Chapter 41 (I Cried)

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Disclaimer: this chapter is pretty much sex and sadness but you need to read at least halfway through to understand the rest of the plot! (Please skip the sexual part if you are not comfortable reading)
Sorry if this chapter is too short but I wanted to leave it with Tate!

Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad

My heart pounded in my chest when my eyes fluttered open and scanned my surroundings. I could feel Tatum's body against mine and that's when I remembered everything that had happened last night.

I looked under the covers to verify my thoughts. Strangely enough, I blushed when I looked at his-very nice- backside which was on full display because he was spooning me.


Tatum and I were butt naked under the sheets and that gave me all the verification I needed. The slight pain in between my legs gave it away as well.

I just lost my virginity to Tatum... To the only person I truly love in my life right now.

As much as the beginning hurt, it was mind blowing. Tatum was such a gentleman about it to which made me more comfortable. He didn't treat me like I was just an easy piece of meat, he treated me with respect. Before he did anything, he would ask.

I used to be self conscious about my body towards Tatum, but now, I feel different. Not to mention I have fallen deeper in love with the cowboy who stole my heart.

I could feel him stirring awake so I turned my body to face his. Our body heat mingled together along with our breaths. I smiled at Tatum's peaceful, sleeping form.

Kissing the tip of his nose, I managed to wake him. Tatum's green eyes fluttered open and his made a sleepy lopsided smile.

"Mornin' Belle." He said in his husky morning voice.

I looked at the clock next to my nightstand, "Actually it's good afternoon." I wink an he smiles.

His big, calloused hand found it's way to my cheek and he looked at me seriously, "Are you sore?"

I shake my head, "Not as much as I expected."

He kisses my temple, "Good. I'm glad. Last night was something unbelievable though."

I laughed, "And you're telling me? I was the virgin!"

My hands went to his under the sheets, "So in one word, explain your first sexual experience.." He tells me.

I then smile as I let go of his hand and pretend to look at my nails, "Eh... Boring..."

And just like that Tatum was on top of me again making teasing kisses along my neck. His naked, chiseled body on top of mine. God it feels so good. "Boring was it?" He asked with a smirk, his tongue doing wonders, "I can assure you your second time won't be so boring..."

As soon as his lips touched the top of my breast, my breathing became labored. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back, "I'm sorry, I meant amazing not boring... Please Tatum if you keep this up we won't be leaving this hotel room all day."

He laughed and rolled off of me, "That wouldn't be that bad..." He winked.

We laid on the bed for a while until Tatum spoke up first, "Do you want to get in the shower first?"

I smile, "No, you go ahead first. I don't mind."

He kissed my cheek before getting up and slipping on his boxers. My cheeks tinged pink at the view. After Tatum started in the shower, I got out of bed and went into my bag and grabbed the nicest pair of undergarments I owned.

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