Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 28- (Smells Like Beer and Cheese)

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Hey guys! Here is chapter 28! Hope y'all like it!

Also, check out Cole Swindell's new album! It's amazing and probably will be the next chapter song!


Chapter 28- (Smells Like Beer and Cheese)

The look on Tatum's face was priceless after he spoke, "Oh shit." He said grabbing onto my hand, tugging me towards the blanket.

We sat down on the soft blanket before I squeezed out all the extra water from my hair.

Tatum moved his lips closer to my ear, "Don't deny or confess. Just try not to talk."

I nodded my head with a smirk.

I am speaking to them.

The cops busted through the gate that automatically opened. Three cars flew in and my heart was pumping blood like crazy.

Just as fast as they pulled in, the cops jumped out. One for each car with their guns raised, and super bright flashlights pinned on us.

"Both of you stand up with your hands up!" The first cop yelled. I could see spit flying from his mouth in front of the bright headlights also shining in our faces.

They started to approach us still with guns raised.

I tilted my head and smiled with a cute face, hoping to phase them, "Evening officers, how we doin' this fine night?"

The shortest of them all slid his gun in the holster and approached me, "Cut the bullshit. What are you two doing out here? Can't you read the signs?" He yells.

I looked up at him with a smirk, "Why no officer! We are blind! It's such a tragedy, really."

I could tell he was getting agitated. That's just what I wanted...

The cop looked at his other officers and then at Tatum, "Book him, let me deal with her." He turned back towards me while his goons walked towards Tatum, one was pulling out the cuffs.

"You know little girl, I don't appreciate your sass."

I bent down and picked up my beer, ignoring the officers orders to keep my hands above my head. I tipped back the bottle and took in a large amount of liquid before tossing the bottle against a tree, shattering it.

With a gulp of beer still in my mouth, I spit it out in the officers face, "You know, I don't appreciate warm beer..."

I swear the cops face was as red as a hot tamale. He flung off the liquid from his face before he whipped the back of his hand across my cheek.

"Listen you little bitch!" He seethed, "I'm not here to play games!"

From falling on the ground, I hadn't even noticed Tatum yelling and knocking himself out of two cops' arms. He stumbled until he reached the cop who hit me. Tatum planted a big, juicy punch to the assholes face, probably breaking his nose.

"Control this ape!" The short cop yelled. Tatum soon after got the cuffs placed on his wrists behind his back and I smiled at how concerned he was for me as he was being drugged away towards the cop car. He thrashed his body, trying to break their hold. However, he was unsuccessful. They threw him against the hood of the car, patting him down, pulling out his wallet.

"Come on you little tramp," he slapped the cuffs on around my wrist, clamping them on tighter than needed.

I yelped as the cold metal pinched my skin. The douche cop yanked me roughly up from the ground and drug me towards the hood of the car slamming me down.

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