Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 23 (Call Me Crazy)

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My fans, I need to thank y'all so much. MCKB is #995 in romance. Do you think you guys can keep voting and supporting my story? It really means the world!

Much love! Enjoy the chapter and let me know what ya think!



Chapter 23- (Call Me Crazy)

I felt my entire body being lifted off of the surface I was laying on. My neck hung backwards under an arm. My head feeling like it weighs a ton. The rest of my body was being held at my knees.

I was being carried bridal style by someone. I preened open my eyes to see that it was Tatum.

Looking down I noticed that we were going down the steps. The old red wooden floor boards creaking under our combined weight.

I looked up at Tatum, finally realizing that he looked like hell. His eyes, blood shot, dark circles lingered on his skin beneath the glimmering emeralds on his face.

Who am I kidding? I probably look like hell too.

All I can manage to think about is how Tatum held me close to his body. I wish it would've lasted longer. The feeling of my hands in his, and our bodies molded together was like pure ecstasy.

It's amazing to know that just a touch can make you go crazy. It doesn't have to be something sexual with Tatum, just simply holding hands sends my heart into over drive.

I pained me to know that something was bothering him.

Miraculously Tatum moved me so that all of my body weight was resting on his one side so that he could open the screen door to his home.

He walked inside and immediately I knew he was taking me to his bedroom. I closed my eyes as he put my body down on his bed.

I heard him sigh and walk a few feet away. Given this opportunity, I peeked an eye to see Tatum staring at himself in the tiny mirror inside the connected bathroom. He rubbed his face and splashed it with some water.

He wiped off his hands on his flannel shirt from yesterday before walking towards his large mahogany dresser. He pulled out another shirt and my breath became hitched when he started to unbutton his current one.

Pulling off the flannel, he dropped it onto the floor. His muscles moved and rippled against his skin. My eyes trailed down the back of his chiseled body, his tattoo was one of the other things gaining my attention.

Tatum threw on his new shirt, a grey tee, before adding, "I'm glad you're finally awake."

He caught me...

He knew I was staring at him this entire time. "How long have you known?" My voice coming out more hoarse then I expected.

Tatum turned around and smirked, "Since you were checking me out going down the steps."

"Was not." I retort.

"You were." He smiled. However, it wasn't normal. Something was up.

"What's wrong Tatum?" I sat up in the bed before continuing, "I know something's up, you look like hell."

"Nothing's up." He replied a little more harsh then expected.

I narrowed my eyes, "Don't bullshit me Tatum."

He shrugged, "Look Belle, it's just some stuff. Plus I had to stay up all night to wake you every once in a while."

"That may be true but I know that those bruises under your eyes aren't from staying up."

Tatum moved and sat down in front of me, "Look Belle-" he was cut off my his phone ringing.

He pulls it out of his jean pocket and answered, "Hello?"

I had no idea what the person on the other line was saying.

"Yes ma'am, this is Tatum." I listened some more, "... Yeah sure, I have my girlfriend with me. I'll put it on speaker..."

Tatum removed the phone from his ear and tapped the speaker button.

"Okay, you're on speaker." Tatum spoke.

"This is Natalie Parker. Manager of Florida Georgia Line." My heart began to beat fast. "I'm calling to let you know that you have been picked for our truck giveaway." The look on Tatum's face was priceless. It was a look of excitement and disbelief.

"You're kidding..?"

The lady chuckled into the phone, "No sir. You're name was second to be picked actually. The first person we picked, never answered the phone. This is your lucky day."

"Hell yeah it is!"

She chuckled again, a quite annoying high pitched tone, "To pick up your truck you will need proof of your identity. The truck is waiting near the quarters of your local radio station, Cat Country 107.3 because it was partially sponsored by them. Do you know where to go?"

A big smile lit up Tatum's face, "Yes ma'am. Thank you so much."

"No sir, thank's for being an FGL fan! Y'all have a great day now!"

The lady hung up the phone before Tatum could. He dropped the phone on the floor, "Holy shit. Is this really happening!?"

I laughed and grabbed a hold of his hands, "I think it is! You're getting a new truck!"

"This is unbelievable! First I meet one of my idols, and now I'm getting a brand new truck. It's so souped up, it's probably worth over fifty thousand dollars!" He smiled and pulled at his hair, "Oh my God! Someone needs to punch me..."

I smiled, "You sure you don't mean pinch?"

"No. I mean punch..."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well alright..."

And so I punched him, "What the fuck Addison!" He rubbed his chest where my fist just pounded.

"Well you said you needed to be punched! So, I punched you!"

Tatum looked at me angrily, "It's a damn saying! You weren't supposed to punch me."

"Actually it's not. The saying is with the word 'pinch' not punch."

His facial expression changed from angry to playfully evil, he started to crawl forward on his bed towards me. Not knowing what to do, I eventually end up laying down on my back. He hovered over me, his hands resting on the bed beside my shoulders. "I don't appreciate you being smart..."

I don't appreciate you with that shirt on...

I looked up at Tatum who was laughing his head off. "Did you really just say that?"

"I dunno did I?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"You did." Tatum smirked. He was currently on his knees, straddling over my pelvis.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-" I was cut off mid sentence by my tounge being caught in my throat.

In a matter of seconds Tatum had ripped off his grey tee shirt and thew it on the floor. I tried my hardest to pull my eyes away. Situating them on his shirt on the floor, I felt his rough, calloused, and warm hand on my chin, forcing me to look at his god like body.

My temptations got the better of me and I looked up at him and his body noticing that he had gotten a new tattoo. This tattoo was an outline of a male deer. I've heard of the symbol. The Buck Commander. I felt a blush creeping up onto my face, why on earth must he be so attractive..!?

I bit my lip, "I- I like your new tattoo. It suits you."

"Yeah? Ya think?" Tatum smirked and placed his hand over his tattoo.

He removed his hand and placed it back by the side of my shoulder. I took a second to take it all in... His pectoral muscles unbelievably sculpted as well as his abs. The muscles in his arms contracted when he lowered himself closer to my face. He turned his head to the side of my ear, "You can touch."

I heard the smirk in his tone but he was right. I just wanted to put my hands all over him. It was like look at a magazine full of hollywood's hottest men. Bradley Cooper is probably at the top of my list...

Before I could even think about what I was doing, I lightly placed my finger tips on the lower half of his ab muscles. Slightly going up his body, I enjoyed the feeling of the sculpted ridges in his body. My hands were now flat, taking in as much skin as possible.

I couldn't help but smile when I felt Tatum shiver beneath my touch. I could tell he was watching me intently.

I found his pectoral muscles and held onto him, tracing his newest tattoo with my pointer finger before sliding up and cupping each side of his face with my hands.

We looked into each other's eyes intently and I could see Tatum's darken just a shade.

"I really want to kiss you right now." He said looking back and forth between my eyes and mouth.

I smirked, "Don't be afraid, I don't bite."

Tatum made a lustful smirk before leaning in placing his right hand on my cheek. His rough lips met mine, a soft peck before he backed his head, he's eyes searching for mine as if to ask for permission.

Obviously the answer was yes. I spontaneously pushed up my head, smacking my lips with his. Our paces matching each other.

My heart was beating wildly in my chest. My adrenalin jolted when he caressed the top of my rip cage with his left hand.

Fire erupted on both of our lips, and I smirked against his. Playing hard to get, I pulled away making him come after me.

My hands clawed and his back while his fiery kisses went to my jaw and on my ear lobe and down my neck. Tatum knows my sweet spot and out of purse bliss a sigh of pleasure escaped my lips.

To return the favor, I turned my head making him stop. I placed my lips on his and followed his actions. Nibbling on his ear lobe, I felt the hard vibration of a groan coming from his chest.

I backed away resting my head back on the pillow that smelt just like Tatum. I noticed him staring down, my fringed shirt had rose up from where he was grasping my side, probably exposing my bra. He tugged at the fringes before leaning in, kissing me with his tounge. A hard, lusty kiss that was driving me crazy. His tounge caressed mine. I could feel him slowly pulling up my shirt and I knew he was about to take it off of me.

Am I ready for this?

I would say yes but fate has told me no when I hear Tatum's name being called. I can recognize that voice anywhere.

It was his dad...

Tatum was to busy kissing my neck to realize his dad had just come home. I reluctantly pushed Tatum off of me, "Your dad is here calling you!" I whisper.

"Ah shit, hold on," he jumped to the floor, "Stay here. Alright?" Both of us were out of breath. I nodded and when Tatum stared at me lustfully, that's when I realized that my shirt had indeed rose up. I pulled it down and sat up in the bed while Tatum walked into the hallway.

I still can't get over how beautiful he is. The perfect V shaped muscle that hung off his pelvic bones while his pants hung low on his waist. The adorable back dimples.

Control yourself Addison...

I took a deep breath and walked into the connected bathroom, I patted down my hair before hearing Tatum say something in the kitchen to his dad.

No fighting. That's a good sign.

I splashed some water on my face and just as I looked into the mirror I saw Tatum behind me. Still with no shirt on. He pressed up against my back and swept my blond hair to the side before kissing my neck.

As much as I loved the feeling, we couldn't make-out while his dad was in the other room.

"Tatum!" I hissed, "Not now that your father is here!"

He groaned, "I'm not finished with you." That country boy smirk was on his lips, making me want to fall to my knees. "Come on, I'll take you home so you can get freshened up, then will you help me get my new truck?"

I nodded still feeling flustered by our make-out session.

Tatum walked into his room and grabbed the grey shirt. My heart beat raced watching all of his muscles contract and expand as he pulled it on.

"Come on," Tatum grabbed onto my side pulled me out to the hallway.

"I can't let your dad see me!" I hissed. "He's gonna think we were doing something dirty, I mean, look at what I'm wearing!"

"Baby, we were doing something dirty. And I don't know what your talking about, I love what your wearing." He smirked and flicked his finger at my dangling belly button ring.

"Don't worry. He's sober, he'll probably say hello."

I looked up at him, "Are you sure?"


"Okay.." I chuckled at the word he used.

He pulled me out into the hallway and we were about to go into the living room when my stomach gurgled and growled because it was completely empty.

"Why didn't you tell me you were hungry?"

I shrugged and smirked, "I was too preoccupied to notice."

We heard Tatum's dad's voice from the kitchen, he was watching us, "Y'all kids want some food? I just made some turkey samiches."

It's amazing at how different Tatum's dad is when he's sober. I smiled at how he had said the word sandwiches. Sure I was nervous about meeting his dad, but I could honestly eat a horse right now.

"I'd like that sir." I say walking to the kitchen. My stomach growled again.

"Jesus Tate, didn't your mother teach you to make food? Poor girl is as hungry as a starvin' pig."

"It's not Tatum's fault. It's mine. It shouldn't have skipped out on yesterday's dinner."

"Please tell me your not one of the anorexic gals..." He said looking into my eyes. I held his gaze seeing so much of Tatum.

I chuckled, "No sir. Trust me, I eat."

Tatum's dad looked older then he should. Years of drinking making his wrinkles and dark circles come sooner. His eyes an ocean blue color. Tatum's were green but they still had other similarities. Same lips.

Those lips...

"Here you go darlin'. I hope you like Turkey, cheese, and mayonnaise." He passed me a plate with the sandwich and a glass of water. "Here son, here's yours."

I couldn't help but hear the hardness in Tatum's fathers voice when he talked to his son. He passed Tatum the sandwich and glass of water.

Tatum sat next to me at the tiny table in the kitchen. His father sitting across. This is just slightly awkward.

"So honey, where you from? You sound like a Yankee." He said with a mouthful of bread.

"Moved from Jersey about a year ago."

"You like it here?" He asked.

"It's nice. Defiantly growing on me."

He smiled, "That's nice." He cleared his throat and eyes me up, "Say, what happened to your face?"

I touched next to my eye, "Oh this? Some drunk guy at a concert Tatum and I went to punched me accidentally."

He nodded, Tatum's father was almost finished his sandwich. Still chewing, he stood up and spoke again with a mouthful, "Y'all do me a favor... Use protection. I don't need no granbabies just yet."

Simultaneously Tatum and I coughed up what we were chewing.

"Oh my gosh." I spoke, a red blush creeping on my cheeks. "Sir, we aren't-"

"Lalala! Don't wanna here it!" He said placing the plate in the sink and walking away.

I looked at Tatum and spoke, "What the hell happened to him just saying hello?"

Tatum smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

I punched him.


One Week Later

I prodded at my face, examining the left side where my small cut and bruise were.

I was abled to cover it up with some foundation. Luckily nobody noticed. Only people who knew that I got punched was Tatum, Leila, and his dad.

I wanted to tell Leila all about his dad and meeting him and how awkward it was but then I remembered we weren't telling anyone about our relationship until we walk into prom.

Prom is today.

Just thinking about it made me blush and smile. My face was on fire from the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Do you have a strapless bra I could borrow?"

I forgot to mention that Leila was getting ready with me, making it ten times harder not to spill the beans. Not to mention she just ruined my cute moment thinking about Tatum by asking for a damn bra.

I laughed and shook my head at her, "Yeah, here." I went into my drawer and pulled out a tan strapless bra. We were the same size so it works out well.

I threw her the garment and she walked into my bathroom with her arm up flailing it around as of she was trying to say thank you.

Walking back over to my make-up table, I checked my face one more time before putting on a green tea clay masque.

I laughed at myself because I looked like and ogre.

I put on some music and sat on my bed, waiting for the masque to harden.

Hearing knocking on my balcony door, I swore knowing it was probably Tatum. I cracked open the sliding door just a bit, just in case of Leila came out of the bathroom half clothed.

Sure enough it was him, "Atum ooh ant e ere!" I tried to say, my masque limiting my speaking abilities.

He started laughing, that jerk!

I punched him in the chest, and he stepped back with his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright! I'll go. But first-" he pulled out a little jewelry box, "I want you to wear this tonight." He smiled and handed me the little box and my heart fluttered. "I would kiss you... But I can't so, I'll pick you up at six thirty?" He raised his eyebrow.

I already new I was blushing. Thank God it's under my mask and he can't see. "Ounds ike a phflan."

"Oh and pack a bag with your bathing suit and a change of clothes."

"Okay ow weave!" I push.

He started laughing again and so I shut the door on him. Just in time because Leila walked out of my bathroom with no shirt on.

I ran in and turned the hot water on, washing off the masque. Once I could speak normally I turned my head, "Dude! Cover up! Tatum was just here!"

"Alright! Damn! I'm puttin' on a shirt." She laughed and put on a shirt.

I smiled back, "Times it?"

Leila looked at her imaginary watch on her tan wrist, "No idea..."

"Don't be smart!" I wiped off my face and pushed her on my bed while I went to my phone. It was four thirty, time to get ready for real.

I walked over to my make-up vanity and sat down. I started to apply all the basics and then onto eyeshadow. I picked a few neutral colors and blended them onto my eyelid, creating a smokey eye. I then put on eyeliner and mascara.

Leila was trying to tame her excessively curly hair. I kept laughing every time she would curse about it.

I then put on a coral colored blush and a shimmery white highlighter. I completed my look with a pretty nude lip stick.

After I was done, I turned to check on Leila. She miraculously made her hair curl on the top of her head into an elegant bun. She had started on her makeup.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my pink dress off of the hanging rack on the back of the door. I stripped down all the way to my nude underwear not needing a bra for my dress.

I slipped my left arm through the only strap and let the rest fall to the floor. It would look a lot better once I put heels on.

I walked into my room, "Leila, do you have the body tape out here?" She turned her head and I smiled, "You look gorgeous." Her bright red lipstick matching her dress made her face stand out.

"Thanks girl. And here." She tossed me the body tape before I went back into the bathroom. Ripping off two pieces, I placed each one on the sides of my breasts and attached the dress to the double sided tape.

I do not need to give anyone a show tonight...

How embarrassing would that be!?

I walked out into my room, Leila had put on her strapless, red satin, mermaid dress. Simply stunning.

I sat back at my vanity and pulled my hair out of a night long braid. I untwisted the braid and my blond wavy hair fell past my shoulders and then I sprayed it with some hairspray so it kept its hold.

To finish my look, I put in some turquoise dangle earrings, matching ring and my red peep toe stilettos.

Walking carefully to my body length mirror, I examined myself. Not to be egocentric, but I must say that I look good...

"Wadd'ya think?" I turned and made a pose for Leila who was putting in just diamond earrings.

"Damn your gorgeous!"

"Thanks you too! What time is Jeremy picking you up?"

She smiled, "Six thirty."

"Great, same time as Tatum! This will be perfect! We can do pictures together!"

I could tell Leila really liked this guy Jeremy. It was nice to know she had someone when I leave for college.

I knelt down and fixed the tule of her dress before grabbing my black clutch. I stuffed it with make-up, extra tape, my ticket, and school I.D. I kept my phone in my hand because I know we would be taking pictures.

It was five twenty-five when I heard noises in my drive way, Leila and I carefully made our way down the steps finding my mother waiting.

She snapped a picture as we were the complicated steps down, "You girls look gorgeous!"

After my mother was done taking pictures of us, I heard a loud rumble of a truck and I knew immediately that it was Tatum driving his brand new truck. The thing was huge...

"That must be your dates!" My mother squealed. She got so excited.

Letting Leila go first my mother opened the door, I followed after.

I heard the closing of a door and I'll admit that I was a little nervous... What would Tatum think about how I looked?

I walked out of my house watching my feet, not looking up at Tatum who was probably staring at me.

Taking a deep breath I looked up and I couldn't breathe for a few seconds.

Tatum looked absolutely gorgeous... He was dressed in a suit. The jacket and pants were black, the shirt white, and the tie was pink to matchup dress. On his feet, he had shiny black dress shoes. They reflected the sun because they were so shiny.

His hair was slicked to the side making him look a lot older. Don't get me wrong, he had the face of a twenty five year old in general but his outfit made him look like a classy businessman. I liked it.

I smiled and so did he. We finally met in front of each other and he took my hand very daintly after putting on my flower credsage, "Darling you look absolutely stunning." He said in a posh roaring twenties accent.

I pretended to curtsey, "Thank you my good sir! You look very Gatsby like."

I laughed, did they even curtsey in the twenties?

Tatum laughed, "Seriously. You look amazing." He lowered his head to my ear, "How do you expect me to focus on prom when I have such a purdy date like you?"

I could feel my face heat up.

"Alright kiddies. Let me get your pictures!" My mother said making me smile. She walked over to us, "Tatum honey, looking very well put together."

I laughed out to my moms awkward comment.

Tatum grinned, "Well thank ya ma'am."

"Okay you two get in front of the door to the house. Tatum you go behind her and hold her arms."

An so he did. I stood In front of my house and held my hands over my stomach. Tatum came behind me and placed his long arms over mine.

"Addison honey, bend your right leg a little so it shows through the slit in the dress." She smiled and held up her camera, "Perfect! Now smile!"

I smiled and hopefully Tatum was too. After a few pictures on her camera she took one on my cell phone.

"Here!" My mom pointed to Tatum's new truck, "It's custom for you to get pictures in front of the vehicle you're driving."

"Mom, really?" I deadpanned.

"Yes! Hurry up so I can do Leila and her date!" She replied pointing to the big black truck.

Tatum and I walked over to the corner of the hood about ten feet away from the headlights. Tatum stood behind me again doing the same pose as before.

"Okay, now do a funny one!" Leila suggested.

I smiled at Tatum, "Make a gun with your fingers, put your back to mine and bend your knees."

Tatum did what I suggested and we released our pose after we heard the click of my camera phone.

"Leila you guys are next!"

After pictures we were finally really to leave. Leila and Jeremy had already left, I still needed to bring out my bag packed with my by hong suit and clothes. I can't believe I forgot it sitting on my bed.

Running back outside, I caught my mother. She raised her eyebrows, "When can I expect you to be home?" She questioned, "By the way you have been coming home late I shouldn't have even let you go to prom."

I saw Tatum walking closer, he must have heard my mother asking me her annoying question.

"I'll have her home by twelve ma'am. The prom ends at ten but word on the street is that the venue has bad food. I'll probably take Addison out for supper afterwords. Of that's alright with you, of course." Tatum flashed his country boy grinned effectively winning my mothers approval.

"Alright, not a minute later mister."

He laughed, "Yes ma'am. Understood."

"Bye mom." I waved, trying my hardest to walk away quickly.

I opened Tatum's truck and threw my plastic bag with clothes in before debating on how I should get in. I should have thought this through, the truck is huge and me in a dress and heels... Never gonna happen.

I jumped a bit when I felt a hand on my back. Tatum was there, "Let me help."

I smiled as he picked me up bridle style, setting me gently in the leather seat. He then walked around and jumped in effortlessly after he had unbuttoned his suit.

"Ready?" He asked.

I looked at him with a grin, "You bet... Oh, and don't get too excited about prom though. They always suck. You'll be begging me to leave."

He started the truck, letting the engine roar. I couldn't believe how fancy it was on the inside and out. The seats are made out of black leather, the dashboard made of finished wood. It had all your normal things like the radio and CD player. It also had the more fancy additions like the switches to the added lights, heated seats, and bluetooth capability.

Tatum was luckily able to switch all of his automobile information quickly. From the looks of it, he loved the new truck. Only thing I've heard him complain about was that it guzzled his diesel.

About five minutes after leaving my house I began to see limos and other people driving to prom.

You could tell they were going to prom because of the dresses some of the girls wore and the suits for the guys.

Being in Tatum's truck we could see into every vehicle next to us because we were so high up. Tatum defiantly has the mast lifted truck in town and quite possibly, the most expensive.

Before I knew it Tatum an I were pulling into a grandiose building. It looked like a grand palazzo. The entire building was white with large pillars coming down from the extended roof. Tatum pulled under them, right in front of the large French style double doors.

Tatum cut the engine and hopped out. He walked to my side and opened the door, grabbing me by the sides, helping me out.

Tatum handed his keys to the man dressed all fancy in a dark green, satin vest. I'm assuming he is a vallet man.

Another fancy dressed up man, looking miserable, opened one of the French doors. Walking inside, I could hear the loud music playing. The foyer was so big. It had shiny marble floors, a huge chandelier in the middle, and a large grand piano in the corner. There were three doors on each side. The two on the left and right appeared to be the dining rooms and the one in front of us, was the dance floor. Above that door, was a balcony leading into another room, with two grand staircases coming down each side. This was beautiful.

"What do you want to do first?" Tatum asked me.

"Let's go find where we sit. What table were we?"

"We are table ten, so that room there." Tatum pointed to the room on our left.

I smiled at how beautiful the place was. My shoes stopped clicking on the marble once we entered one of the large dining rooms. There was about ten tables, fancily decorated with beautiful center pieces and a white table cloth. The chairs were cover with the same white material except the only difference is, is that on the back of each chair was a blue, satin bow.

At the back of the dining room was a bar, serving anything you wanted including Shirley Temples. Nothing was alcoholic, obviously. That's why most of the people here are hiding there flasks. On the right side of the long rectangular room was a buffet.

Soon after, I had spotted Leila and Jeremy at the corner table. Since we bought our tickets together, we were able to sit at the same one which I was happy about.

We walked over and I couldn't help but focus on Tatum's large hand resting at the small of my back. The heat from his hand made me shiver.

"Are you cold?"

I grinned up at him, "No, but thank you."

Leila stood up with a big grin on her face, "Golly, I can't get over how hot you look girl!"

I laughed, "Shut up Leila!"

Tatum squeezed my side, "No, no. I'm gonna have to agree with Leila on this one." He winked at me and I looked at the floor trying to hide my blush.

"So do y'all wanna go dance some or get supper?"

I set my phone on the table next to Leila's clutch, "Let's go dance!"

Grabbing onto her hand, I led her out into the foyer. I could see Tatum and Jeremy following. We went to the middle room under the two grand staircases. It was almost packed with teenagers dressed up. You also had the occasional chaperone, with the serious look and crossed arms.

Leila and I managed to get our bodies through the myriad of students who were dancing.

It was a pop song and I recognized the singer as Selena Gomez. The song was an up beat one which I loved. I took both of Leila's hands in mine and started dancing to the beat of the music with our hips.

I noticed Tatum and Jeremy from the corner of my eye observing us. I turned my head with a wink in there direction and Tatum smirked raising his eyebrows.

He was walking over towards me but I pretended not to notice.

"Sorry for intruding Leila, but I came here to dance with my date." He smirked and I bursted out laughing when Leila hit him in the chest.

She threw her hands back in surrender, "Sorry!"

Just before Leila walked away, she whispered in my ear, "By the way, I really do love the dress. I'm sure Tatum does too because he knows he's gonna be the one to take it off tonight." She winked and I just about gagged on my own saliva.

I lightly hit her across the arm, "Leila! Stop!"

She winked and walked away to Jeremy.

By the time Leila got done telling me how Tatum an I were going to have sex tonight, the song I liked was over.

A new one came on. It sounded country with and upbeat rhythm.

Tatum placed his hands around my back and instead of me putting my arms around his neck, I placed them on his hips. I hadn't realized until now that Tatum had taken off his suit jacket.

All that was stopping me from touching his tan and toned skin was a thin piece of white dress shirt.

His skin was scorching hot. Fire was running up my hands, through my arms.

We swayed back and forth to the beat of the music never looking away from each other . His green, loving, and sad gaze pierced into mine like a dagger.

I was still wondering why he was sad. I desperately want to know but I don't want him to think of me as a pushy girlfriend.

I pushed it past me when a new song came on. The other seniors began jumping up and down like lunatics. Tatum and I joined with the mosh pit for a few more songs until the DJ came over the microphone, "Alright kids, time to slow it down."

I smiled at Tatum as I placed my arms around his neck. I drew myself closer to him, loving everything about the moment. We slowly moved back and forth and I rested my head on his chest. Tatum rested his head on mine. He sighed against my hair however, I'm not sure of it was a sigh of sadness or content.

I looked up at Tatum and whispered, "I think this could be considered as our first slow dance." I winked and he grinned.

He raised his hands on me cheeks an after zeroing in on my lips, he lent down and kissed me.

His mouth tasting like mint and cigarettes. I've always hated the habit that always seems to be a pain manager for Tatum. I'm not sure if it was the nicotine or just my adrenaline but, I loved it.

In that moment, I forgot all about telling everyone we were dating at prom. I could hear a few gasps as our lips continued to mingle under a fiery heat.

My hands roamed with his slicked back hair, no doubt messing it up.

I'm pretty sure we made out until the song ended and I'm pretty sure Tatum heard my stomach hungrily growling when he asked, "Are you hungry? Do you wanna go sit down for a bit?"

I nodded, "Sure. I'd like that. I think Leila and Jeremy already went."

Tatum took a hold of my hand in his and I took the opportunity to talk about us, "Tatum did you heard everyone gasping?" I whispered with a chuckle. "I'm sure people were staring too."

He kissed my cheek as we walked into the grand dining room, "Let them." He chuckled with a smirk.

We walked to the buffet and grabbed white plates. Then filled them with what ever we desired. Tatum and I have similar taste in food considering he and I picked almost the same thing. We each chose roasted potatoes and lemon-butter Tilapia. Tatum got some more vegetables and I got pasta with sauce.

We made our way back to the table and my breath was hitched in my throat.

It was her. That same brown haired, freckled bimbo who would much like to tear my head off my neck. Why was she sitting at our table? Was it because she wanted to get to me? Or was it Tatum.

Knowing her it be both. I hate Tiffany with a burning passion.

We sat back down in our table and I darted my eyes to Leila trying to figure out was was going on.

Turns out Leila was just as clueless as me.

Tiffany want nothing but trouble.

I looked at her with a smile, "Tiffany, what brings you to our table?"

She made a fake smile and I could see straight through her whole façade, "Silly! Darlin' this is m table too!" She reached into her dress and pulled out a small flask from in between her breasts and sneakily dumped some alcohol into her drink.

I chuckled grabbing a hold of Tatum's hand, "Oh well, okay."

She took a forkful to her face, "So, word on the street it... Y'all two are a thing now?"

I looked at Tatum and chuckled, "Sure are! We waited to blow the beans."

She made a sickly sweet smile, "How adorable." I could tell she was mad because her knuckles turned white gripping her drink.

I turned to Tatum, "I'm going to use the bathroom. Then can we leave?"

"Sure. I'll meet you in the foyer."

I smiled and mainly acknowledged Leila and Jeremy, "See you guys later!"

I picked up my phone an started walking to the bathroom. It was empty and clean. So fancy...

I pulled out my lipstick my my clutch and started to reapply until I heard the sound of a lock click. I turned my head to the right.

My heart beat raced as I became fearful. Tiffany has come to rip my head off.

"What do you really want Tiffany?"

She made a posh laugh, "I want Tatum back."

I tried to side step her but she blocked me, "Well that's not happening."

A sadistic smile played on her lips, "Are y-you sure 'bout that darlin'?" And then she did something I hadn't expected. She pulled out a pocket knife and pointed it in my direction. She was totally wasted... I backed up into the bathroom door making a loud thump, hoping someone would hear me.

I quickly unlocked the door with my hand hidden behind my back, "You don't want to do this Addison."

"Trust me. I really do..."

And so she lunged. I dodged the shape knife by smacking it to the floor. I then took my elbow and slammed it into her face. She fell to the floor as I gained control of the small weapon.

Running into the fort bathroom stall, I dropped the two inch knife into the toilet. I also dropped some blood and that's when I realized I had cut myself in the floor arm when I knocked the weapon out of Tiffany's hands. With no time to dwell, I flushed the evidence of my presence away.

I was shaking so hard, I fumbled for the door, Tiffany still lying down. Running into the foyer, I collide with Tatum. "Run!" I yell.

"What? What's wrong? What happened to your arm!?"

"Just come on!"

We started speed walking to the French doors of the venue. After we passed the doorman and rounded the outside of the big building, I started sprinting for Tatum's big truck which I spotted relatively close.

"Go! Go! Go! Tatum, drive!"

Tatum jumped into his truck and I did as we'll not caring about my dress of shoes. He started the engine and we roared away.

"What the hell is going on!?"

"Tiffany just tried to stab me with a poker knife because I took you away from her. I knocked the knife away, cut my arm, and knocked her out. Just please drive! Drive to the woods! I don't care." My hands and body uncontrollably shaked.

"It's okay, your fine..."

Tatum continued to sooth me and eventually I realized Tatum was driving through the path inside Brantley's clearing. He was rating me towards the Flint river fishing spot.

Be backed the truck up to the bank of the river and killed the ignition.

I took off my seatbelt and slid next to Tatum who willingly opened his arms to me. Resting my head in his lap, I began to sob.

He rubbed his hand up and down my back in a soothing manor while I let out my emotions that have most likely been building up since my father left.

Once I settled, I looked up at Tatum and sniffed, "I'm so sorry Tatum."

He smiled, "Don't sweat it Belle. Come here." He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. "Tell you what, let's get changed and we can just relax."

"You want me to changed in this truck?" I laughed, wiping the remaining tear off of my cheek.

"Sure. Why not. The windows are tinted." He laughed. "I'll hop out and change. You can put your bathing suit on in here."

I nodded my head. "Okay. Sounds Ike a plan..."

Tatum had then jumped out and closed the door with his swimming shorts in hand. I then grabbed my bag of clothes and pulled out my ombré fringe bikini that I got last year on sale. I carefully slipped off my dress and undergarments. After slipping on my white bottoms and tying on my fringed top, I hopped out of the truck noticing Tatum standing off to the side with his bar back towards me.

He had is dress clothes in one hand.

Hearing the door shut, he turned to me and smiled. "Damn girl. You look hot."

I chuckled and then noticed his body, "Not to bad yourself Boyer." I smirked.

He threw his clothes into the truck, close the door, and grabbed a hold of my bare waist. He was so close with on swimming shorts on. No shirt...

I admired him and placed my hands on his chest before leaning in and kissing him.

"You wanna sit on the tailgate?"

I nodded my head and Tatum took one of my hands in his. He opened up the diamond played tool box in the bed of his truck and pulled out a blanket, lamp, radio, and a few towels. He pulled the tailgate down and hopped up, me following suit.

Tatum turned on the radio and lamp. The sound of music and the woods filled my ears while the sight of Tatum lighting a cigaret met my eyes.

Taking a first puff, he let the sweet smelling smoke roll off his breath with a sigh.

I stared at the death trap, oddly wanting to feel the high of nicotine in my blood. I know it's so bad. But it can't hurt once. I needed to calm my nerves.

"Tatum," I looked at him.

"Yeah Belle?" He flicked some ashes and they fell to the ground below.

"Would you call me crazy if I wanted to try some of that?"

He took one last drag of the half burned cigaret, "No. Here. I don't blame you." He handed me the Tobacco and I slowly put it up to my lips breathing in the sweet smoke, a cloud of calm washing over me.


I looked up at Tatum, "Yeah?"

He grabbed a hold of my free hand, "Would you call me crazy if I told you I loved you...?"

I made a sharp breath and my cigaret fell to the ground, turning into and orange blur.




I really hope you liked this chapter...!



Song on side is Beat Of The Music by Brett Eldredge :) (posting soon)

Photo on the side is of Addison in her prom dress! (posting soon)

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