Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 34 (I Need You Safe)

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Hey y'all! Hope you guys are doing good! I am now 17!! :)

And on July 31st, I'm seeing Blake Shelton and Dan and Shay for FREE on my lovely jersey beaches <3

Anyway, hope y'all like this chapter. Let me know what you think.


Chapter 34- (I Need You Safe)

After Daniel stabbed me on the top of the hand with a lit cigarette, I screamed out in pain and found myself curling up into a ball on my kitchen floor.

Tears sprang free from my eyes as I held my burnt hand tightly to my chest, still shaking furiously.

I could kill him. I want to kill Daniel.

I never thought my life would ever get this fucked up, but now I know. Everyone I've ever trusted has let me down.

Loud thumps down the hall followed by Tatum's deep voice entered my ears as I silently cried while laying on my side in the fetal position shaking like an old person. I was scared. What if Daniel comes back and goes after Tatum?

The sound of feet patter on the tile and I know Tatum found me, "Addison! Addison baby, are you okay!? What the hell happened."

He rested his large hands on my shuddering body and I couldn't bare to look at him. If I looked into his eyes, all I would see is hurt and pity.

"Belle please, look at me baby."

Tatum put his hands under my arms and slightly pulled me up so that I was sitting on my butt right in front of him.

I will not look at him. I will not look at him.

I kept my head low and of course Tatum put his fingers under my chin, forcing me to look at him.

As soon as I saw those saddened, emerald green eyes who shined with pity for me, I found myself not being able to catch my breath.

I've never had a panic attack before but now I know they are not fun. Tatum soothed me by pulling me into a hug. He rubbed my back soothingly while whispering calming things in my ear.

Once I regained my breath, I looked back into Tatum's eyes. Another tear ran down my cheek and Tatum wipes it away, "Now tell my what happened darlin'."

Daniel. My body was racked with shakes again just thinking of his vile nature. "Da-daniel wa-was here..."

He cursed under his breath, "Did he hurt you? Where is he? I'll kill him..."

I lifted up my hand and Tatum took it in his, "Fuck Addison, did he burn you with a cigarette?"

I nodded my head unable to stop moving. The top of my hand was swollen and right where the butt hit me was a sticky, pink and white, bubbled looking burn mark that made my entire arm feel as if it were burning.

Tatum pulled my body up effortlessly and walked me towards the sink. "Hold your breath Belle, this is going to hurt a bit."

I turned my head around and held my breath, squinting my eyes shut as I heard the sound of water being ran. My hand was slowly moved under the running water and I took a gasp of air before letting out a yelp.

After the initial pain of the freezing water over my singed skin, it began to cool down and get numb. My finger tips were numbed completly and I just wish that I could jump into the fridgid water entirely so I could numb my pains.

Tatum removed my hand and I shivered, "Do you have burn cream anywhere?"

I sighed, "I don't think so. I think we just have Neosporin and Benadryl."

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