Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 2 (I'm Stuck In Hillbilly Hell)

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CHAPTER TWO- (I'm Stuck In Hillbilly Hell)

I opened my locker which I finally managed to find and stuffed a few books into the small metal locker and when I closed it, I almost jumped right out of my skin. Tatum was leaning against the lockers, hiding behind my own lockers door.

"What the!?" I screeched placing my free hand over my chest. I barley knew this kid and yet he was leaning against the lockers right next to me. This time his hat was flipped forward and I could see the design. It was a picture of a deer most likely a Buck, all drawn with one line.

"When do you want to work on this project?" he asked flatly.

"I don't know but all I know, is that we have three months to get it done." I looked up at him, his six foot stature towering over me.

"Listen bitch, I know you don't want to work with me and I don't want to work with you but I just want to get this sh*t done."

I blinked. That was uncalled for.

This guy is such a jerk!

I pursed my lips, "Whatever. My address is 626 Garrett road. Come over later."

Our eyes connected and he made a small head nod telling me that he'd be there. On my out out of the school, I then saw Tatum with his friends. They were all hanging around an old looking truck. It appeared to be a Chevy.

Tatum was sitting on a flipped down tailgate and he was smiling. For being a total jerk, he was sure attractive. Perfect straight teeth, golden brown hair, muscular build, and beautiful eyes.

It looks like I'm not the only one who thought so. He had two slutty looking girls wrapped up in his arms. Tatum quickly looked my way and then looked back at the girls. Then, he did something I never thought he would do. He did a double take and looked right at me just as I unlocked my car.

He scowled at me and I just scowled back. What the heck did I ever do to him!? I've only know him for one day!

Sliding into my car, I let my engine rev. I backed out of my parking spot before speeding past the jerk and his bimbos. For added effect, I beeped my horn and all eyes landed on me and my car. Talk about jealous. I can't tell you how many junk trucks were parked. Not to mention the filthy Jeep's covered in mud.

I'm stuck in hillbilly hell.


Tatum had a arrived around six O'clock, and I was thankful yet scared out of my mind that I was home alone.

I wanted to be alone with Tatum considering I have know idea how he would act around my family. I also wish they were here in case he tried something on me.

He knocked, well more like pounded, on my door until I opened it. My hair was still soaked from just getting out of the shower, and so when the cool September air hit my wet body, I shivered.

I motioned Tatum to come in and he did, looking around with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked curious.

He shook his head, "Nothing. You just have so much."

Okay then.

"Do you wan-"

He cut me off, "No,"

I sighed motioning him to follow me to my room. Opening my door, I let him walk in first, not even bothering to close the door behind me. He looked around my room before making a face of disgust. He plopped himself into my rolling computer chair, and then lifter both legs resting them on my computer desk.

"Do you mind?" I asked. Boy, this was some sight. His muscles flexed as he hooked his arms together behind his neck.

Gosh. Stop staring Addison! I mentally scolded myself.

The corner of Tatum's mouth formed into a smirk. He cocked and eyebrow and folded his head to the side, "No. Not at all."

"Too bad!" I exclaimed, pushing his big, tan, work boots onto the floor.

"God damn, don't get your panties in such a twist."

I should have shut up, but I didn't. "Why are you being such a jerk!?"

"Why are you such a bitch?" he retorted with a cold and dangerous glare.

Ugh! By now, I was thinking of so many colorful things to call him but I swallowed them down. He looked amused by my frustration. "You!-" I paused to think of what I was going to say, "You are so rude. You hillbilly, back road, poor, hick!" I shouted.

I must've really made him mad considering he had his veins popping from his neck. He slammed his fist down into my computer desk and jumped up taking large steps towards me. I kept backing up as he was coming closer. Next thing I know, was my back was almost against my eggshell colored walls.

"Shut up you slut! You don't know anything about me! Not a fuck*ng thing! You are just some stuck up, conceited, snobby, rich, city whore. Guess what bitch, you moved down here. Fuck*ng deal with it! And you wanna know why I hate bitches like you? It was a bitch like you who killed my brother." he paused hurt clearly showing through his eyes. I immediately felt sorry. He took a deep breath, "The little city whore was going eighty and fuck*ng ran him over because she was to busy checking her phone."

All the color from my face had left. "I'm so sorry," I blurted. We both stopped talking. It was a peaceful quite rather then an awkward one. We both needed to collect ourselves before speaking again. "But I am nothing like that." I whispered.

He threw his arms up in the air in anger, "To hell with that!"

I looked down at the floor, "How can I prove it?" when I looked up, Tatum was smirking down at me only mere inches away.

Tatum then pushed me up against the wall, his muscular body boxing me in, "I'm gonna turn you bad and show you what it's like to be country." his hot breath fanned across my face making me shiver.

I smirked looking up into his dark green eyes. By such our close proximity, I could see each and every fleck of color, "Go ahead and try."

"We'll see, Belle." Tatum backed away from me and put on his baseball cap backwards. He smirked at me before walking out the door.

I chased after him, "Belle?" I asked.

"Yes. It suits. Its your country name."

I looked at him like he was crazy, "My what?" I then shook the though out of my mind, "Never mind. So you are saying that if you can manage to turn me bad and country, then it proves that I'm not a bratty city girl?"

He nodded his head, "And just so you know, I can be bad." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please. You're a goody-two-shoes."

"I am not!" I retorted.

"Fine. Cuss at me."

"What?" I felt my arms go limp at my sides. I never curse.

Now Tatum's arms were crossed across his chest, a big grin on his face, "You heard me."

He was enjoying this! "You butt head!" I yelled.

Tatum opened the front door, and turned back at me, "Yeah... We are gonna have to work on that..." before he walked out, he shot me the biggest smirk and my heart literally melted.

I swear this boy has more mood swings then I do! First he goes from almost killing me to being normal? I really don't understand Tatum what so ever...


I am happy to announce that I have made one new friend throughout this hell of a week. I'm not sure how I became friends with her but she's different. She's not a hick, but more of a halfway kinda girl. Obviously she had the accent but she kept saying how she hated this place and couldn't wait to get away. Leila was the type of person who said what was on her mind, and I liked that.

It was a Friday night and we were both bored out of our minds. Leila was sprawled out on my bed looking up at a magazine I had brought with me from home. Her long, curly, black hair was fanned across my pillow. I, on the other hand was sitting in the computer chair. The same spot where Tatum sat just four days ago.

I haven't talked to him since and I'm honesty starting to think that he forgot about the agreement we made. Giving him permission to change me, may have been the worst mistake I ever made. Thinking about his pet name for me made me gag. I bet all the bimbos that follow him, get something similar.

"So..." Leila spoke up looking at me, "I saw that hunk Tatum looking at you today." she had the biggest smirk.

"So? Don't we all look at each other sometimes?" I asked feeling uncomfortable.

"Girl, the way he was 'lookin at you was different." she narrowed her eyes at me and then dropped her harsh gaze when her cell phone rang. She picked up, "Hey momma, what's up?....No! Dammit!.....Okay, I'll be over as soon as I can." Leila hung up, jumped off my bed grabbing her bag.

"What's wrong?" a look of anger was in her eyes.

"My damn brother left the barn door open, so some of the chickens got out. Ugh!" she threw her arms angrily in the air, "I'm gonna kill him." she muttered. "I'll talk to you later Addison, thanks for letting me come over."

"Oh no problem! If you want, I can come with you. You know, to get the chickens back into the barn."

Leila smiled giving me the Are-kidding-me? look. "No, that's okay. City gal like you shouldn't be gettin' her fancy shoes all dirty."

Just as Leila walked out I called, "Hey! I'm trying to change!"

I heard her laugh running down the steps, "Good luck! See ya!"

I sighed at her comment. What if I really am like they describe? Looking at the time on my cell phone, I realized it was 9:30 at night. After I yawned, I came to another conclusion that I'm tired.

Stripping out of my clothes, I put on a white camisole and bright pink cotton shorts. Climbing into my bed, I relaxed. Just as I began to finally drift to sleep, I heard a slight tap of something hit my glass screen door.

It's nothing.

After about five more taps, I threw try comforter off of me and slid open the door. Just as I stepped onto my small balcony, I was hit with something on my stomach. "What the heck!" I exclaimed out loud. Picking up the object i had just been pelted with, i realized that it was a corn kernal.

I saw a dark shadow in our back yard just below my balcony. "Hey Belle." I heard a low, husky voice say. As soon as heard the name Belle I knew it was Tatum.

"Tatum, what are you doing here!? What do you want?" a cool autumn breeze blew past, making me shiver. I crossed my arms over my chest trying to conserve some heat. "What the heck to you want at this hour!?" I whispered yelled realizing that my family was probably sleeping.

I heard him chuckle, "Nice get-up."

"They are my PJs ill have you know!"

"Come down here." he said in a deadpan manner.

"What!? Are you crazy?"

"You want to prove yourself, don't you?" he asked.

"Yeah, but-"

"Good. Then change into something warmer and get down here."

"Okay. But I can't climb down my balcony!" I hissed.

"Sure ya can darlin'. I'll catch you."

I growled and walked back into my room, putting on a pair of skinny jeans, an Ocean City sweatshirt, and sneakers. I walked back onto the balcony, Tatum still standing near. How does he expect me to sneak out? Jumping from my balcony seven feet from the ground!? "Tatum I can't do this." I said while trying to get a leg over the railing.

"Hop the railing or else I will come up there and throw you down. Pick your poison." he said.

I smirked, "You can't climb up here.."

I was wrong.

He started climbing up the tree the was growing up the side of my house. Panicking, "Okay! Okay!" I said.

I swung both of my legs over the railing, holding on for dear life. "Now, let your feet dangle and just slide down. Then, I will grab you. You're only gonna be a three feet or so from the ground." Doing as he said, I felt Tatum grab onto my legs. "Okay, let go."

"Are you sur-"

He cut me off, "Yes."

I let go of the railing and by some godly miracle, I landed swiftly in Tatum's arms. I heaved a breath of relief as he set me back on two feet. He grabbed onto my hand and starting to run towards my gate. We neared his truck, "Get in. Hurry!" he said.

Where the heck are we going?! I questioned myself, wondering if this was a good idea. In stead of speaking I just did was he asked. Tatum started his old Chevy before I could even get my seat belt clicked.

"Tatum! Slow down!"

Instead he just shifted the truck and ignored me, going faster. About ten minutes later, Tatum parked the truck and jumped out so fast, that I didn't even see him come around and open the passenger side door.

Well that was nice.

He grabbed onto my hand again and started leading me up a hill. A loud train horn whistled in the distance, Tatum cussed and he started running with my hand still in his. When we got to the top of the hill, Tatum dropped my hand and all of a sudden my whole body felt cold. He layed down on the hill side and I followed.

At the bottom of the hill was train tracks. "You took me here to see a train." I deadpanned.

"Not just any train.. It's the Night Train." I shook my head, another whistle blared more closely. Tatum shifted his head so that it was facing me, he smirked, "I dare you to go stand on the tracks."

I don't know what came over me, but I just wanted to prove him, "Okay." I stood up, brushed off my butt and started walking down the hill.

I could feel Tatum following me, "What?" he asked in a shocked tone.

I smirked as I stepped right into the middle of the tracks. The rolling train coming closer and closer. I felt the ground rumble and shake as every second passed.

Twenty feet away....

The lights practically blinding me. The conductor of the train wailed the horn warning me to get out of the way.


I held out my arms raising my head high. Was I scared? No. More like exhilarated. That whole time Tatum was yelling my name, telling me to move. But I stood my ground.


The shaking ground felt like an earthquake. The locomotives lights were more blinding, and the horn was more piercing.

When the train was less then ten feet away from me, I felt my lungs give out as something crashed into me. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground next to the tracks, Tatum hovering over me.

Once I regained my breath, I realized he just pulled me away from my death. His breathing was labored, "Damn. Look whose crazy now." he whispered, looking into my eyes.

Immediately, I averted my gaze to the large train flying by. Once again my breath was hitched. On every cart that the train was hauling, were paintings of horses. Each of those horses where painted differently on each cart, making them appear to be running as the train flew by. It was like those silly flip books we used to admire when we where younger. It was beautiful.

I looked back at Tatum, "The Night Train?" I asked.

"The Night Train." he confirmed with a grin.


Hey guys! What do you all think about chapter two? :D please comment and vote! Also, I'm not sure where you guys live, but if you're any where on the Eastern Seaboard, stay warm and dry! I hate snow..

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