Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 13- (You're Pretty Damn Hot When You're Dirty)

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Anywho, here is chapter 13!

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Enjoy ;D


Chapter 13- (You're pretty Damn Hot When You're Dirty)

I'm not sure where my new found confidence came from but I stood up in front of the fire and all of Tatum's friends, "So how about we get riding!"

Everyone shot their eyes at me and I kind of felt self concious...

Then another horrifying thought hit me, I have never ridden on a quad before in my entire life... I was so gonna get my but kicked...

That mean freckle-faced Tiffany stood up, "How about you and I race?" I've hated her ever since I saw her making out with Tatum on the back of his pick-up truck...


Tiffany placed both hands on her hips, "Sure, why not? Is the wittle city girl too scared?" she mocked making a pouty face.

For some reason, her comment set me off. I'm tired of her judging me from my background... "Sure. I'm down. Are you sure you aren't the scared one?" I retorted putting on a cheeky smile.

A few mocking snickers arose from the group of mainly boys.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, "You do realise I have been riding four wheelers all my life right?"

Clearly that isn't the only thing...

"What did you just say to me?"

Did I just mumble that out loud? Oops...

I gave her a fox like grin, "I said- quads aren't the only thing you've been riding... I'm not even sure if you could count all the guys you've ridden on your two hands! I assume there's a lot."

The group of boys hooted and hollered at my comeback. Even Tatum was laughing out loud. I could see I was getting to Tiffany because even in the darkness of the night, I could see her face go pale. Sh crossed her arms over her chest, "Whatever, b!tch."

She turned her back on me and grabbed Tatum by the collar of his leather jacket. She led him to a quad. I began walking towards a different, more bigger one. Jason walked over to me and that's when I realised that I was sitting on his quad.

I grabbed a hold of him by the shoulders, "Jason! Help me!"

Jason chuckled, "Don't worry. It's not as hard as it looks. Just turn the key, hold the brake in-" Jason pointed to the leaver on my left hand side, "then you turn the kill switch on and then finally turn the start button on. The gas is the thumb leaver on your right."

That doesn't sound too hard...

"Alright go ahead, fire her up but don't let go of the break. Let her run while I explain to you what this is," Jason pointed to a snorkel looking thing. "This is a snorkle and that basically lets you go deeper into mud and water without any of it gettig into the engine."

I nodded my head.

"Now that the quad is warmed up, I'll turn the choke on. The choke pulls in more air for a better engine performance."

Okay so this isn't that hard... "So basically, it lets me go faster?" I asked.

"Yep pretty much. Now take a few test turns. But DON'T turn on four-wheel until you're in the mud..."

This is it, Addison.

I released the brake and slowly let my thumb push down on the gas. Setting off in motion, I went around the bonfire and back a few times getting the hand at it in different speeds. This was actually pretty easy...

I increased my speed and went on the outter edge of the mud pit. Little specs of light and dark brown mud flew up, splattering all over me. The feelings I'm having now are so exhilarating, so I don't care.

This was fun...

This was so not me...

But, I oddly liked it....

I noticed Jason waving at me and so I turned the four-wheeler around and began making my way towards what I assumed was going to be the start/finish line. Tiffany was already at the start, Tatum next to her. She was sitting on the rumbling quad giving me the biggest death glare imaginable...

I am so dead...

I circled around the starting line so that I was facing the same way as Tiffany. She looked my way and evilly smirked. With about three feet in between out large, roaring quads, I could see dark shadows covering her face which is probably her freckles.

I could see Tatum, Jason and Leila all talking looking back at us, probably coming up with rules and such.

Soon after, Leila's petite body came in between each of the quads. She smirked at me before turning to the crowd near the bonfire, intently watching us, "Whose got a green shirt!?" she yelled. In a matter of seconds Leila had one of the guys' green tee.

"Alright ladies! Rules are to just have fun, get dirty, and no foul play! You must drive around the perimeter of the clearing. And you MUST drive through the mud hole." Leila smiled, "When I drop my arms holding the green, you go. Understand?"

Tiffany and I both nodded our head in unison.

"Good. Now ladies and well ladies, rev your engines!"



I looked over to see Tiffany have her had on the brake and also her thumb pressing on the gas. The whole ground was rumbling... I mimicked her actions and the loud rumbling was doubled. The crowd near the bonfire hooted and hollered.

My adrenaline was pumping...

The green shirt was in Leila's right hand and so she lifted up her empty left arm and then she raised the other arm clutching the supposed green flag. She mouthed one-two-three ad then she flung her arms down at her sides.

I pressed on the gas as fast as I could and I was sent flying past Leila. The speed of both quads made Leila's beautiful curly black hair sway backward in the wind. The crowd jumped up and hooted even more. Some were cheering Tiffany's name and some were cheering mine. This made me smile. I was knocked out of la-la land when I saw Tiffany's quad begin to pass me.

I have see things on movies and I know that being on the outside of a race track was never a good thing because your opponent(s) could block you in the entire race. I needed to think of a plan. And fast.

Tiffany was diagonally in front of me so of course, I was stuck.

I was almost towards the mud hole and so I knew I had to do something or else I was going to lose and make my self look like a complete donkey.

Without any thinking, I immediately picked up my speed until my front tires were in line with her back. I one quick motion I turned left and then right effectively slamming into Tiffany's tires.

The crowd was cheering.

My name...

My awesome driving caused Tiffany to lose control and I quickly took the jump on her and was now a few lengths ahead. I heard her curse my name, but I ignored it.

Just going around the third turn, I was quickly coming up to the mud hole and I needed to remember to put on the four-wheel drive or else I was dead. So dead.

I looked back for a few seconds and saw that Tiffany was still a few paces behind but who knows, she could still sneak attack. I was in the bad position for attack now...

I slowed down once I got to the mud hole. I'm not sure how deep it is, but it is very intimidating... As soon as the front wheels touched the mud, I kicked on the four-wheel drive which surprisingly helped.

I always thought that driving in mud would be easy, but let me to you, it's not... No matter how much you try and control the steering, It keeps zig-zagging you in every direction.

Mud was flying everywhere and once I was in the deepest part, it began to rise about half way up my shins.

Oh man... Mom is going to kill be for these pants ruined.

My boots that came from Leila are probably ruined too...

By now, dry and wet mud splatters were caked on my body. My clothing is most likely ruined...

I looked back almost out of the mud to see that Tiffany was just entering the pit. That's when I pushed harder on the gas until I was sloppily let out of the dirty death hole.

One more turn....

All I needed was one more turn and I would win the race...

My eyes landed on Leila after I turned the four-wheel drive off. I could sort of hear her scream for a white shirt. I then was surprised at what she did next... She realised that she had on a white shirt so she just ripped it clean off her back leaving her standing there in jeans and a bra.

What the heck has she had to drink...?

I shook the though from my mind and realised that she was waiving her shirt for the white flag.


Before you know it, I was past the finish line.

I won.

Did I seriously just win a quad race with my current enemy?

It never sunk in until everyone crowded around me screaming my name and saying, 'Damn! City girl can ride!"

I chuckled at every comment. Even Tatum was smiling too.

We all immediately grew quiet once we heard this bloody murder scream. All of our heads turned towards the mud hole so fast, we might have whiplash...

I laughed once I realised that Tiffany's quad she was trying to beat me in, had stalled on her when she was in the middle of the mud..

"Someone come help me!" She dramatically demanded.

Of course the single guys who wanted an easy bang were the first to come to her rescue... Now it was just Tatum's friends, Tatum, Leila, and I. I shut off the quad and gracefully stepped down from it, swinging my leg over to the other side.

I was filthy... There was mud in my hair, on my arms, my shirt, and jeans...

But it was worth it...

I didn't realise what Tatum was doing until his thumbs wiped the splatters of mud off of my face. He smirked, "You know Belle, you're pretty damn hot when your dirty." He winked and I playfully punched him.

Then I thought of an awesome idea...

"You wanna know what else I do dirty?" I evilly smirked and Tatum's eyebrows shot up in amusement. "I hug people! Come here Tater!" I latched myself onto Tatum making sure to get him completely covered in mud.

"You little-" He was cut off when another scream sounded. This time it was heading straight towards us... Just as I turned my head to see what was wrong, I was knocked from Tatum's arms and pushed to the ground.

My butt landed first and I'm pretty sure I heard something crack.


"You stupid b!tch!" Tiffany yelled. She was more covered in mud then I was, probably from her little swim. "You could have killed me back there! I should have one the race!" she angrily pointed.

I smirked, "Honestly, if you died, it wouldn't have been such a loss... Sorry doll face."

Wow. I am so mean...

"What did you say to me?!" Tiffany lunged herself at my body which was still on the ground. I was waiting for myself to be puched but that's when I realised that Tatum had grabbed her and put her in front of him.

"Just go home Tiffany." Tatum said sternly and I tried to suppress a chuckle. He hated her too.

"What!? No!" She fired back, "That b!tch deserves a good ass whoopin'!"

Tatum pointed towards the dirt path, "Leave." This time he used his warning tone which was very scary...

Tiffany smacked her feet against the ground, "Ugh!" she screamed before stomping away.

Tatum turned back at me and held out his hand for me to grab onto, "You OK?" he asked.

"Eh been better... You?" I said sarcastically wiping off my butt once I was up.

Tatum smiled a large one, "I'm good!"

"Actually... The proper English is 'I'm well.' not 'I'm good.'" I smirked.

"Jesus Addison, stop being a Nazi." Tatum laughed and casually slung an arm over my shoulders. "But seriously Belle, that was some kick ass driving..."

He started walking towards the bonfire where people finally sat down. Tatum sat on a huge log next to Jason and I sat next to Tatum.

Tatum's voice spoke up, "Alright guys, so ya'll know how I'm trying to turn my good girl bad? Well how about we give her something to make her loosen up..?"

Did he just say "my good girl"...?

I looked at Tatum and he smirked down at me...

Oh no...

This can't be good.

I tired to block out whatever they were saying, so I just tuned into the wildlife around me. Cicada's were singing in the background. It was awfully early... Cricket's chirping and you could also see the faint black shadow of bats flying above the campfire.

Next thing I knew, country music from a truck radio was blaring and a red solo cup was pushed into my hands.

Please don't be what I think you are. Please don't be what I think you are... I raised the plastic cup to my nose and sniffed.


"Bottoms up, Belle." Tatum said smiling.

I looked down into the cup full of the amber colored liquid which smelt stale. This would be my first beer. I shouln't do this...

Tatum looked at me with pleading eyes...

Don't do it Addison...

I looked up at everyone, "Oh, what the hell?" I raised the glass and began to take a sip of my first ever beer...


Hey guys! What did you think!! I really hope you guys liked this chapter!

Song on the side is Get Your Shine On by FGL (Florida Georgia Line) LOVE THIS SONG <3


Thanks for the awesome edit @cdcsnp ! :) If ayone has any endits or wants to make one to be posted, just shoot me a PM :D

Happy Mother's Day too!

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