Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 20- (Oh Shit Times Three)

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Hey guys! How's everyone!

Just one thing to say... It's not like Luke Bryan is ever going to see this but I'd like to congratulate him on his album "Crash My Party" for making it as a PLATINUM RECORD :D he deserves it so much!

Anyway, here the chapter guys, enjoy!

PS: Not edited/ mild adultish content!

Chapter 20- (Oh Shit Times Three)

Our foreheads were rested together in a peaceful silence, "I'm sorry Addison."

I looked at Tatum in the eyes and giggled, "Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for being such and ass. I'm sorry for not admitting my feelings."

I pecked him on the lips, "Don't worry you're forgiven Tater."

Tatum smirked and raised his right eyebrow, "What did you call me?" His large hands slid down to my sides, he began tickling me.

"No! Stop! Hahahahaha! I'm sorry! I meant to say- oh my god, hahaha! Tatum!"

He stopped tickling me and I could finally catch a breath, keep in mind that the Advil still hadn't kicked in so my head was still pounding.

I stared up at the brown and reddish haired boy with the hypnotizing green eyes. Almost a year ago I wanted to shoot myself because I had to move but thinking back, I wouldn't have changed it for a second.

"What are you thinking about?" Tatum asked, his intense gaze burning holes through my face. I blushed.

I shook my head letting another peaceful silence follow.

Then my thoughts drifted to last night.

Oh God.

"Hey Tatum, can I ask you something?"

He raised an eyebrow, scratching at the small stubble on his chin. "Sure?"

"On a scale of 1-10 how much of a fool did I make out of myself last night?"

I prepared for the worst...

Good thing I did.

"Well. Uh... 8?"

I face palmed myself, "Ugh God I'm an idiot. " I shook my head in disgust at myself. "Do you mind refreshing my memory?"

"Well... You started chatting with the college ass. You got drunk, started dancing which I was not happy about, and then you got on my truck and started dancing. That was hot though." Tatum winked with a smirk and squeezed my sides lightly. "After that, you disappeared with him."

"Oh my..." I muttered punching the bridge of my nose.

I pulled Tatum's hands off I my sides and began walking towards the unfamiliar truck that I woke up in. I heard steps behind me letting me know that Tate was following.

I need to figure out what happened last night..

I opened the drivers side door and saw that the guy I was with last night was still laying in an awkward position from early when Tatum gracefully pushed him off the bench seat.

"Don't talk to him Addison." Tatum said.

"But I need to find out what happened!"

"Fine then, let me talk to him."

And so I did.

I let Tatum next to the kid who I made a fool of myself with.

"Wake up you little shit." Tatum said sternly, grabbing onto his arm shaking him violently.

The kid groaned. I don't even remember his name... Oh my God. I'm such a slut and it was all over Tatum.

At least your plan worked.... My second half said.

That is true. I have Tatum now...

I was brought back to my current situation. The guy groaned at Tatum's violent shaking, "Dude, chill."

Tatum's shook him again as if to knock some sense into him, "How far did you and that blond girl go?"

"Addison? Oh. Not far. I just wanted an easy bang but that bitch kept saying some dudes name. Tatum I think. Why do you care?"


I almost lost my virginity to some asshole I don't know but I kept saying Tatum's name which saved me.

In one sense I was happy and grateful. In another I was completely mortified.

I half expected Tatum to turn around towards me with his signature smirk but it never came. Instead he raised his fist and punched the kid square in the jaw knocking him out.

When Tatum turned around I saw a look of pure anger written all over his face. I even saw it in his body language ... He began walking away and I quickly followed him.

I tried so hard to recall any memories from last night. And one came to my mind.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I remembered a small part from last night.

I remembered the kid ontop of me and death grip on my waste would explain the bruises. I remember kissing him and then his hand clamping over my mouth when I tried to back out of what was about to take place.

After that was a blur. Everything was cloudy. I was trying to get Tatum's attention but I wasn't loud enough.

It's okay... You are fine Addison. You just fell asleep because you were so drunk. You weren't taken advantage of.

"Come on Addison." Tatum said from his truck.

I looked his way, my thoughts being interrupted. "Yeah sure."

I began walking towards his truck and hoped in. "You okay?" Tatum asked.

I nodded my head but I knew that Tatum could see right through my façade. He looked out of the window and started up his vehicle, pulling out.

To change the subject I started talking about our relationship, "Hey Tatum, what if we keep our relationship a secret until prom? How cute would that be if we came out then?"

"I don't know Addison. Someone is gonna suspect sooner or later."

"An if they do, then we threaten them." I winked and Tatum chuckled.

"I don't know if I can keep my hands off of you for another month when we are in public..." He winked back.

"That's what bedrooms are for, silly goose." From the corner of my eye I noticed Tatum raise an eyebrow ant my dirty joke. I just kept cool and laughed on the inside.

Tatum later dropped me off at my house. I was so tired and still hungover. Being super careful not to make noise, I tip toed up the stairs not wanting to be caught coming home with a hangover.

I took a breathe of relief I had subconsciously been holding when I successfully made it to my room without being caught. I locked my door behind me and flung myself onto my bed.


I was awakened my my phone buzzing in my pocket.

I groaned and rolled over, "Hello?" I asked groggily.

It was Leila. "Hey girl! What's up?"

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, "I just woke up. How about you?"

"Not much..." She paused. "Hey! Do you wanna go out prom dress shopping with me?"

"Well, I don't have any money to buy one but I already have one at home. I'll help you though." I say. To be honest, I was still a little upset at Leila. But I can't be mad at her for forever. She was my first real friend at this place.

"Great! I'll pick you up! Don't forget to take a picture of your dress! I wanna see it!"

I chuckled into the receiver, "Okay Leils. Pick me up at-" I looked at my phones time and realized it was already 2:30 pm. "at three?"

"Great! See you later girly."

Leila hung up the phone and I immediately jumped up and began to change my clothes. I was still in the ones from last night.

At least I felt better.

I tossed on a purple tight fitted flowing tank top that cinched at my waist, a pair of dark skinny jeans, and my cowgirl boots.

Running a brush through my hair, I looked at myself in the mirror and felt proud that I got ready in such short time.

I then walked to my closet and pulled out my dress I had bough in New Jersey last year. I love it. It was a purple color with one thick strap that would go across my left shoulder. In the middle of my chest, there was a split that would essentially show some cleavage. The rest of the dress was cinched at my waist and it flowed to the floor.

I snapped a picture an before I knew it, Leila was outside my house impatiently beeping her horn. I laughed at how obnoxious she was.

I ran down the stairs, "Mother, I'm going shopping with Leila. See you later."

"Alright Addison!"

I walked out my door and hopped into Leila's truck.

After two hours of shopping, Leila had found her perfect dress. I'm not going to lie, she looked absolutely stunning.

It was a bright red mermaid dress that clung to her Latin women curves. Her slightly tan Latin skin worked well with the colors. Intricate sequins around the bust while the satin dress flowed out from her shins to the floor.

I was kind of jealous but I knew there was no reason to be jealous... I smiled at Leila, "It's beautiful. Nobody will keep their eyes off of you girl!"

She smiled sheepishly and blushed, "Thanks Addi."


It's been a week since Tatum and I have been secretly dating. This was going one hard because I just want to kiss him... We were currently sitting in first period anatomy and we were working in pairs on an Internet scavenger hunt Mrs. Sartain prepared for us.

I was concentrating on reading a passage about the intestines when I felt a hand trailing up an down my leg.

I looked at Tatum and gave him a death glare, "Stop! Not here!" I hiss in his ear

He retracted his hand and gave me the puppy dog eyes before groaning, "You have no idea how hard this is for me." He complained.

I smiled and punched his cheek, "Only until June Hun."

He groaned again and I giggled.

"Addison and Tatum is there something you guys would like to share to the class?" Mrs. Sartain asked with an eyebrow cocked. She had an impatient look on her face.

"I-uhh. I have to pee!" After I said that I mentally face palmed myself.

I don't do good under pressure...

The entire class started to erupt in laughed while my face burned bright red.

"Would you like a pass to the lavatory?"

"Yes ma'am..." I say holding my head down as I walked up to her desk.

That was awkward....

When I returned from the bathroom, I sat back in my seer and Tatum began to chuckle until I punched him hard on the thigh. "Keep laughing and ill aim higher." I whispered ever so quietly in his ear.

His expression changed from joking to scared. His lips formed the letter "o" and I smirked at him before finished the class work.

The rest of the day had passed pretty easily. I feel like I did okay on my stats quiz and I was doing even better when Leila invited me to stay over her house tonight.

Obviously I said yes.

At 6 o'clock I made my way over to Leila's house. She answered the door and smiled. One thing that stuck me was that she was dresses very nicely.

"What are you dressed up for?" I asked curiously.

"We are going to a party." She cheered.

Before I could decline she grabbed onto my hand and led me to her room. She threw a black pencil skirt and a blue tank top my way. "Great! You are wearing my red boots! That looks so cute!" Leila pulled my hair out of its pony tale and let it fall past my shoulders. She handed my a red head band and instructed me to put it in.

And so I did. I feel like Leila bosses me around too much.

I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe that the outfit actually was decent.

We left not even thirty minutes later and when we got to the party, I realized that this was a house party. Not one outside. It was different then what I was used to.

The music was booming through the street, many teens talking or walking drunkenly around the yard. Sticking forks into the grass...


You know what, I'm not even going to question it...

"Why are we here?" I questioned Leila. "I can't keep coming to parties every weekend... Last weekend I got totally wasted and almost hooked up with a college guy..."

"Lighten up babe, just don't drink..."

She's right. No harm in going to a party an not drinking right?

Leila parked her truck in the road and immediately when we stepped onto the ground, the bass of the music deer berated throughout our bodies.

Leila handed me a red solo cup. She also had one of her own. I was a little confused.

We walked up to the door and a guy maybe twenty five smiled at as, "Payment ladies?"

Payment? What the hell is talking about?

Leila showed him her cup and I followed.

The guy smiled, "Looks like you are in for free." He winked. "Drink it up, have fun ladies."

"I'm not drinking Leila!" I hissed.

"Shut up Addison. It's only so we don't have to pay money to get in."

I scrunched my nose up in disgust. They only want the girls to drink so they can get drunk and do something they can't control because of their affected judgement. I've been there.

The house was full of sweaty bodies dancing, and doing other nasty things. Some were smoking god knows what... Then I see these two girls on the table top in the kitchen dancing with no shirts on.

That's going to be one headache in the morning....

Then a nasty smell hit my nose. It was like a mixture of crap and skunk and then that's when I realized some idiots were smoking weed. I defiantly like the Bon fires better.

When a new song came on, Leila squealed and grabbed my hand making me follow her to the living room with all the bodies. She grabbed a hold of my two hands and started dancing with me.

Because of the crowed we were slowly being pushed together. We were practically grinding on each other but it wasn't awkward because we were best friends.

After a few songs, I had noticed Tatum from the corner of my eye over near the bar with a beer in his hand. He was talking to Jason.

I smirked at Leila.

I turned so that my butt was pressed against the front of her. We continued to dance, moving our hips together in sync. We eventually broke away to do our own dance moves.

I then turned and looked at Tatum straight in the eyes and gave him a flirty smile before turning my back on him and facing Leila.

I started doing a groove walk by alternating my weight on my left and right feet also adding a body roll. My hands just were raised in the air or were traveling down my body across my body tight skirt.

Somehow I managed to go into another dance moved where I bent me knees, sticking out my butt, jutting out my hip, and letting the rest of my body roll.

Leila started dancing with some guy so I didn't really care. I was only trying to dance for one person.


Ugh. I'm such a tease. Let's just hope that I don't look restarted doing these moves. I smiled to myself think about how bad I look right now...

Tatum's P.O.V

I was drinking a beer and talking to Jay when I noticed Addison was here. My eyes trailed down the length of her body, dayum she looked hot. She was wearing a tight skirt that showed everything beautiful. Not to mention a busty tank top.

I was enjoying her dancing with Leila. They both looked amazing, sweaty bodies finding on each other.

Addison is making it so hard for me to ignore her mostly in public. Right now I just wanted her body against mine..

They then body split up, Leila dancing with some sleaze ball who was groping her ass. Addison on the other hand just danced alone. But good lord se looked hot doing it.

She was such a big turn on and my breath was hitched in my throat when she peered my way and gave me a flirtatious smile before turning around so her backside was facing me.

That little... tease! I came up with the words.

She has known I was here watching this whole damn time.

Best part was she was dancing just for me.

My mouth watered as she kept her body rolling smoothly and sexily, her hands moving up and down every part of her body.

That should be my hands on her...

Calm down Tatum...

I had had enough when she switched to another dance move.

The dip grind...

She knew my weakness... I watched her as was was breaking it down, moving her lower half, her fingers tangling in her hair.

I set my beer down and left Jason. I walked up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist. I lowered my head until I was near her ear.

"Dayum baby, dayum. You know my weakness." I state matter of factly. I placed my hands on her hip bones and started to dance with her from behind.

She chuckled before turning around, "Not here Tatum. We are on the down low remember?" She smirked.

"You are such a god damn tease..."

She made a sweet smile and I wanted to just grab a hold of her face and kiss her. But I knew that would not end well.

I pulled her aside and pulled her into the empty bathroom. I pushed up against the wall.

It was just like déjà vu when we had just met.

Smirking at her, I just couldn't help from touching her.

"No one can see us in here." I say nibbling on her ear lobe. I continue to leave little nibbles and kisses down her neck until I licked the spot where her neck and shoulder conjoined.

"Tatum." She said but it came out more as a groan and I continued to work my magic.

She summoned the strength to slightly push me of her. "Just save this Tatum."

"Save it for what?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged, "Whenever." Walking toward the bathroom door, she smirked, "You know my weakness now too." She then opened the doors and left me standing there alone.


Addison's P.O.V

That party last Friday had made me feel good. And what happened with Tatum... God I can't even get it out of my head.

He may seem like the only hormonal one but trust me, he's not. I subconsciously ran a few fingers down my neck until I got to my small love bite he had given me.

Luckily I was abled to hide it Monday and Tuesday.

It was now Wednesday and we had no school.

All the sophomores and juniors were taking the PSAT so all the seniors could skip.

Too bad I was laying in my bed with chocolate, disney movie marathons, and a heating pad.

Yep you guessed it...

Ugh I hate being a girl...

I threw a pillow at my tv as the prince kissed Sleeping Beauty to life. God I hated fairy tales. However, I'm not sure why the hell I was watching it.

My heart began pounding when my phone started ringing, it was Tatum.

"Hello." I say a little shaky.

"Hey Belle, you wanna hang out today?" I looked at my abdomen covered by my heating pad.

"Sorry Tate, I'll have to pass I'm not feeling very good."

"Oh well, feel better darlin."

I smiled into the phone, "Yep. Thanks." He hung up and I threw my phone back on the bed next to me.

When Sleeping Beauty was over, I put in Hunchback of Notre Dame. Then I started shoving chocolates in my face and bawling my eyes out. This poor kid was so mistreated. I felt so bad for him. He has to talk to gargoyles because he had no friends.

Sob after sob pored down my face.

What the hell is wrong with me, this is horrible. I never cry this much!

My thoughts lead back to Tatum's. It's all his fault...

I through another pillow at the poor kids "Master" who actually took him you.

"I hate you! How could you be so mean to him!" I started sobbing again and I picked up another pillow ready to throw it at the tv.

I was stopped dead in my tracks when I heard my name... I jumped up from my bed, my heating pad and candy falling to the floor. I flung the pillow at the person standing in the balcony door way.

"Woah... Addison! Chill it's just me!"

Then I realized it was just Tatum.

Just Tatum...

Oh shit.

I was dressing in baggy grey sweat pants and a tight fitting white tank top. I am pretty sure he saw everything.

He walked over to me and looked me in the eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but why the hell are you crying at the tv?" Tatum stepped back a little and looks down at my floor suspiciously.

"What the hell is this!?" He picked up his left foot only to see that there was a mixture of stringy caramel and chocolate stuck to him. He lifted up my heating pad and place it on my bed.

"Addison, I thought you said you were sick..."

I sat down on my bed while Tatum picked up the rest of my chocolates.

"Well in a way I am..." I gave a slight smile but he still didn't get it... He raised his eyebrow clueless, "Ugh! Guys are so stupid! Can't you see the signs!?" I whisper yelled.

"What signs!?" He said in the same hushed tone.

"Me crying at the tv, heating pad, chocolates..." I paused hoping he would catch my drift. God this is so embarrassing.

Recognition clicked on his face, "Oh... That time of the month?"

"No shit, Sherlock." I gaped.

"Oie. I should have told you I was coming. Sorry babe. Do you mind if I watch the movie with you?" He asked.

I was taken aback. "Well if you really wanna..."

Tatum kicked of his shoes and laid down on my bed next to me while I place the pad back onto my abdomen. This is kinda awkward.

We were watching the movie for a while but I couldn't concentrate on it when Tatum's hand found my side.

I could feel my face heat up. Even more when I realize that my wife beater tank top was partly see through exposing my red bra.

He needs to stop touching me...

I jumped off my bed, "Okay, please stop touching me." I say.

Tatum sprawled out more on my bed, his muscular arms locking around his neck. His tight, tight pants staring at me. Ugh! "Why not Addi, you know you love it." He smirked.

And that's when I pounced on him. I flung myself across the bed, and grabbed a hold of him, my lips landing on his. He wasn't expecting my crazy movements so we tumbled to the floor.

I landed on the bottom and smashed my lips to his. He answered back with a lusty groan at the back of his throat.
My hands ran through his luscious hair pushing his head further into mine.

Licking his bottom lip, I asked for entrance which he excepted with another hearty groan.

Tatum began speaking and in between words I kissed him, "You-" kiss. "taste-" kiss. "like-" kiss. "chocolate."

I smiled into my next kiss. I arched my back higher and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hand inches up my body and stopped right at the tip of my rib cage, just under my bra.

He pulled away from the kiss, his eyes flicking to my chest. He licked his lips and then they made contact with my eyes before he started another heated kiss.

This was beautiful.

Oh my god.

What the hell has gotten into me.

I made a groan of pure ecstasy when Tatum flipped us over. I was now on top, straddling him. He was sitting up and out bodies where glued together. I hadn't noticed my shirt had ridden up, exposing my belly button ring, he pulled away admiring it, "Damn, good girl has piercings?" He smirked and I pushed him down back to the floor before flipping us again so that I was on the bottom.

Trailing my hands up Tatum's shirt, I felt excited when he shivered under my touch. He was so sculped...

He continued kissing me leaving fiery, heated kisses down my jawline and neck.

Just like at the party...

He got to my sweet spot and I made another moan of pleasure.

How come our clothes hadn't come off yet...?

Tatum and I both froze when we heard my door swing open.

Oh shit...

I peered over at my door and saw Daniel....

Tatum was so dead.

My brothers face was... Um. Let's just say he looked constipated.

Tatum had stopped kissing me and starting looking at me like a deer in headlights.

My brother spoke, "Whoever the hell you are, you better get the fuck off my sister before I castrate you right now..."

Oh shit times three...


OMG I peed myself writing this chapter! HAHAHA that was some serious make out sesh right!?


love you guys.

Song on the side is Dayum, Baby by Florida Georgia Line. I will have the vid on side tomorrow.

Anyway, thanks for reading ! COMMENT VOTE AND FAN

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