Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 7- (I Won't Fall For Your Southern Charm)

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Hey all my loyal fans... Seriously, I need to thank ya'll. I think in like two day MCKB has gained atleast 200 reads. I'm forever greatful.. Like really.

Anyways, I'm updating faster because I'm on spring pause...

I'm so excited to continue to write this story because I have so many songs and ideas for it! That's why I'm trying to post as much as I can while im on break...

Please spread the word out about this story! Also if you want to make ay graphics for this story, email me @ with the graphic and your WP username. I'll dedicate and post it as multimedia or if it's a cover and I like, I'll use it for the main cover :)


Chapter 7- (I Won't Fall For Your Southern Charm)

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

I'm in the middle of a dirt race track with two hot boys in each other's faces. People are starting look and I'm just standing here biting my nails no doubt looking like an idiot.

My thoughts ran back to when Tatum stood up for me, he said that I was his friend...

His friend?

I'm not sure if he meant it, but it made my heart flutter. Then my eyes ran back over to the situation at hand. The boys were even closer than before.. They both were seething words of venom at each other.

I heard crying near me and so I turned and saw a little girl maybe, three. She was looking at them and when I noticed her tee-shirt, it said "Cranson's Biggest Fan!" The poor girl was watching her idol scream curse words at Tatum. Her mother then cupped both hands around the child's ears and began shooing her away.

I felt so bad...

I then hiked up my skirt and said, "Guys!" No reply. They didn't even look at me... "GUYS!"

They both quickly looked my way simultaneously saying, "WHAT!?"

I pushed myself in front of them, "Knock it off!! RJ you just made a little girl who was your fan run off and cry!" Then I turned to Tatum, "And you-" I seethed, "you stop instigating or else..."

Tatum smirked and raised his eyebrows, folding his arms across his chest, "Or else what?"

I slowly raised my knee towards Tatum's crotch area and he got the hint...He backed away and smiled politely at me. I turned around back towards RJ so I could confront him about almost killing me. That is until I heard Tatum mumble something under his breath, "I never instigated..."

I pursed my lips... Was he testing my patients? "Tatum, shut up!" I screamed, "You are the one who had to get all macho and up in his face."

"But-" He tried to protest.

"No buts! Just go away and wait for me in the truck!" Tatum pouted before I pointed in the direction of his Chevy. The look of defeat crossed his eyes before they turned into cold one's looking at RJ. I feel like I'm turning into my mother with all this yelling...

I do not want to be like my mother...

Tatum walked away and I turned back to RJ who was clearly enjoying this... "Wipe the smirk off your face before I knee you..." I warned and RJ stopped immediately and covered his crotch.. I then got back to my plan about confronting him, "Do I look familiar to you?"

"I don't know. Tatum always has sluts hanging around him..."

I made an angry laugh, "Did you just call me a slut...?"

It kind of hurt me to hear RJ say that Tatum always had girls around him. It made me even more mad that he just labeled me as a whore.

I am not a bimbo whore...

"Uh...uh, no. I just meant that he always has girls around him who are sluts. I never said YOU were one exactly." He awkwardly scratched his head.

This guy was a few years older than Tatum yet he was starting so much drama. Can someone say GROW UP?

"Yeah... Sure." I replied pursing my lips. "Anyway, I'm the girl who you almost killed yesterday because you sped past Tatum and I with the horses.."

"Oh sh!t... You're that girl?" I nodded my head giving him a you-are-so-dumb look. "Sh!t. I'm sorry babe."

Did he just call me babe? Woah, woah, woah. Back the truck up...

"Babe?" I questioned...

RJ shrugged his shoulder as if it was nothing but then he looked at me directly in the eye. Lord he had adorable ice blue eyes, "So why's a beautiful girl like you, hanging around trash like Boyer?" Venom seethed through his mouth as he said Tatum's name...

What the heck was their beef?

"First of all, Tatum is my friend not trash... And second of all- wait? Beautiful? You think I'm beautiful?" I asked stunned. That was so cute! He shrugged again but I should know better not to believe him, "I don't believe you and I won't fall for your southern charm..."

RJ winked, "We'll see."

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed while RJ walked away, leaving me standing there looking like a complete idiot...


Two weeks later

I feel like it's been forever since I last talked to Tatum. Ever since the little incident at the race track with RJ he hasn't really spoken to me probably because I showed him up right in front of his biggest enemy.

I'm still trying to find out why they hate each other though...

My thoughts ran back to the day when Tatum took me to the race track. Before he was talking about how when it's harvest time the whole town gets involved. He wasn't kidding. All over town I see all these signs advertising for the "Harvest Start Football Game"

I've quickly learned from people at school that when the game is over, the next morning starts the 3-5 day harvesting process of corn. I've also learned for Leila that they have a special faire for when cotton get harvested on June 1st.

It's sort of funny how close knit this community is... Back in New Jersey, nobody really cared... No one ever took the time of day just to say "Hello." That's one thing about the south that I actually like. The people are so much nicer.

Tatum and I also have our disease project due the week after harvest season. That's why most guys who have Mrs. Sartain call her "Mrs. Satan" because she is the only teacher who assigns a big project on a very stressful week. For most of the guys who go to this school, they are the ones who generally harvest the corn.

I also can't believe that it's already November...I have lived in Georgia for three months and a few days...

It's sad to say that aside from the smelly cows and quietness, this place is slowly growing on me. That thought scares me because as soon as I graduate, I'm leaving and never looking back. My dream school is Cornell University in New York. My dream job is to become a Veterinarian. I've taken a few college visitation trips and it's the best college...

You can bet that I got a HUGE lecture from my parent's the morning after Tatum dropped me off. They started talking about how rude, disobedient, and how un-carful I've been... College. College. College.

That's the only thing on their minds and it makes me so mad. It just makes me want to rebel against them even more... I'm only 17. Not some fancy wall street worker... I deserve to have some fun before I go off. Then my parents started rambling on about how Daniel was actually achieving something..

I found out that he was attending the University of Georgia. I'm not sure what he is studying however... I know it's something to please mom and dad because he was always the one to kiss their butts.

I tried so hard in school and Daniel did half as much work as I did but yet he gets treated like the best.

Luckily it was Friday and my parents weren't going to be home until noon tomorrow. Supposedly they were going to one of my father's "work related" functions that required them to drive to Florida. Knowing my parents, they probably left and used my father's job as an excuse.

I was now straightening my hair, getting ready for the football game. I loved the idea of actually getting involved in a community so I'm deciding on sneaking out and enjoying myself. I've been kept under house arrest ever since two weeks ago.

Thankfully this time sneaking out I won't need to climb down my balcony... Since my parents aren't home, I can just go through the front door. I also don't need to worry about Daniel because he spends most of his time out with new friends or barricaded in his room.

I don't mind.

I pulled on a pair of black leggings with studs on the side, stopping at my ankle. I then put on a white blouse along with my pink cowgirl boots that Leila had given me a few months ago. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror knowing that I didn't need make-up to enhance my appearance.

I grabbed my purse from my dresser and placed my phone inside in exchange for my keys. I walked downstairs taking two steps at a time before walking out of my door. I started my car and began driving towards my school.

This time of day in Georgia was so beautiful... By the time the sun was setting, the sky was painted an array of pink, orange and yellow. The clouds held the promise of a calm, peaceful night, and the pale glow of the moon was beginning to show.

I smiled at the beauty in front of me.

After about 10 minutes of driving I reached Lee County high and I was astound to see as much people as I do. So many cars and trucks. I was happy to realize that I wasn't too late because I could see some players warming up on the sideline.

I parked my car and stepped out of it, receiving a few looks from older men. They appeared to be in their 20's and so I smiled and waved my fingers giving them something to really look at. I smiled knowing I had this effect on some people.

I went over to the sidelines and looked for Jason. "Hey, Jason!" I called and waved at him. He waved back and gave me the most genuine smile I've seen.

After I finished saying "HI", I started to take my seat on the home team bleachers. Tonight for the first game of the season, Lee County was against a neighboring school district, Oakcrest High.

They looked mean...

I smiled and laughed at how Lee's so called "cheerleaders" danced. How pathetic... They weren't even in sync with one another.

I was stopped in my tracks when someone said, "Hey, you." behind me. I didn't recognize that voice but I turned around anyway only to come in contact with Tatum's enemy. RJ was smiling a smirk, "I didn't catch your name last time we talked." he spoke smoothly.

"It's Addison." I replied.

"Pleasure." he smiled and held out his hand for me to shake. But I denied. The officials blew their whistles letting the crowd and players know that the game was starting. "Here common, sit with me."

Seeing's how I had nobody to sit with, I followed RJ up the bleachers. He stopped about halfway and motioned for me to get in first. I sat down and placed my small purse in my lap.

"So how old are you?" he asked seeming sincere.

"I'm 17. You?" I replied still looking at the game.

"22." I nodded my head and that's when my eyes came in contact with someone who I knew was going to have a fit.

Tatum was at the bottom of the bleachers looking up at me with wide eyes. His hands were balled up into fists and I knew he wasn't happy.

Who cares?

Does it really matter? This is your life. Not his. You can talk to whoever you want.

I agreed with my conscience and continued talking to RJ, "So what's the beef between you and Tatum?" I asked hoping he wouldn't think it was too pushy.

RJ sighed and I knew from the look on his face that he was going to tell the truth, "I caught Boyer in the bed of his truck with my girlfriend last year."

"Are you serious? That's what this is all about?" I deadpanned.

RJ then smiled a hurt one, "You don't understand. Olivia and I were together for 2 and a half years... I was going to propose to her. But after he slept with her, I broke it off because the girl I fell in love with had changed."

I felt bad for him. And honestly, I wanted to wring out Tatum's neck. He was a sick pig and I really just wanted to punch him, "I'm sorry, RJ."

"Nah, don't be. What's done is done and I can't go back. All I can do is move forward..."

RJ began leaning into me after he had zeroed in on my lips. Is he going to kiss me!? My heart started pounding... I'm certain he could hear it. I don't even know this guy and he was kissing me.

Oddly, It felt... right.

Next thing I felt was RJ's soft touch and my cheek and he got so close before he said, "Relax, it's just a kiss." and then his rough lips were planted on mine.

I don't know why but my lips kissed him back. It was like I had no control over my brain. It just did things without explanation. RJ pulled away and smiled. "Why so nervous?" Honestly, I wasn't nervous about that being my second kiss; I was worried about Tatum seeing.

I looked his way and then I heard RJ laugh, "You want to give that fool something to really look at?"

I looked towards Tatum and back at RJ and smirked. Next thing I knew, I was grabbing RJ's neck and pulled him closer. My lips latched onto his and the rest was history...


RJ wasn't so bad after I got to know him better. He was the oldest on the family and was following in his father's footsteps of being a race car driver. He also revealed to me that he was just doing racing because his father wanted him too.

RJ really wants to go to school for art and design. I thought it was so sweet that he was giving up his dreams for his father.

Once the game was over, RJ was walking me to my car. "I had a great night with you." he smiled and kissed my cheek once we came to a stop at my car.

"Me too." I blushed.

RJ cleared his throat, "So, I know this party that's happening tonight and I was wondering if you would accompany me." he smiled.

"I'd love-"

I was cut off by someone. I looked up and saw that it was Tatum. My thoughts immediately ran to how much I hated him... "She is not going with you."

"Excuse me?" I asked. He is so unbelievable! Being so possessive!

RJ grabbed my hand, "Well look, I know how much you hate fighting, so I'm just gonna go." he shot Tatum a cold look and before I could even tell him to wait, he was gone.

I glared at Tatum, "Leave me alone." Tatum was no closer to me and I just wanted to kick him in the gut.

"Look Belle, RJ isn't a good person..."

I laughed an angry one... "Oh? But you are?" I scoffed, "Tell me Tatum, who's Olivia? Hmmm?"

His face went blank and then it changed to sadness, "How do you-" he stopped, "Look whatever you heard from him isn't true. He's just trying to make me look bad."

"I think I've heard enough to know the truth." I opened my car door and slid into my seat before rolling down the window, "By the way, finish the project by yourself. I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"Addison please-" Tatum begged but his voice was cut off by me rolling up my window. I turned on my car and sped away leaving Tatum standing there. That stupid jerk...


It was now Wednesday and I'm not sure if Tatum ever worked on our project, but I don't care. He is such a lying idiot.

I got dressed for school and before I left I grabbed a piece of bread and placed it in the toaster. Once it popped out, I spread some butter on it and walked out of my house.

Once I got to school, I parked my car and found Leila waiting outside of the school, "Hey girl," she cheered, "How are you?"

I dramatically rolled my eyes, "Boy troubles..."

We began walking into the school and Leila bid me goodbye as she had to go upstairs for her first period class. I went to my locker and then I walked into my first period Anatomy class.

Five minutes after the bell rang; Tatum strolled in and took his seat next to me at out lab table. I couldn't bear to look at him. For I might do something I will regret... After the homeroom announcements were over, Mrs. Sartain started calling out volunteers.

The first few volunteers were all the nerds and then for the fifth volunteer Tatum abruptly stood up and said, "We'll go next."


Mrs. Sartain nodded her head as she began walking to the back of the room. She took her seat anticipating our report.

Tatum and I stood next to each other along the blackboard and then since Tatum wasn't talking, I spoke up, "We did our research on Tuberculosis."

Mrs. Sartain nodded, "And why did you choose this disease?"

She was scribbling something down in her note book when I replied, "We chose this topic-"

I was cut off by Tatum, "I chose this topic because this is what my mother died from when I was a little kid."



Hey ya'll! What did you think of this chapter? I kinda had a bit of writers block but I got it out... Tell me what you think..

Anyway, check out the awesome movie poster to the side by @CeceliaSnape!

Also check out the song called "Harvest Time" by Luke Bryan :)

See ya guys later <3

PS: Comment, vote, and fan <3

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