Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 5 (Bad Boy Talks To God?)

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Hey all! How are you guys! New chapter coming out to ya! :D Oh and if you arn't abled to read chapter four apparently it is "restricted", so if you can't read it then that means your supposed to follow me. I think WP automatically put it on restricted because I used some cuss words.


CHAPTER 5- (Bad Boy Talks To God?)

My whole body hurt. In the distance I could see Bolthouse fleeing down the path completely scared out of his wits. I was covered in squalid mud and the coldness made me shiver. I looked up to see Tatum hovering over me yelling at the four quads who just caused his horse to fling me off, and run away.

Tatum's deep emerald green eyes looked into mine and I could see sheer panic. My heart fluttered when I realized that he was panicking about me.

Me? No way. But them Tatum started talking to me.

Yes way..

"Belle are you okay?" I didn't answer him, "Common answer me."

I heard him curse a few colorful words before I squeaked, "I'm okay."

He ran a shaky hand through his luscious brown hair, "Thank god." he looked up into the sky.

Oh bad boy talks to god? Never would have guessed!

"Move something." he ordered.

I desperately tried to move my arm but no matter what I did, it was like my body was glued with Gorilla Glue. Oh my lord. What if I'm paralyzed!? My face was then turned into utter panic... No. No. No.

Tatum grabbed my wrist and I felt his warm hand on mine. If I can feel im grab me, I'm not paralyzed right? "Tatum am I-I paralyzed?" I asked.

He shook his head and chuckled, "No... I don't think so. I've taken many falls and I was fine. Plus you landed in fresh mud. I think you are just in shock." he slid his left hand under my back and his right under my thigh's.

Tatum then picked all 115 pounds of me up and out of wet dirt. My head rested onto his warm chest, allowing some mud stuck on me be transferred to him.

I was now starting to regain my mobility and I wiggled my fingers and eventually I could move everything.

Thank you God...

I looked up at Tatum and I saw a raging anger burning through his pupils. Oh no. This cannot be good. He's going to end up punching people's teeth out because I guarantee he knows who those four on quads were.

"Can you stand?" he asked with a surprisingly nice tone.

"Put me down and we'll see..." I tried to joke but Tatum didn't budge. He lowered me on to the ground but protectively had a hand wrapped around my waist.

He slowly released his arm and so far, I wasn't falling back into the mud.. He walked me over to Thor and instructed me to mount him. I placed my feet in the stirrups and held onto the saddle while Tatum took the reins and pulled them over Thor's head. "Hold on."

My grip tightened and we started walking because Tatum was leading the horse with me on top. "Bolthouse!" Tatum called.

I followed in suit, my voice coming out more girlish. "So who were those guys?" I asked.

"People who aren't like us. People who are stuck up and rich. People who think they can trample all over." Tatum then looked at me with a deathly glare, "People like you." he gritted his teeth.

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