Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 25 (Love The Way He Loves Me)

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Chapter 25- (Love The Way He Loves Me)

I wanted to question Tatum's motives for not introducing me to his friend but like always, I pushed it past me. I didn't want to, but I knew It had to be done.

After he pulled back on the road I knew immediately that something was bothering Tatum. What did Tatum mean why he said that his brother was going to "Sniper" them down?

It doesn't make any sense.

Come to think of it, nothing makes sense anymore.

My life has been a completely ass backwards. However, I feel like Tatum was the one who helped. He's changed me. Maybe for the better, or for the worse. But I suppose that's why life is always crazy.

Always seems like crazy has the tendency to follow me wherever I go.

Tatum's phone began to ring in a little cubby on the dash. He pulled it out and answered with one hand still on the wheel.

I could hear the voice on the other side because it was so loud. It was Tatum's father, "Tatum, can you please come home buddy. Your damn pigs in labor and I need some help."

"Yeah sure I'm only three minutes away."

"Good. Can you bring me some towels, iodine, gloves, and the iron from the fridge?"

"Sure. I'll see you then."

Tatum hung up and groaned, "You ready to help a pig give birth?" He asked me and I laughed.

Shrugging my shoulders I grinned, "You bet!"

A few short minutes later we pulled into Tatum's drive way. I saw the light on in the pig barn letting us know that Tatum's father was in there with the sow.

I quickly threw on my short and teeshirt I brought from home.

Tatum and I both jumped out an ran into the house. I ran into the bathroom and pulled out three towels and the bottle of iodine in the medicine cabinet above the sink.

"I got the towels an iodine!" I yelled.

"I have the gloves and the iron with the syringes. Come on let's go."

We quickly jogged around the house and slowed down once we got to the opening of the smaller pig barn. Tatum turned towards me with his pointer finger held against his lips telling me not to make too much noise.

We walked in and found Tatum's dad sitting in the stall with the bloated looking pig, laying on her side.

She defiantly was pregnant.

"Good you're here. I am tired." Tatum's father said.

I noticed a tiny, wet looking, black piglet in his lap who was suckling on his finger. He set down the pig and slowly got up from the floor, brushing the hay off his jeans.

I can't believe he was going to leave us.

"Y'all kids have fun. Damn thing isn't nursing or cleaning them off." He yawned and walked out of the stall.

Tatum placed the towels on the ground and groaned, "Son of a bitch." He whispered, "How'd I know he was gonna ditch."

I grabbed Tatum's hand, "Who cares Tate. We can do this on our own."

He grinned, "You're right."

And then it was like a motherly instinct kicked in, "Okay, we need to get down to business." I opened a towel and placed the tiny, hungry piglet inside, cleaning it off. "We need to make sure they stay warm and dry. Or else they could die. When piglets are born, they lose lost of body heat, very quickly."

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