Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 18- (Never Say Never)

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Hey guys! Finally a new chapter! I'm really sorry :( but anyway I just wanna say that y'all should go to your local chain store and buy yourself Luke Bryan's new album on August 13th!


Anyway... Here the next chapter:)


Chapter 18- (Never Say Never)

It's the end of the month and honestly, I can't believe tomorrow is Saturday May 1st... It's absolutely crazy that time has flown by just so quickly.

Sure this year my life has been super complicated but I don't think I would change it for anything. Tough experiences just make you stronger..

Tatum and Leila have actually made it better. A few times, Leila has offered to come to the gym with me when Tatum was working.

I checked my phone for the time and it was 7:30 PM. Leila was laying on my bed browsing through some old teenager magazines I had laying in my room.

"Oh my God." she suddenly outburst, "JB and Selena are a couple again?" She asks throwing the magazine on the floor.

Something tells be she isn't a "Belieber"... I chuckled, "Who knows Leils. That magazine is over a month old and it's a tabloid magazine. Nothing is ever true with those stupid things..."

"I guess you're right..." She replied contemplating where she stood in the matter of Justin and Selena dating. "Either way, Selena better not be with this douchesnozzle..."

I laughed and went back into my phone, tapping on a timer app.

Ever since-

"Are you checking that timer app again Addison?" She smirked sitting up in my bed. "You do realize that the prom timer only moved an hour since you last checked right?"

My face flushed red, "Nooo... I'm just web surfing." I hopelessly denied.

And yes, if you were wondering, I said yes to Tatum's offer about prom and I've been so excited about it.

"You likeeeee him don't ya..." She smirked.

"No..." I replied.

She moved herself to the edge of the bed, closer to me at my computer chair.

She glued those big, brown, half-Spanish eyes on mine searching for my lies. "I can tell you like him..." She drilled further.

"So what if I like him a little... It doesn't matter anyway because he will never like me back. Plus I'm leaving for New York in 5 months. There's no point in even trying to get Tatum to like me. It's just bad timing." I frowned.

"Never say never!" She grinned.

"Did you just recite Justin Bieber lyrics to me...?"

She face-palmed herself, "Oh my Lord I think I did..." I laughed at her until she abruptly grabbed onto my hands, "If you like him, then go for him. So what if you're leaving in a few months... Just have fun girl! And who knows, maybe a curveball in Tatum's life will send him up north."

I shook my head, "I doubt that... Tatum wants to stay here and run his farm."

"Whatever girl. But please when you leave, don't trash this small town because you couldn't live a little."

I was about to answer a snarky reply but my phone started to buzz in my hand. I looked at it and I got nervous.

I can't believe I have a crush on Tatum. This wasn't my plan what so ever...

A girl like me, liking a guy like Tatum. Oh yes, because that will end so well. I mean, who am I kidding. It's Tatum freaking Boyer. He's the incredibly beautiful hunk with the irresistible country boy charm which has managed to wrap all of these girls around his calloused finger. Myself included. I'm not kidding anyone, I'm only kidding myself.

Nothing good comes out of summer romances. At least, that's what I've learned in movies and books. It always ends up with a tearful goodbye and a very depressing look back at the person you liked in the rear view mirror.

Getting to know Tatum some more would be great but I don't think he would go for me anyway, aside from all our differences.

I unlocked it and held my phone to my ear, "Hey Tatum."

I was looking at Leila who kept raising her eyebrows.

"Me and some of the guys are gonna go fishing. You wanna accompany?"

I eyed Leila who was mouthing, "Flirt."

I don't know what came over me but I started to flirt as Leila had suggested, "Hmm. I don't know Tater, I've kinda got things to do..."

"Awe c'mon darlin' I got some good drinks."

"Oh alright... I guess I can come for a little bit..." I tried to suppress my laughter, "Can Leila come too?"

"Yeah sure. She knows the spot. Flint River. Ill see you soon?"

"Sure thing." I hung up and looked at Leila who was perched in front of me like a dog expecting a treat.

"Tatum wants us to go fishing. He said you know of the Flint River spot?"

She clapped her hands, "Oh yay! I've been dying to catch me some Catfish! It's just past Brantley's clearing." Her smile widened, "Girl, we gotta get you all dolled up for your little crush." Leila winked and I blushed.

"It's only fishing. How dressed up do we gotta get?" I ask.

I don't think I've ever been fishing but its worth a shot. Who knows, I might like it.

"Hmm... What to do, what to do..." She tapped her pointer finger on the front of her teeth, thinking of an idea for me. "Messy pony tail! Keep on your khaki shorts and then put on a loose tee. Should be a cute look! Don't forget those brown water proof boots I gave you." She smiled.

"Love you Leils."

It's nice to know that I was abled to get past the horrible stereotype of the "city girl" with at least one person.

Could Tatum be added to that mixture?


Leila and I pulled through Brantley clearing and into the dirt path which that pervert Greg took me down the night when Tatum and I almost kissed.

I shuddered at the memory.

Instead of thinking about how Greg almost took advantage of me, I thought about how pretty the sky is.

Right now the 7 O'clock summer sky was at its highest peak before it was time to descend back down. The smokey orange sun tickled the treetops as we passed.

Little puffs of pink could be seen mixed in making the scene even better. I grabbed my phone and snapped a quick picture. The sky was beautiful but I knew it wouldn't last for long...

Soon enough we pulled into this half woods half sand clearing right in front of a murky looking stream of water which if I'm not mistaken, is Flint River.

The bank of the river was sand while surrounding it was the woods Leila and I had just driven through.

Leila pulled her truck next to a few others. I notched Tatum's Chevy and got a little jumpy. I then noticed Tatum's and a few of his friends down the river getting ready there fishing poles.

It's an understatement if I said the river wasn't huge. It would defiantly take a few minutes to swim across.

She parked her truck and we hopped out. As Leila went to the bed of her truck, someone shouted, "You better get the piece of shit truck outta here..."

She turned and smirked at who I believe to be as Jason. One of Tatum's friends, who helped us sink R.J's truck in the man made lake behind his house.

"Zip it you ass clown. Just remember what you said about my Ford when your shitty Chevy gets stuck. I won't be the one to haul you out."

Score one for Leila!

I laughed and walked around the bed of the truck grabbing the second fishing rod that we got from Leila's house.

Luckily I found some old pepperoni in the fridge that we could use as bait. I bring bait, Leila bring the poles. Win win situation.

Tatum flashed his country boy grin, "Hey ladies."

"Sup, Tatum." Leila replied unaffected by his irresistible charm.

How does she do it?!

"H-hey Tatum." I made a half smile trying to ignore his gaze.

I looked back shocked when I heard Leila's voice, "Hey baby." She grabbed onto the jaw of an unknown guy and planted a kiss on his lips.

What the heck!

"Leila! When were you gonna tell me about this?" I moved my finger motioning between the two of them.

She giggled, "Sorry Addison I guess I forgot! This is Jeremy."

"Nice to finally here about you, Jeremy.." I held out my hand and took his dark one in mine.

"Pleasure." He smiled, grabbing onto Leila's side.

Tatum clapped his hands together and rubbed them, "Alright kiddies, are y'all ready for some fishin'?"

Everyone nodded as I spoke, "We better hurry up though, it's gonna pour."

"How do you know darlin'?" Tatum asked.

"Have you ever heard the saying 'Pink at night, sailors delight. Pink in the morning, sailors warning.'?"

They all shook their heads. "Ugh, we'll the sky is pink telling us its going to storm pretty bad. It's good to sailors because at night they sleep and don't deal with navigating the oceans.."

"Hmm. That's interestin'..." Jeremy says.

"Anyway so let's hurry before it downpours!"

"Alright, alright." Tatum laughed, "Hold your horses."

Jason snickered.

Leila handed me my pole while she got out hers along with our pepperoni bait. She handed me a piece and I folded it before sliding it on the hook.

I cast my line far out into the river, a cutesy little pink bobber was all I could see.

Somewhere in between then, someone had turned on the boom box and shoved a Dixie cup into my left hand.

I'm not sure what's in it, but it smells good! Like pineapples!

I took a sip and boy was the flavor strong... The liquid slithered down my throat with a burning sensation and a pineapple after taste.

What scares me the most is that I actually liked it.

I turned around towards Tatum, "Refill Tater?"

"Dayum darlin'. Hold your horses." He chuckled and grabbed the glass alcohol bottle leaning against a nearby tree. He filled up the small cup and I took another sip enjoying the taste.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Bacardi baby." Tatum brought the bottle to his lips and took a swig without a cup. He made a funny face before swallowing, "Some amazing stuff."

Leila, Jeremy, Jason, and I had thrown our lines into the water waiting for something to bite.

Tatum stuck on his bait a few minutes later and cast out his line.

I was getting impatient 5 minutes in... Nothing was biting.

"Come on!" I half yell.

"Relax girl. It takes patients. Why don't you turn up the music?"

I huffed and turned the volume up. Leila squealed in delight, "Ah! This is one of Luke Bryan's new songs!"

It was a catchy tune.

* I wanna feel your heart go tick tock, while the rain from your hair drip drops,

Parked down in the middle of nowhere,

There's a place I can get up against your lips,

That's where I gotta be, with you lookin' like this,

Lets get lost somewhere, anywhere we gotta hold back,

If we're gonna go out baby, lets go out like that. *

"It's catchy." I remark, walking back to my fishing pole.

"Here, reel it in, let me help you cast it." Tatum offered.

"Okay." I reeled in the line and that's when I felt a pair of big, warm hands on my forearms.

My breath was hitched but Tatum continued to move his right hand over top of mine holding the fishing pole.

His chest was pressed against my back and honestly, he could probably feel my heart pounding through my back...

He took the pole with my hands still on it and moved my body with his, swinging it back and casting the line.

"There. Now maybe because of my lucky touch, you'll get a fish." Tatum smirked at my clearly phased expression.

I looked over towards my right noticing Leila and Jeremy having a complete make-out session...

Poor Jason is standing there like a loner who had nothing to do. I smiled, "Well since Tatum's 'lucky' touch sucks ass, Jason you wanna dance?"

"Sure! Anything beats a dry river." He smiled and walked over next to me.

I grabbed onto his hands and led him in front of the trucks near the radio.

We were dancing like idiots until a slow song came on. He slowly placed his arms around my back and my arms around his neck.

We just moved to the song in a slow motion, side to side.

My head was rested against Jason's chest. All was peaceful until Tatum called, "Addison something's got your line!"

I smiled at Jason before dashing towards my fishing pole.

The entire pink bobber was underwater completely. I started reeling in the line and as it got shorter and shorter, the thing on the end got heavier and heavier.

I pulled it onto the bank of the river and was amazed at what it was.

"AWE! It's a wittle turtle. Okay, so it's actually a big turtle."

I was bending down to pet the thing when it hissed at me! "Hey mister, that's not nice..." I tutted before trying to touch it again.

In a split second I was pushed on the ground and heard Tatum yell, "ADDISON DON'T!"

He pushed me to the ground just as the turtle was about to bite. Tatum flipped open his pocket knife and cut my fishing line, kicking the big turtle back into the murky water.

"Tatum! Why'd you do that!? I caught a turtle!"

"No Addison, you caught a ginormous fucking human eater who would have bit your fingers off if I hadn't have pushed you out of the way. It was a snapping turtle. Plus you never mess with the ones that are bigger then a foot wide." Tatum nervously ran his hand through his hair, "Jesus Christ you gave me a heart attack..."

I was embarrassed now... "Oh. Sorry, I didn't know. But I guess that's why it looked kinda ugly..." I scrunched my eyebrows, "What about my hook! It's still in his mouth!"

"Don't worry, the stupid thing probably ate it already. I'll put on another for ya."

Tatum attached another sharp hook to Leila's fishing pole for me. He handed me the rod and I casted it out into the river and set my pole on the ground.

A few minutes later I turned my head to see the three guys sitting on Tatum's tailgate. I could she Tatum's facial expressions change dramatically and I wondered what they were talking about.

I was determined to find out.

Tatum's P.O.V

"No!" I whisper yelled. "I don't like Addison. Get that through your thick fucking skulls."

"Then why do you keep flirting with her?" Jason drilled.

"Bro common, you know I flirt with just about every girl."

"We'll if you don't like her then I'm just gonna invite her to the bonfire tomorrow. Some of the college kids are coming too, gonna be some good alcohol."

"Don't you dare." I growled.

"Why the hell are you getting so worked up?"

"She's a good friend, and most of the people at these bonfires are assholes who just want to get in her shorts."

"She's not your girl to protect buddy." Jason said. "If you don't like her I dare you to kiss and flirt with Tiffany."

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, "I'll do it but just know that y'all are some dicks."

I hopped off the tailgate when I head Addison squeal, she was holding a rather large catfish from the bottom of its lip. I'm assuming Leila helped her unhook it.

"Leila! Come take my picture!" Leila grabbed Addison's fancy iPhone out from her back pocket and snapped a picture of Addison making a kissy face at the fishes parted lips. "Hey Tatum, come here!" Addison put the fishes lips towards me and Leila snapped a picture.

I couldn't get Addison's laugh out of my mind. Don't even get me started about her eyes, as blue as the sea shining back at you.

I placed the fish in a small bucket filled with water to keep it alive until we got home.

"Great catch darlin'."

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