatum come here!"

He stood close and we both smiled as I snapped a picture behind the prettiest scene I've ever witnessed.

After taking the picture, I noticed Tatum sitting on the tailgate of his truck pouring himself a glass of wine. I have had wine before... In church... Only small amounts though.

"Hey Tatum, wanna dance like a crazy person with me? Cause ya' know, I'm crazy." I laughed.

Tatum laughed back and took a sip of his wine, "No thanks, I rather watch you make a goof ball of yourself."

"Your loss." I joke back before doing all sorts of crazy dance moves.

And then this really nice song came on. One that I could actually dance to... I stomped my boots on the concrete with the beat of the drum. I smiled I Tatum and he started clapping his hands with the beat.

***Get up on the hood of my daddy's tractor

Up on the tool box, it don't matter

Down on the tailgate, girl I can't wait

To watch you do your thing***

I jumped up onto Tatum's tailgate and started dancing on behind him in the bed if his truck. Tatum jumbled off to get a better look at me but as the song progressed, I kept dancing.

***Country girl, shake it for me girl,

Shake it for me girl, shake it for me

Country girl, shake it for me girl,

Shake it for me girl, shake it for me***

I danced around in a circle moving my hips side to side with my hands up in the air. Tatum must be liking what he's seeing because he is fully tuned in and all I could do was keep staring and smiling at him. Him liking what he was seeing only made me want to continue...

***Somebody's sweet little farmer's child,

That got it in her blood to get a little wild

Pony tail and a pretty smile,

Rope me in from a country mile***

I jumped from the tailgate and was now a few feet in front of Tatum. I pretended to rope Tatum like a cowboy with his cattle. As I pretended to tighten the rope I stepped a bit closer and the glint in his eye made egged me on even more.

***So come on over here and get in my arms

Spin me around this big ole barn

Tangle me up like grandma's yarn, yeah, yeah, yeah***

I grabbed Tatum by the arms and danced in front of him running my hands through his hair, tangling it up.

***Shake it for the young bucks sittin' in the honky-tonks

For the rednecks rockin' 'til the break of dawn

For the DJ spinnin' that country song

Come on, come on, come on

Shake it for the birds, shake it for the bees

Shake it for the catfish swimming down deep in the creek

For the crickets and the critters and the squirrels

Shake it to the moon, shake it for me girl, aww***

I was just randomly doing provocative dance moves in front of him liking the way that he was watching my closely. His eyes trailed down the entire length of my body paying close attention to my butt. Me provoking him was making me want to do it even more. I needed to be closer.

God forbid they lock you up in the looney bin and your hormones are completely out of wack...

Once the guitar solo hit, I began hip walking towards him, basically jutting my hips out every time I moved a step. Then when I got so close to him, I grabbed base cap from his head and put it on my backwards. Then before the slowest, most intense part of the song, I turned around so that my back was towards Tatum. I then did one of those spicy grinds to the floor and back. My butt was defiantly my best asset and when it touched Tatum that's when his firm hands found my body.

By now Tatum's wine had spilled and the good sexual tension between us was so high I decided to go for it...

***Now dance like a dandelion

In the wind on the hill underneath the pines, yeah

Move like the river flows

Feel the kick drum down deep in your toes***

At the start of those lyrics, I grabbed a hold of Tatums tight fitting shirt and pulled him close. Our dancing was in sync and our breathing was fast. Tatum was just being a guide and I was the one grinding wherever his hands moved my hips. Tatum then placed his left hand on the small of my back and pressed me closer.

It's amazing how our bodies could just roll in sync. Our faces were so close I could feel each and every one of his breaths. I moved my hands to the sides of his face while craning my neck backwards allowing him more access.

***All I wanna do is get to holdin' you and get to knowin' you

And get to showin' you and get to lovin' you 'fore the night is through

Baby you know what to do***

Tatum then grabbed my hips and slid down until his nose was almost touching my stomach. My hands and fingers pulled and tousled his hair in every direction as he slowly moved back up the length of my body until our lips were practically touching.

***Shake it for the young bucks sittin' in the honky-tonks

For the rednecks rockin' 'til the break of dawn

For the DJ spinnin' that country song

Come on, come on, come on

Shake it for the birds, shake it for the bees

Shake it for the catfish swimming down deep in the creek

For the crickets and the critters and the squirrels

Shake it to the moon, shake it for me girl, aww***

We repeated the chorus still dancing as close as possible. And then I finally broke away, just to see what reaction he would have. I turned my back on him and stepped a few feet away. I started doing a dip which was a form of grinding where you dipped your lower half to each side.

I smiled when I felt Tatum pressed against my back. He placed his large hands overtop of mine which were positioned at my hip bones. I continued to doing the same thing which drove Tatum crazy. I could feel how into it he was by his friend poking me from behind.

Normally I would be peeved out but I'm just as bad right now. I've heard kids around school say woman boners and it pretty much was accurate. We are only teenagers blowing off steam, having fun. Surely Tatum knows it means nothing.

For the last lines of the song, Tatum turned me around so that we were face to face again. His hands traveled down to my butt. He pushed me closer into him as we slowly rocked trying to catch our breath.

***Country girl, shake it for me girl,

Shake it for me girl, shake it for me

Country girl, shake it for me girl,

Shake it for me girl, shake it for me***

Once the song was over, I jumped up and wrapped my kegs around his waist laughing like and idiot. Tatum's hands were securely situation over my butt still, holing most of my weight. I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck and took a deep breath. Tatum was still recovering from it all and I'm pretty sure having my "entrance" pressed against his "friend" was doing him no justice.

I jumped down not looking out of Tatum's eyes. That was so crazy... I, the once strict Christian, just dirty danced with Tatum Boyer... The hayziness in his eyes lets me know that he had just as much fun.

"Woah." I breathed, "What was that song?"


Tatum was about to tell me until the radio DJ spoke, "Alright folks that was Luke Bryan, with Country Girl(Shake it for Me). Coming up after the break: Jason, Miranda, and some Love and Theft!"

The radio then went into commercial and Tatum and I both locked eyes. Tatum blinked still taken aback by what just took place, "You are my little rebel child." he stared off in space, "Best time I've had with anyone in a long time."

I awkwardly laughed, "Me too. Who knew a song could make us into these horny teens." I laughed another awkward chuckled before Tatum responded.

"Trust me Belle... It wasn't the song." he trailed his eyes down my body and I knew he wanted more. He grabbed a hold of me by the waist and whispered, "We should do this again."

I laughed and pushed him away, "Eh. I think that was just a one time thing..."

"I dont know Belle... The way you were touching and flirting and oh man, that grinding... It seemed like you wanted to go a lot further."

"As if you didn't touch me more." I say walking back to the truck. I hopped on the tailgate and sat down, letting my feet dangle.

Tatum snorted, "How can I not? When you got a hot girl shaking it in front of you, you gotta go for it."

I snorted a chortle, "Awe. How sweet Tater. That's the best thing you've ever said to me." I smiled and Tatum grinned, sitting next to me.

He reached around me and grabbed two plastic cups and filled them half way with wine. He handed one to me and I sniffed it. It smelt and looked like the same stuff we get in church... I tipped the cup back and took a sip.

It is the same wine we got during communion. It tastes pretty well too.

"Come here," Tatum grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the cab of the truck. He stood up on the diamond plated tool box and sat on the hood of his truck. He gave me his hand and I took it, sitting up next to him. "Okay, now slide down,"

He slid down gracefully and yet again offered me another hand to take. I slid down after him and surprisingly, it went more smoother then I thought. I then rested my back on the windshield and took in a sigh of contempt. The view was amazing and I got so lost in the view and the wine, I had no idea Tatums' right hand was inching up my thy.

I quickly stopped him with my left hand. I figured he would get the wrong impression from our dancing... I looked at him, "What are you doing Tatum?"

"What's it feel like?" he questioned.

I sighed, "Look Tatum, I didn't mean anything by dancing like that... I'm not interested in being your hook-up. You know that."

"I know but Adi, we had something. I don't want you for just a one night stand. I-"

Tatum was cut off by my phone which started ringing. I jumped up as fast as possible, trying to think of a way to get back down.

By the time I got to my phone, the call had already go through and the person left a voicemail. I must've dropped my phone when I was dancing...

I picked it up and pressed play for the voicemail. It was from my mother...

Oh my God. I forgot all about her... Now it was eleven and I am not home...

"Addison, I'm not sure where you are but you need to come home right now. The cops found your dad and he wants to see you. Please come home."

They found him... I dropped the phone from my ear and deleted the message before walking back over to Tatums truck. I sat right next to him and he knew something was wrong. "What's up Addison?"

I smiled and shook my head...

Why would I want to see my father? I'm not going. I refuse to go and see him. Plain and simple. I looked back at the view and pushed my father aside.

I have bigger things to worry about.

Questions kept looping through my mind like how many other girls Tatum has brought here.? How many have danced with him? Does he always win a girl over with wine?

It hurts to know that the guy you might possibly like has most likely charmed everyone of his hook-ups the same way he's charming me...

I don't like this at all...


HEY GUYS! WHAT DID YOU THINK!? One of my fave chapters so far! Please VOTE, COMMENT, AND RECOMMEND!

I love you all!

Song on the side is Country Girl (Shake It For Me) by LUKE BRYAN <3

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