Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 24 ( Maybe I Should Be The Actor)

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Hey guys so I want to thank you all for reading!

I hope you guys are having an awesome holiday.

I cannot wait for the day after Valentines day because my sister got me TICKETS TO SEE MY FAVORITE SINGER LUKE BRYAN. You all know I'm obsessed so you can imagine how much I'm freaking out!

What did y'all get for christmas?


Chapter 24: (Maybe I Should Be The Actor)

Tatum's P. O. V.

I watched as Addison dropped the cigarette I gave her on the ground.

Great... I just told her I loved her and that's how she reacts.

Was it too soon?

My hands started to sweat and I was beginning to get nervous.

Addison stared at me like I had three heads, "You can't say that Tatum. You don't mean it." She shook her head.

The pounding in my chest wouldn't go away.

I took Addison's hands in my sweaty ones, probably grossing her out.

I shook my head in disbelief. From the glare of the moonlight, I could see her watery eyes in the reflection. She turned her head, avoiding eye contact.

"Why is it so bad to tell you that I love you? I do mean it." She jumped off the tailgate and began to walk away. "Addison! Come here!"

I followed after her and when I found her she was leaning against a tree. If it wasn't for her sniffling I wouldn't have been able to find her.

I stepped in front of her until I was nearly pressing myself against her. "I do mean it." I say, cupping her right cheek.

She looked up and made a sad smile while pulling down my arm from her cheek. "I know how these things work Tatum. You tell me you love me but you don't. In the end, I'll get hurt."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

She looked up into my eyes, a single tear running down the side of her face. "Can't you see Tatum!?" She yelled, "My mother! My father! My brother! Everyone I have goddamn cared about!" She wiped under her eyes with a shaky hand, "Everyone who tells me they love me always hurts me."

I grabbed a hold of her face with both my hands, taking her by surprise, "I promise you. I am none of them! I do mean it. You need to trust me!"

She started to nervous babble and to stop her, I placed her hand on my bare chest, "If I didn't mean what I said, then why is my heart being so fast. I can't lose you Addison." Slowly leaning down, I pressed my lips to hers.

It wasn't a heated kiss, but it was passionate. Just enough to show her that I really do care about her.

She pulled away, "I swear to God. If you are lying, I will make you famous. Just know that Tatum Boyer..."

I was a little intimidated by what she said but I pushed it to the back of my mind before picking her up and slinging her over my shoulder.

I laughed when she squirmed and squealed on my back.

"Let's go swimmin'!" I yell and Addison began laughing and screaming. However, I wouldn't set her down. I started to run and I jumped into the slow moving river. It wasn't deep. Maybe about 5 foot down.

Our bodies both went underwater for a split second. "You ass!" Addison yelled, flinging her wet hair back out of her eyes. She began to swim to the shallower part of the water and stood up. The water only reaching her shins.

I smirked as she reached for my old ball cap that I brought from home which was floating. She wrung it out and put it on her head backwards. I couldn't help but admire her body.

Everything about her is perfect. That sexy look on her face, makes it even better.

Those toned legs and ass. I'm normally not the kind of guy to acknowledge a girls features like that, but how can you not help it? She is amazing. It's also a plus that she isn't your stick skinny, anorexic looking girl.

My instincts to chase after my prey kicked in. I stood up and began walking toward Addison who had her back turned towards me. I wrapped my arms around her body. My finger tips resting on her pelvic bone, so close the string on her bikini bottoms.

I nestled my faced against her neck and I smiled as I felt her shiver under the touch of my lips to the vein which was pumping blood faster than normal. Roaming my eyes down, I found them landing on her large scar on her left shoulder blade. I had the urge to run a finger over it.

I could sense that it made her uncomfortable because she turned around with her hands pressed on my chest. A smile never leaving my lips, as she leaned in and kissed me.

The taste of her strawberry gloss and cedar water filled my mouth making it irresistible to stop.

I tangled my hands in her wet hair while hers roamed my body. I smirked into the next kiss knowing that she couldn't resist my body.

Cocky, I know.

It never ceases to amaze me at how every kiss we share is new and different. The fire in my chest was ignited by her.

I would have loved to keep making out with her but we were interrupted by a splash coming from behind Addison.

I know Addison saw the nervousness in my eyes when I stopped kissing her to look at what it was.

It was a water snake.

Damn thing must have dropped from the trees that line the river.

I looked back and forth between Addison and the snake, "Baby, I suggest you don't turn around and just walk out of the water slowly with me..." I say.

"What!?" And of course she turned her head and squealed once she saw the slithering scaly thing.

"It's venomous, so I'd jump now..."

It's beady eyes watched us as we made a beeline for the river bank. Addison jumped out first staring at the thing with wide eyes. I climbed out after her and laughed, "Is Addison afwaid of a whittle snake?"

She smirked and turned so that her back was to the water. She kept walking toward me and when I was inches away from hitting the grill of my truck, she pushed me. "Obviously you have to be afraid if you told me about it in the first place."

Right now, my moral values was the only thing stopping me from wanting to rip our clothes off and do the nasty in the bed of my truck or on the ground.

She was only centimeters away, turning me on by the second. I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her as close to me as possible. We were both practically half naked in our swim suits, making it even harder to control my urges.

She stared into my eyes with that gleaming smirk. I just had to say something back to her. "I only told you about him so you wouldn't freak out."

"Mhhmmm... Sure you did.." She said and I tightened my grip on her sides. She wrapped her arms around my neck and all I could think was dirty thoughts as I looked down to see her breasts pushed onto my chest even more.

Addison made the most beautiful smile, and then smirked up at me, her eyes constantly zooming in on my lips, "Alright Boyer, let's cut the crap. I'm pretty sure we both wanna kiss each other now."

I smacked her lightly on the butt, "I'd thought you'd never ask."

And with that we both crashed our lips together in a heated mash. Our bodies molding into one as I lifted Addison up by the butt. She criss crossed her legs around my lower back, every bit if her pressing hard onto my groin making me groan in pleasure.

Our tongues glided against each other and I moved my lips onto her jaw and down her neck. She arched backward allowing me better access to her sweet spot.

I loved this.

Don't get me wrong, I love being with Addison but when she is grinding against me with her hips, her fingers clawing at my bare back, it just makes it ten times better.

We moved our lips back together and I didn't want the night or this moment to end. But sadley, it did. Addison pulled back just as breathless and winded as I was. Both our chests heaved up and down as she tangled her hands in my hair. Her legs still wrapped around my body.

She was about to kiss me before we both heard the clearing of a throat followed by a, "Well. Well. Well. Look at those two horny lovebirds."

Addison jumped off of me and choked on her own saliva a bit, turning to see who was talking.

I already know who it was and let's just say that we are both screwed.

RJ was standing before us with a group of his cronies behind him. I gulped down, not liking myself being out numbered.

"Sorry to inturrupt but Boyer I think you have some apologies to make." He evilly smirked while his cronies stepped forward with metal tools in their hands that could easily bash my head in.

Addison grabbed onto my arm, "Tatum what the fuck did you do!?"

I looked back at her, "Let's just say I took some of his Daddy's car parts so they can't compete in the derby."

She backed away from me, dropping my hand, "Are you kidding me Tatum? Why can't you just let bygones be bygones! Let this grudge between you two go!"

I frowned. Addison was right.

"Princess has a point..." RJ said coming closer to us.

"You shut up RJ. I still don't like you." Addison snapped.

"Touchy aren't we?" He smirked at her and then turned to me, "All you have to do is apologize and the boys and I will be on our merry way."

"I don't think so." I seethed.

"Well..." It seemed like RJ was contemplating on something, "I didn't want to do this but..."

He snapped his fingers and in the split second I heard Addison squeal as one of RJ's boys grabbed her from behind. One hand clapped over her mouth and one arm crossed over her chest.

The terrified look she was giving me was now plastered into my head as her eyes buldged.

"Let her go you son of a bitch!" I yelled towards him.

I was in a predicament. Did I want to run after the man calling the orders or run after the man groping my girl?

The disgusting guy lowered his head near Addison's left ear, "Baby when we are done here, I'll take you somewhere nice." He winked and Addison thrashed even more. "Oh, fiery. I like it." And then he did something to throw me over the edge.

The perverted freak grabbed a hold of her breast, enjoying every second of it.

"Get the fuck off her." I seethed, running towards the goon squeezing Addison against him. She was wriggling around trying to get out of his hold. I was about to throw a punch but before I could, the idiot let go of Addison, he was screaming.

She had bit down on his fingers so hard, it pulled skin off. "Run you idiot!" Addison yelled once he dropped his grip.

We both jumped into my truck and I started the engine. I rushed out of the river spot, slinging mud and grass as I went. Flying through the trees and past Brantley's clearing.

"Let's see how much ass this baby can kick." I floored the engine and was able to get back onto the main road, RJ was still a few hundred feet back.

I continued to drive twice the speed limit, darting down unmarked roads, trying to loose him.

"Are you alright Addison? Did he hurt you?" I asked while looking between the road and her.

I can tell she's pissed at me. She's looking out of the window with that look that pains me to see. She shook her head no still ignoring to look at me.

She made a chuckling noise but it wasn't meant because she heard something funny. She chuckled as if to say, "You fucking idiot."

I can't blame her. Sometimes I let the stupid in me take over.

"Why do you always have to be so immature Tatum? If you would have just left RJ alone, I wouldn't have gotten the shit groped out of me by a drunk bastard, trying to get in my pants!" After about seven minutes of driving she finally looked my way.

"I know." I say, wanting to bash my fist into something. "I'm sorry Addison. I didn't think he'd retaliate like that."

She chortled, "Key words: I didn't think."


She continued, "Why do you think he came after me?"

"I don't know, because he's a giant di-"

"Because your weakness is me! Can't you see? He knows that if he messes with me, it'll egg you on even more."

"What are you talking about? He's never tried anything on you until now." She shook her head, "Addison, what the hell. Has he messed with you?"

"A few weeks ago I was leaving the house and he was there with my brother. He stared at me all creepily and he pinned me against the door." She said ignoring direct eye context again.

"What the hell!? Why wouldn't you tell me? I would bleed that bastard dry."

She pointed her finger, "See, that right there is why I didn't bother to tell you. I know you enough to figure you would go and punch the guy senseless."

She was right. Maybe Addison really is my weakness... But how does she expect me to keep calm when some nasty pervert is grabbing at her?

"Please tell me he let you go easily..."

Addison started to laugh, "You can say that... Let's just say, I felt like being merciful and kicked him in the gut rather then other unmentionable places." She said with obvious satisfaction.

I grabbed a hold of her hand, "I'm glad you gave him something to think about... But you know I'm sorry. Sometimes I just can't help it..."

She interlocked our fingers and pulled my hand up to her lips, leaving a gentle kiss.

I darted my eyes back to her and back to the road noticing the time. It was eleven fifty-five. "Shit, Addison. You need to call your mom. Tell her that your staying the night at Leila's place. I ain't leaving you alone tonight just because he knows where you live."

She nodded and while dialing her mamas number she spoke, "What difference does it make if I crash at your place or my own? He knows where you live too."

"I know but at least at my place I can be with you so you aren't alone."

She nodded before replying to her mamas greeting, "Hey mom. I'm gonna spend the night at Leila's tonight. She really needs some girl comfort. Just drama, ya know? .... Ok, thanks. Goodnight mom."

She smiled, "Okay. All set."

"Damn you should be an actress." I smiled at her.

She bit her lip in a cute way, "And now we can have a sleep over! Oh! It will be so fun! We can paint each other nails and talk about hair!" She prodded my side trying to get something out of me.

"Oh yes. Real funny." I laughed.

Right now we were both breaking all sorts of rules. No seatbelts, doing above the speed limit, but hell. Let's break another one.

"Hey Addison, reach under the seat and pull out some beers, then get your little ass over here." I smirked and she nodded.

She pulled out two long necks under the seat and popped them open, throwing the metal caps out the open windows.

I turned up the radio and lifted up my right arm so she could scoot next to me.

She slid up and got as close as possible. My mind raced with her lips were on my neck and her hand on my knee.

Juggling the beer and the steering wheel in my left hand, my right rested on her thigh. She was singing to the music on the radio. It was Florida Georgia Line's new song.

I was amazing when she started rapping, "Yeah this is how we roll, we Rollin' into town.

With nothin' left to do, we take another lap around.

Yeah holla at ya boy, if you need a ride.

If you roll with me, yeah ya know we Rollin' high up on them 37 needles, windows tinted, hard to see doe.

How fresh my baby is in the shotgun seat doe.

Them kissed all for the though, automatic like a freak though.

This life I live, it might not be for you, but it's for doe.

Yeah this is how we roll."

I laughed and started to sing the chorus with her.

This night was perfect. The moonlight perfectly illuminated the cab of the truck. Addison was glowing with her rosy cheeks and beautiful smile. The smells of honeysuckle, corn, and Addison for that matter, filled the air around us. It felt intoxicating.

I would have loved to continue further but I'm pretty sure I cursed so loudly it woke the cows laying in the pasture.

I blew through the red light at the intersection before my house and to my dismay I saw something I didn't want to see.

No sooner then ten seconds later, I looked into the rear view to see the blue lights tailing behind me.

"Damnit!" I smacked the steering wheel, sloshing a bit of beer. I handed Addison my drink, "Hide these and scoot back over. Buckle your seatbelt."

She gave me the, "I can't go to jail." look.

I laughed at her all scared, "Don't worry. Consider yourself lucky that there are no corn fields nearby that I could trek through."

She gave me a blank stare, "Oh my god! You've actually run from the cops!?"

I smirked before seeing the cop looking at his notepad, ready to write me a ticket. He started talking before he made it to the door, "Sir do you realize you just ran the red light going seventy?"

Luckily Addison had managed to buckle me in which I am thankful for. I had my license and registration in my hand already prepared.

I looked at my hands, "Sorry sir. I'm trying to get home to my father. Our cow is having her calf." I lied hoping that it was believable.

"Well I'll be damned. Tatum Boyer, I should have know it was you..." I turned to face the cop.

A cloud of relief rained over me. I started laughing histerically, "Ronny Garbutt! Is that really you!?"

"In the flesh baby!" He laughed waving up his arms.

I clapped him up, "Damn. Feel like I haven't seen you in ages brother!"

Ronny was my brothers best friend. I've know him since I was probably ten. He was the closest person that I could call a brother after Brantley.

We probably would still be great friends, but life got it the way. Last time I saw him he was going into training to be a cop. Three years into his career I found out that his girlfriend was expecting through the rumor mill in the town. And just a few months ago I was told he was engaged.

"I know man! You need to come over and meet my two girls!"

"Definatly. And since I haven't seen you in forever, I just want to say congratulations."

"Thank's brother." He smiled and then sighed when the dispatchers were sending him out on another call, "I gotta go but promise me you'll slow down kid? You may not get so lucky next time.." He smiled and then shook my hand, "God you are just like your brother... Kinda scary if you ask me." He chuckled and I shrugged my shoulders. "Next time you visit him, tell him I miss him. Five years really goes by quick."

It was hard trying to control my emotions. Right now I wanted to scream and just cry. Instead I made a sad smile, "Sure does... But don't worry, I think he knows how much we all miss him. Thank God you can't have weapons in heaven considering he'd probably sniper our asses if he knew we were getting emotional."

He chuckled, reminiscing about my brother, "Yeah. You're right." He grabbed a hold of my face, "Now. If you'll excuse me, I must go. You're a good kid Boyer, don't screw it up."

I chuckled feeling a wave of depression fall over me, "Yes sir."

And with that he walked away back to his patrol car. I started the engine back up and pulled off the side of the road.

I could tell Addison was staring at me intently.

"How come you didn't introduce me to your friend?"

I shrugged coming up with a piss poor excuse, "Truth is, I've got horrible manors. Sorry darlin'."

Except I knew all the well what the real truth was.

I didn't want Addison finding out that Brant wasn't killed by a hit and run driver. He was killed while defending the United States over seas...

Maybe I should be the actor, not her...



What did y'all think!? Please please please Comment and vote <3333

Song on the side is "This Is How We Roll" by FGL featuring Luke Bryan.

Pic on the side (possibly) is of Addison in her cute bathing suit!



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