Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 3 (You Look hotter Than A Pig In A Smoke House)

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Hey guys! New chapter!



CHAPTER THREE- (You Look Hotter Than A Pig In A Smoke House)

So far Tatum and I have gotten no where on our disease project. We've now known about the project for two weeks and we haven't even picked a topic. I hated this. Every time I asked Tatum if we could work on the project, he tells me all these stories about going hunting, throwing a bonfire, and trashing a neighboring farms crops. Why he does it, beats me.

I walked down the schools steps bypassing other students, looking for Tatum's truck. He was in the same spot as always with the girl he's become quite fond of recently. They were both sitting on the tailgate, her long, brown hair was braided down her back. My face turned into a disgusted one once I realized that they were sucking face with one another.

I gaged.

Picking up my pace towards his truck, I walked up to them. After about a minute of standing there with my hands on my hips, looking like an idiot, I spoke up, "Ehemmm." I drowned out. The both jumped and separated lips. When they looked t me, I was double scolded. The chick had horrible freckles all over her face.

Before Tatum could say anything I spoke up, "Tatum, we need to get some of this project done."

"Babe, who the hell is this?" the freckle face asked rudely.

Tatum sighed, shooting daggers at me with his piercing green gaze, "Just a nerd who I got partnered with."

She looked me up and down with pursed lips, "Really? She looks more like a yank to me."

"Yeah, that too."

Trying to be nice, "I'm Addison."

"I'm Tiffany. Too bad I'm not pleased to meet you." she said with a smirk on her face. I just wanted to slap it off.

"Well, talk about southern charm." I fired back.

"Honey, I'm not a fan of snobby, bitchy, yanks like you."

"And I'm not a fan of rude, racist, rebels like you." gosh I can't stand her.

"Darlin' I'm not racist, I'm talking to a Yankee aren't I?"

Lord this girl. I didn't mean her being racist against me... I turned towards Tatum who was clearly enjoying this, "How about I come over later so we can get some of this done. The fast we gt don't the project, the faster we don't have to be in the same airspace as each other."

"What ever." he snorted, "Come around three on Saturday. My address is 326 Turkey Farm road."

That's a weird name.

I nodded my head in conformation and just as I walked away, from the corner of my eye I saw them lean into each other making out once again. Ugh. I hate this place, and everyone in it. I miss my friends from back home. Once in a while I can video chat, but it's hard because of my old school.

Even though I hated this town, I guess I didn't hate everyone in it considering I'm friends with Leila. Tonight was going to be fun though. Leila and I are going to the club that is supposed to be really cool.

Sliding into my car, I started it up backing out of the parking spot, ready to go home and actually have a little fun.


I swung my small bag across my chest and grabbed my keys. I kissed my mother and father on the side of their cheeks. "Have fun sweetie!" my mother told me.

I as bout to step out of the house when Danny blocked my path. My head collided with his rock solid, burly chest. I looked up at him and he looked at me only disapprovingly. "Just where do you thing you're going dressed like that?"

He was referring to my pink, sparkly, tight fitting dress and bright pink pumps. I don't know why he thinks this is bad because the dress is knee length and it shows no cleavage! Right now he was making me uncomfortable with his stares.

"What's wrong with my outfit? I'm going someplace with a friend."

"Will this someplace have boys?" his arms were crossed over his chest, and his intense glare made me crack a chuckle.

"Don't worry Danny. I will be fine. Don't forget that I actually know how to fend for myself. And if something happens I will call you first thing okay?" I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled up at him. I wasn't lying when I said I could fend for myself either. When I went to Our Lady of Perpetual Parish, I did an extra curricular activity called Judo. It's a type of martial arts that originated in Japan. Believe it or not, I was pretty good at it too.

Danny shook his head, "No. If something happens, you call the cops. Then me." he smiled and let me pass him. "I love you!" he called.

"Love you too, Daniel."

What a goofball.

I drove myself over to Leila's house and for once this is the first house I've seen that doesn't encode corn, Cotton, or smelly cows. Only think in their barn appeared to be chickens, which, I can handle.

I rand the door bell, and Leila opened the door looking me up and down with the most horrid expression on her face.

"What's the matter?" I asked curiously.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into her home, "Girl come here. I need to get you fixed up."

"What the heck!? Is it like 'Pick on Addison's Outfit Day'?" I looked at Leila and she nodded her head. I sighed as she dragged me through a long hall full of family photos. She pulled me into a room much smaller then mine. As soon as we entered, she pushed me on her bed and immediately went into her closet.

She began throwing a few things on the bed and spoke up, "Girl, you look like white trash in that dress."

"How!?" I threw my arms up in frustration.

"What you are wearin' is too preppy. If you wanna fit it and stop making yourself a target, then you need to dress like me and all the other girls."

She pushed me into the bathroom across the hall, and made me put on her clothes. Luckily, we were the same size. Leila had handed me a pair of short shorts and a tight fitting tank top with intricate tapestry on the bust.

The tank rope she handed me was very tight, something I would never wear. It also showed skin between the shorts and the shirt. Although I would never wear this in New Jersey, I'm oddly liking it. To be honest, it makes my tanned figure look good.

Walking out of Leila's bathroom, I was once again bombarded by her. She handed me a fancy belt and a tan leather jacket. Once I finished putting on my belt and jacket, I turned the Leila for approval, "So what do you think?"

Leila smiled, "Girl you look hotter than a pig in a smokehouse." she paused and her smile got even bigger. She took her dark skinned hand and pulled out my pony tale letting my long, wavy hair fall past my shoulders. She then ran to her closet and came out with a pair of red cowgirl boots that also had beautifully done embroidery. She handed me the boots with a pair of socks.

"What kinda club are we going to Leila?"

She had a devilish smirk, "I fun one. Now, hurry up and lets go!" she said,maying up her green flannel shirt.

I stood up in the red boots which made me about two inches taller. Leila grabbed my hand and lead me out of her room, through the house. She grabbed her car keys off of the kitchen counter, yelled, "See ya later ma!" and walked me out of the front do to her car.

We got in, and began our drive into the city.


I was immediately bummed out when I heard country line dance music. I knew there had to be some sort of catch if I was to go to a "Club" with Leila. I don't know who's worse, Leila or Tatum.

Once I was done being made a Leila, I looked around and took in everything. This place was huge. It was like a barn shape where in the middle was a dance floor, to the side is the bar with numerous tables. All the way at the end of the building is a raised platform with another group of people. My guess is that that, is where people who don't know how to dance go. I didn't know how to line dance, but I was a pretty fast learner so I'm sure Leila could help me.

She squealed in excitement as she led me towards the dance floor. And in he moment I saw the worst possible thing... Tatum and his trampy bimbo. I mentally cursed myself for coming. Tiffany's back was towards me but I could see Tatum talking to her with a beer in his right hand. For a split second he looked at me and he smirked. Boy, did he look fine. Wearing a white tee shirt, tight jeans, boots, and a fitted cowboy hat. I'm pretty sure I just had a heart attack..

Shut up Addison! He is bad news! Don't even think of him as cute! I told myself.

Oh no. This cannot be good. Being in the same place as Tatum was never good. I always seem to find new found confidences when I'm around him. I always end up doing things I regret. Or I do something that could possibly get me killed.

Me and Leila were now on the dance floor and she stood next to me, sliding both thumbs in through the top of her belt. "Okay, now what you do is hold onto your belt, heel-toe with each foot, turn, jump, clap, and slide to the right, to left, and do the same thing over again."

Wow. I didn't realized country line dancing was this easy. "Okay. This is pretty easy." I began dancing in sync with Leila and all the other people dancing.

"See you got it!" she exclaimed laughing and smiling, "Don't forget to shake it a little. Loosen up girl!"

Me and Leila got so caught up in all the dancing, we didn't even realized that the music had changed. It was still a country song, but more upbeat. I'm surprised to say, but it was actually kinda catchy. Something about getting a Fake I.D. Leila and I were hand in hand dancing together, tons of sweat people dancing near us. I would have been grossed out if I were home, but something about this pace was changing me. I didn't care. "What's this song called!?" I shouted to Leila.

"Fake I.D.!" she replied just as loudly. The wooden floor beneath us was shaking and the lights were slowly dimming.

I peered past Leila's head to see a guy walking near us. He had a large smile on his face, showing model like, straight, teeth. I watched him as he grabbed my hand Leila was holding.

Leila looked up at the guy with a nasty glare before she realized he was trying to dance with me.



The very handsome guy tipped his cowboy hat at Leila and made a slight smile. Before she walked away, she looked at me and winked.

The man grabbed onto both of my hands and leaned in, his lips right next to me ear. "What's your name, beautiful?"

Even though he was right next to me ear, I still couldn't hear a word he said, however, I could faintly make out a southern accent. "I'm sorry. What!?" I shouted.

"What's your name?" this time he looked at me and spoke louder. "Mine is Jace."

Jace. I like that name.

Wait. He wants to know mine? What if he's crazy. What if he's a rapist. I began to mentally hyperventilate.

I then felt someone touch my shoulder waking me from my mental hyperventilation. My heart rate decreased once I realized that it was just Leila trying to get me to dance. She already had a guy wrapped around her finger. I huffed in frustration.

For some reason, my eyes landed on Tatum still at the bar. I smirked and looked up into Jaces' blue eyes. Man he was a cutie. Blue eyes and blond hair...

"My name is Addison." I smiled widely at him.

Jace tipped his hat, "It's a pleasure." he grinned, "Care to dance?" he asked.

I nodded my head and Jace placed his hands on my hips, while my arms connected behind his neck. This was how to dance, right?

As our dancing became more intense, so did our breathing. I could faintly smell the alcohol roll off his breath. However, it was being masked by some type of minty gum. That combo nation mixed with his manly cologne ignited a fire deep within me. I fire I had never felt before. It was a fire of fun and rebellion.

By now we were both panting, swaying back and forth, his hands sloppily found their way onto my butt. I immediately felt uncomfortable when he gave my bum a tight squeeze. Literally jumping out of my skin, I backed away but Jace followed. He had me cornered in practically the dark. I was sure nobody could see us.

Jace pressed his whole body against me, and I could feel everything. Everything... He breathed into my ear, "What's the matter baby? You don't like it rough?" he looked at me and smirked.

He pressed himself tighter against me, making sure I couldn't move. No, no, no. This can't happen to me. If I was able to move my arms or legs out of his grip, I would have punched or kneed him by now.

I tried to move my legs but it was no use. The more I squirmed, the more he pushed. I was getting scared. "Please! Get off of me!" I screamed and then he took his hand and covered my face. My eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets by now.

When Jace started to lean in, I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see anything anymore. This creep. I hate this place.

Suddenly, I felt the weight pressed onto my lungs be gone. No more tobacco smelling hand, and no more beer breath. I opened my eyes to see Jace on the ground. Hovering over him was the least expected person. Tatum.

"You son of a bitch! Don't you ever touch another woman like that again! Do you hear me?!" Tatum bellowed, throwing a punch right into the side of Jaces' face. After a few repeated punches, Jace threw his hands up in surrender.

By now we had a few spectator watching and somehow, I managed to let a tear slip out of my closed eyes. Tatum walked over to me in the corner and snaked his arm around my waist, steadying me, making sure I wouldn't fall.

Why is he doing this?

"It's okay. I'm gonna get you outta here." he looked at me with a mix of anger and sincerest in his burning green gaze.

He lead me out of the club, telling the useless bouncer to get "Pick up the scum off the floor in the corner." Stepping outside, a wave of coldness hit me. I forgot my jacket in there. I can't go back not now. I uncontrollably shivered in Tatum's hold.

He then took off his leather jacket and slipped both of my arms in it. I mumbled a thank you as he helped me into his truck.

I had a million thoughts running through my head. I thought of how stupid I was for dancing with that guy, all trying to make Tatum jealous. Having the thought of getting into Tatum's truck wearing his jacket was also another one.

Tatum started the truck and began backing out, "Are you okay?" he asked pulling out of the parking lot.

"Take me home please." I looked at him and he frowned.

"Did he hur-"

"No." I cut him off before he could finish that sentence. I looked out of the window, seeing the city lights slowly fade into those of barn lights.

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at my house. Tatum parked out front. Unbuckling my seat belt, I looked at him, "Thank you." my heart began pounding against my chest, "I don't know what would have happened if you-"

"Yeah, yeah. I already know the whole speech."

I was taken aback. He just saved me and treated me decent and now he is back to the same old rude person. I sighed jumping put of the truck and making sure to slam the door behind me as loud as I could.

Sneaking up into my room successfully, I realized that I was so dead. My parents were going to find out somehow that I broke curfew or that I had trouble at the country club. Heck, if Danny finds out, he will never let me leave the house alone.

After I was done being scared of my parents, I came to a conclusion that I don't care. I just don't care. The smell of Tatum's jacket started to flood into my nose, and my thoughts automatically went to him. How could he be so nice, and then so...mean?

I actually thought that he was a different person. I guess my mind played tricks on me. Ripping his jacket off of me, I angrily threw it on the floor. "Screw Tatum. Screw this place. Screw everything!" my hands immediately covered my mouth. I had never said anything like that before... And I have a feeling that this is only the beginning...


I woke up the next morning already regretting last night. I would have to face my parents, Leila who I rudely left at the club, and most dreadfully, Tatum. I just couldn't face him right now. He helped me last night seeming so sweet and then he turned into the biggest jerk. Shocker.


Now I was on my way to Tatum's house after I had to pick up my car that was still at Leila's house. When showed up, she immediately flipped out saying that she was so worried. However, after I had told her what happened, her face got all soft and she hugged me.

Taking back my clothes, I gave her hers. When I went to hand her boots back, she refused. "Girl, you need em' more then I do. Besides, I got more where that came from. Keep them." she shoved them back into my hands and I smiled.

I really liked these shoes but I hated Georgia. I didn't want to give her the wrong idea. "Just wear them." she ordered. Leila's dark eyes were scary when she ordered someone. I mechanically found myself sitting on her sofa and sliding them onto my feet.

I stood up and Leila's face lit up like a mad woman, "See! They look so cute with your outfit!"

I giggled, I was only wearing jeans, and a tank top. It was still pretty humid out so I felt comfortable. Leila was right though. The extra pop of red color from my boots pulled together my outfit nicely.

Leila was taken aback when I hugged her, but she eventually hugged me back and laughed in the process. "Thank you." I said sincerely. I started walking out of her door, "See you later."

She waved at me and then that when I hopped into my car and started driving to Tatum's house with my backpack and his leather jacket in the passenger seat. Horrible memories started to flood back into my head. However, luckily my parents didn't pound on my too hard for breaking curfew. I was thankful for that.

I was now driving five miles an hour down Tatum's long driveway. He had a small house with a large a barn next to it. I could see a bunch of sheds, the top of a silo over his house. Don't forget the large field full of corn almost ready to be harvested.

I shut off my Mustang, and immediately heard cussing behind his house mixed with a machines low rumbling noise. Grabbing my backpack and Tatum's jacket, I slowly walked towards the back of the house.

I slowly peered my head over to get a view of the back of he house. My heart melted when I saw Tatum standing in the back of his truck, lifting large bales of hay, and throwing them on a large conveyor belt that led up the the silo.

The best part was, was that Tatum was shirtless, his ripped jeans hanging low on his hips. Good lord, he is tanned and toned... Sweat dripped down his back and chest, he took off one glove and in one swift motion, he lifted his cowboy hat off his head to scratch at his sweaty hair. That was.. oh so yummy...

When he reached down, and grabbed a hay bale throwing it onto the conveyor, I studied him more carefully. I lost my breath when I saw his muscles flex and bend. Next thing I knew, I was on my butt because I lost my balance too.

I fell into the red Georgia dirt, letting out a word that I'm not proud of. All of a sudden, three barking mad dogs came out of no where, teeth showing, and snarling. "Nice doggies!" I yelled scared out of my wits. My back was flush up against a jeep when I heard a loud whistle. The dogs ears perked at the noise, and they left me.

I stepped away from the jeep to see Tatum smirking at me, as he put on his shirt. He stopped the conveyor belt. "Geez Belle. Did ya' enjoy he show?"

I swear I could feel my face heating up like a fire. "What? Your crazy." I paused trying to think of something to say, "You should really keep those dogs on leashes..." I awkwardly ran a hand through my bangs.

Tatum jumped off of his truck, "Why are you here so early?"

I looked at my phone, "But I'm not.. It's three now."

"Oh shit. I completely lost track of time."

I laughed. " I brought your jacket from last night... Thanks for everything last night." I handed him his jacket.

"Don't worry about it. Now, wanna go work on this crappy project?" he motioned for the screen door that was next to us.

"Yeah sure..." my eyes tailed over to a beautiful horse grazing in the nearby paddock. "Hold on." I began to walk over to the fence.

"Uh, I don't think you should do that!" he called. "Bolthouse don't like people."

I ignored his comments and jumped the fence, slowly walking over to the shiny, brown horse. His head perked up, and his ears curled back which I new was not a good sign. Slowly putting out my hands, I tried to solace the horse, "Shhh. It's alright." I was now just a few inches from the beautiful creature, I put up my hand and ran a few fingers across his head. "Don't worry boy. I won't hurt you."

My parents paid people to give me riding lessons when I was younger so I know a great deal about horses. Tatum came jogging up to the white fence, and Bolthouse's ears shot back. "It's alright. You're okay.." I said still petting him.

"Amazing..." Tatum breathed, "Nobody's been able to touch him like that.."

Bolthouse... Where does that sound familiar? "Is this the Bolthouse that broke his leg two years ago at the Derby?"

"Yeah... How did you-"

"I watched him on T.V. Oh you poor thing." I looked into the magnificent creatures big eye. I then turned to Tatum, "Can he still be ridden?"

"Moderately. But he hasn't let anyone ride him since his leg was healed."

My heart ached for Bolthouse, "Here, hop over the fence and give me boost."

"I don't think that's a good-"

"Just do it." I snapped, "Trust me."

He slowly climbed over the fence and stood behind me. I could smell his cologne along with the musty scent of his sweat. My heart began to speed up just a bit. I held on to the ed of the horses mane while Tatum placed both of his hands over my shin.

Tatum counted, "One. Two. Three." and with that, he pushed my body up from the sin. All I had to do was swing my leg over. Bolthouse neighed while he lifted his two front legs a few inches from the ground. I began to pet the horses neck, and he calmed down. All the while, Tatum was holding onto me with protective hands.

Both of his big hands where around my waist, I blushed ad then tried to cover it up. "You can let me go," I smirked at him. "I know what I'm doing.." For a split second, I could see Tatum's cheeks become pink. He let me go and mumbled a "Sorry."

It's true... Even if the horse didn't have reins or a saddle, I still know how to ride bareback. Both my hands found his mane and I grabbed a hold of them. I clicked my tounge twice, and we began walking. "Good boy!" I smiled and noticed that Tatum was following us.

"Let's see you run, boy."

I kicked my legs against his sides, and we shot off. This retired race horse still had it in him. Even with plates in his leg, he ran very fast. Using my thy muscles, I managed to keep myself from falling off as he sprinted through the paddock. Tatum was clapping his hands at me once I managed to get Bolthouse to slow down. I walked him over to Tatum who was smirking.

"Look's like you might make a good country girl after all."


Okay I kinda didn't like this chapter. Can you guys please tell me what you think? PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE :D

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