Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 31 (My Cover=Blown)

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Hey my fabu peeps! How y'all are doing great! I'm seriously sick of all this snow nj is getting...

My junior prom was Saturday and it was pretty fun!!

Anyway, here's the chapter! Enjoy :)


Chapter 31: (My cover=blown)

I walked into school seriously not feeling it today. Not only do I have my midterm in anatomy, I have to worry about everyone talking about my little drunk stunt I pulled on Saturday.

According to the teachers, for four days we have half days and get out at twelve o'clock. Each of the four days we have to take two tests following your schedule. My first period is anatomy and then my second is just study hall. I'll be completely bored in study hall considering you don't do anything but sit there for two hours.

As I walked through the halls I couldn't help but notice all the looks, whispers, and whistles I was getting.

I just gave everyone dirty looks and once I got to my locker, I tried to conceal myself in its ugly chipped blue paint.

But, because I'm not a fucking chameleon, it didn't work. From the corner of my eye I saw a big body walking towards me. I wished it was Tatum so badly, but it wasn't.

Someone leaned against the locker next to mine, I look up noticing that it was the football quarterback smirking down at me. Another one of his jock friends joined him.

"Hey baby, how about you use them lips on me."

I shut my locker after I put my annoying things in my bag, "Go away." I say firmly. Just as I was about to turn around, another big body blocked me in.

I was starting to get mad... "Get the hell away from me."

They all laughed at me, "Awe common babe, if I dare you will you kiss me? Right on the lips. Or... Do you need a girl?" They mocked me. Ignoring them, I tried to push passed them but instead I was pushed back into my locker, "Where do you think your goin' princess?" His hand was on my shoulder.

I heard the clearing of a throat and I looked up to see my savior standing there clearly ticked off, "I suggest y'all shit kickers get the fuck away from my woman before I bash your faces into the lockers."

The reaction on the jocks faces were so priceless. You could tell they were all scared but they put on the tough guy act. They began to walk away before the quarterback spoke over his shoulder, "Watch yourself Boyer." I guess that was supposed to be threatening but instead Tatum laughed in his face.

He grabbed a hold of my hand and we walked together in silence to anatomy class. After the late bell had rang, Mrs. Sartain administered the one hundred and fifty question final exam.

Before starting I took a deep breath and looked at Tatum for reassurance. To be honest, I have no motivation to finish my exams.

What's the point?

I'm not going to college. The fact that I have wasted more than half of my pathetic life getting good grades and building up my transcript, just to not go to college.

I can't wait until I'm out of this dump. That way I can just make money and focus on more important things.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt someone kick my leg lightly. It was Tatum. With his eyes he motioned to my exam.

That's when I realized I had only one question done with one hundred an forty nine more, and only one hour left.

Well fuck.

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