Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 22 (Cray Cray)

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You've voted and got me passed 33k reads and like 150 shy votes away from 1k <3 Love you all and just a heads up... i'm thinking about a sequel.. :)

Enjoy my crazy rednecks, cowgirls, city girls, rebels, good people, EVERY ONE <3

Sorry for shortness!


Chapter 22- (Cray Cray)

Tatum's P.O.V.

I was listening to Luke Bryan singing on stage right in front of us. The fact that this man is from Leesburg, my little town, is mind blowing.

He may not know me, but I sure as hell look up to him.

I turned around to find Addison watching two idiots getting into a fight. They were totally wasted. You couldn't even make out what they were saying because of the loud music and thier slurring of words.

The man whose face I could see fisted his hand and raised it ready to punch.

The other guy who had is back to me was about to be punched. This should be so funny! It's always funny when two drunk idiots get into it.

However it wasn't funny.

The man who had his back towards me dodged the punch and instead of him being on the recieveing end, it was Addison...

No. No. No.

This can't happen to her. She is too damaged, and can never get a break! First her father, then her brother, and now this. And what is the main root of it all? Alcohol...

Addison was flung back by the force of the massive punch she just got in the head. She collapsed onto me but before she could hit the floor I grabbed a hold of her. I kneeled down and propped her head onto my thigh while I stroked the blond locks out of her face.

I was livid... If it wasn't for Addison who was practically limp in my lap, I would go over to the son of a bitch and beat the shit out of him.

My ears were ringing so loudly that I had no idea that The country singer had stopped the show himself. Security gaurds began to flood and I watched as they drug that drunk bastard who punched Addison out.

"It's okay baby, you're okay." I said trying to soothe. I'm not sure if I sounded convicing because I didn't have it in me. I'm not strong like she is. She is one of the strongest people I've met.

She looked up at me and frowned. Even with blood dripping from the side of her head, she still looked beautiful.

"Is she ok?"

I'm so out of it that I didn't even realize that Luke Bryan was talking to me personally. I looked up to see that he was standing above us looking down.

I looked at him and yelled "I don't know!" as loud as my voice would allow me.

I noticed that Addison grip was loosening on my arm. Her eyes were rolling all over, "Addison! Stay awake!"

But she didn't.

She passed out in my arms.

I looked up at the singer and concern was written all over his face. "Can I get my medical team over here please! Lift her onstage and then come up." He yelled half on the mic, half off.

Wow... This is really happening.

I lifted up Addison onto the stage and as a team of medical personell brought her back stage I jumped onto the stage myself and followed.

I was amazed when about forty thousand people started cheering for us.

I followed the medics back behind the stage and they led me to a room which was marked infirmary.

It was only a little room with medical supplies and a bed. They placed her into the bed and started to tend to the wound.

They cleaned her wound with alcohol and a gauze pad before placing tape over it to keep it held together. She was still passed out.

They shined a light into her eyes and about a few minutes after she started to stir. I was sitting in a little chair next to the bed until she started moving.

She blinked her eyes open a few times. The lights were bright, she put her hands above her head to block it out. She groaned in pain and I smiled to my self. I had never been so happy to hear someones voice.

She removed her arm from her face and she squinted.

"Tatum? Where am I?" she asked, her voice hoarse, sounding dry. It amazes me how she has no idea where the hell she is but her voice is still full of sturdiness. She's so much stonger then I ever will be.

The paramedics rushed to her side, "You are in the stadiums infirmary. Do you remember anything?" they asked her.

"I remember I was punched in the face and then it goes black."

The female medic nodded, "How many fingers am I holding up?" She held up four fingers a few feet away from Addison's face.

"All I see is four."

"What's the current president of the United State's name?"

Addison groaned in disgust, "Obama." I chuckled at how much she hated our president.

The medic nodded, "Does your head hurt. On a scale of one to ten, how much?"

Addison gave the lady an Are- You- Really- Asking- Me- That- Look. I chuckled. Damn it really turns me on when Addison gets firey

"Of course my head hurts.. But I'm not sure what's causing more pain, my head itself of this cut. So, I would say it hurts at a 6."

"Are you sure?" The medic pressed further when Addison was clearly not interested.

"Positive... And no- I'm not tired."

The paramedic made a face. As if she was contemplating wether or not to let Addison go. The medic then turned to me, "Is she your wive?"

I swallowed nervously, my mouth as dry as sand paper, "Uh- yes."

"Good. Make sure you wake her up 2-3 times tonight while she's sleeping. Check her heart rate and breathing often. If she complains of a bad headache or blacks out then call 9-1-1. I don't think she has a concussion but if she has a headache on and off for three days, take her to see a doctor.'

"You got it." I nodded paying close attention to what the person was saying. Addison's health was on the table...

A knock played at the door, and the medic went over and opened it up.

Both Addison and I gasped simultaniously. It was my idol. The man who helped Addison, making a visit. This is crazy. He had a bouqet of roses in his had with a card.

This man is amazing, and thats why he is one of my idols after my brother.

"How you doin' darlin'?" he walked towards Addison and the look of shock was still emenent on her face.

"You're actually checking up on me? I didn't think singers actually did that." Addison smiled, "And I'm better, not the first time i've got a beating." she looked into the air as if recollecting on her memories when she was younger.

"Oh, your daddy used to give you a butt whoopin' when you were bad?" the compassionate singer asked her.

She made a sickly sweet smile, "Yep, somthing like that..." Luke nodded. My anger started to rise. I knew all too well that Addison never did a god damn thing to make her father have a reason to beat her.

"Anyway's, I gotta get goin' soon. I got a show tomorra' in New Jersey. Gonna be a long night of drivin'" Luke Bryan set down the vase of flowers and the card on the night stand, "Is there anything I can do for you before I go?"

She sat there for a few moments thinking, "Two things?"


"Tatum over here bought me one of your shirts and I doubt he has it now. Can I get a new one?"

"Done. What's number two?"

"Can you dedicate one of your songs tomorrow night at your concert to my late grandmother? She was like a rock to me when my life was really hard. Her name was Terry Birtch. It would mean the world if you did it for me."

"You got it, I'll tell you what, type out your contact information on my phone and I will send you your shirt and a video of it."

I could tell tears started to prick Addison's eyes. She sniffled, "Really? You would do that? Thank you so so much."

"Of course darlin'. Come here." He enveloped Addison into a hug. "You take care. I'm sorry that had to happen to you." handing him his phone back, she wiped a stray tear off her cheek.

She smiled and as he walked away she picked up the roses and smelled them. I however stopped the famous singer after he walked out of the infirmary. "Thank you." I say, "To be honest, I can't belive that I'm actuallly talkin' to you right now but you have no idea how much I appreciate what you're doing for Addison. She's had a tough passed couple of years."

"No problem, brother." he clapped my hand and pulled me into a hug as well.

"When she was youger her father used her a punching bag. She never did anything wrong like she told you."

"Damn." the singer cursed under his breath. "I really have to go but I'll be praying for you guys... I'm assuming you two a couple, so treat her right."

"Yes sir, always will." I say with pure honesty.

"You take care Tatum. And thank's for driving all this way too my show."

"How do you know where we drove from?" I asked confused.

"All in your accent..." It took me a minute to register what he meant. Then I realised that he actually lived in Leesburg for some time. Before I could reply back, he had already walked down the white corridor probably boarding his bus right as I'm thinking.


As much as I hate seeing Addison hurt, it was amazing to me a celebrity like that man.

I walked back in the small infirmary and noticed Addison had moved a bit, he legs were swung over the brown examination bed.

"You ready to go?" I ask her.

She looked up at me and smiled, in her right hand she held the card that the country singer had given her. In the other, she seemed to be holding two pieces of rectangular paper.

"He gave us tickets to come see his show in NYC! Madison Square Garden! Tatum this is amazing! It's in the end of August!"

"Really? That's awesome!"

She hopped off of the sticky brown leather bed and came to my side. I wrapped my arm around her waste after she had grabbed the bouquet of flowers. The tickets were placed in the pocket on my shirt.

We walked around a few of the corridors, the light looking artificial, until we spotted a security guard posted at a corner. "Excuse me sir, how do we get outta here?"

The man looked tired, I don't blame him. "You take this hallway all the way down, make a left and you'll see these two big doors. You'll have to knock because security will be posted."

"Thanks sir, have a nice night."

The security guard made a grumbling noise, "Yeah. You too son."

I led Addison as I followed the mans directions. We soon made it to a very large double door. I knocked loudly before two muscular looking guards opened the door. "Have a nice night." They say. As they stopped talking Addison made a small gasp.

"What's wrong?" I asked but before she could answer, I knew it already. I felt her whole body shiver as the air hit our bodies.

The once eighty five degree weather is probably now around fifty five or sixty.

To me, the summer night air was comfortable but Addison was still shivering.

"When we get back to the truck, I'll give you a blanket and then I'll take you somewhere to get checked out."

She stopped dead in her tracks. "No Tatum! I am fine! No need to take me to the damn hospital."

The strings in my heart were tugging. I need to know that she's okay but it's so difficult to think clearly when she gives me those puppy eyes.

I groaned, "Fine. But I am taking you home."

I'm not sure what time it is, probably around eleven thirty, but I'm sure Addison's mother isn't happy.

I unlocked my truck and helped Addison in after grabbing a blanket from the tool box in the bed of the truck. She buckled herself in and I placed the blanket on top of her before jumping in and starting the engine.

Thankfully the concert traffic was gone which made it very easy to leave.

We were about halfway home when Addison spoke up for the first time since we'd been driving, "You aren't taking me home Tatum. I don't want to be there."

My grip tightened on the steering wheel, "What the hell do you mean you 'don't wanna go home'? Addison you need to rest."

"Sleep is for the weak Tatum. 'Sides, you're gonna have to wake me up anyway. Plus, I really don't feel like dealing with my mother tonight. Bombarding me with questions about how I managed to get this bruise and scratch."

She is so manipulative. I need to grow a pair and tell her no.

"No Addison." I say with a firm tone.

"Fine then, pull over." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What? Why?"

"Just pull over and you'll see."

I groaned internally before pulling to the side of the road, shutting off the Diesel engine.

I noticed Addison inching closer to me, scooting her butt across the bench seat.

Eyeing her up with a curious gaze, she smiled evilly.

She placed her right hand on my knee while starring into my eyes. The moonlight was making her ocean eyes shine as bright as a diamond. Her hand slowly inched further and further up my thy.

All my senses began to come alive at the certain touches she was giving me.

Addison was slowly leaning into me like she was going to kiss me. Her hand inching further and further and-

"Stop!" I gulped down a dry throat.

She was trying to seduce me.

As soon as I told her to stop she immediately jumped over my legs, threw open the door and jumped out laughing, "Firetruck! You lose! Hahaha!"

She started running into the darkness laughing and giggling like a lunatic.

Did she really just play me?

The thought hits me like a ton of bricks. I just got played by the good girl.

I jumped out, slammed my door, "Oh you're in for it now Addison!"

I started running for her, through rows of tall corn. I could here her light footsteps ahead, just, I had no idea how far ahead.

The moonlight only helps so much. Little shadows here and there could be seen.

It feels like I have been running for forever. I have lost the sound of Addison's footsteps and I began to get a little worried.

What if she tripped?

What if she hit her head?

I stopped for a minute to listen. The crickets in the background were so noisy making it hard to zone in on just one noise.

Before I could move another muscle I heard pounding steps behind me and finally the thump of my body hitting the ground.

Addison had ran right into me, making me fall into the dirt, her on top of me.

Well, half on half off. We had landed awkwardly.

With her left elbow she propped her self up in the dirt while her fingers on her right were making circular designs on my chest.

She was giggling, "Tatum you suck! I beat you in firetruck and you can't even run after me!"

"What the hell is firetruck!?" I exclaim.

She smirked, "Firetrucks don't stop at a red light so when my hand was on your leg, you're supposed to say firetruck if you want it to stop."

"That's fucked up, ya know?" I say, A. Not believing that someone actually made a game like that and B. That Addison actually plays it.

"I know." She smirked and I could tell she was trying to suppress laughter.

She was about to push off of me to get up but before she could, I grabbed a hold of the back of her head and flipped us over.

I was quick but gentle making sure she didn't hit her head.

It's time to play her like she played me.

I smirked, "You're gonna be sorry. But seriously, I underestimate your ability to be naughty."

Her eyes got a little bigger as she swallowed the lump in her throat, "I'm not naughty, I'm sugar, spice, and everything nice." She winked.

I matched her facial expression before placing my right hand on her cheek. Slowly, I moved my hand down her neck and I eventually ended up resting my hand on her breast bone. Her heart was beating wildly beneath my touch.

I could tell that her breathing was labored. "W-What are you doing?"

"The medic said to check your heart rate often." I smirked. She was liking my touch and it made me happy. Leaning in so that my lips were next to her ear, opposite of her wound, I spoke, "It's not so nice being on the receiving end is it?"

She smirked, "I'm fine Tatum. I guess it's you who can't control hormones."

"Whatever you say darlin'." I started leaning in, carful not to crush her with my body weight.

I didn't want this moment to end but unfortunately it did. I jumped off of Addison when a booming voice yelled, "Hey! Y'all better get out of my fields this is private property!"

I helped Addison up, "Come on! Time to leave!"

Hearing the voice again and the loud cock of a shotgun, I panicked. "Shit! Come on, hurry!"

We kept dodging cornstalks, my hand still interlocked into hers. We finally made it to my truck, I opened the door and Addison jumped in through the drivers side. I followed in suit, turning the key in the ignition, flooring the gas.

I pulled back onto the road and drove away.

Addison was laughing her head off in the passenger side seat. I started laughing as well thinking about how close we both were to getting our stupid asses shot.

"That was close!" Addison said slapping her knee still laughing uncontrollably.

"Damn straight!" The laugher quieted down until all you could here was the rumble of my truck.

"Tatum, let's go back you your place."

I contemplated.. Should I take her home? Or should I not...

"Alright. I'll take you to my house. You're gonna like what I'm gonna show you."

She smiled, "Alright. I'm fine with that."


I parked my truck next to our large two story barn beside my house. Addison jumped out and with the large Aztec printed blanket still wrapped around her body.

I slid open the barn door and pulled the string that flipped on the dim lightbulb. The horses perked up their heads looking annoyed that we disturbed there sleep.

I walked to the end of the barn, my boots clicking on the cement floor. I smiled and raised my arm showing Addison steps that led up to the hay loft.

She smiled back before walking up the steps before me. I couldn't help but stair at her long tan legs and butt as she climbed up the steps before me.

When we got to the top of the hay loft, I immediately smiled. The smell of hay filled my nostrils, as I looked at the old basket ball net across the loft. The bright moonlight shined in through the spaces in the wooden walls illuminating everything in its path.

Addison set down the blanket and smiled. "It's nice and cozy up here."

"I know, I love this place." I say, sitting down on one of the hay bales.

Usually the loft is full to the top with hay but since the new hay is about to be harvested, the supply was low. About twenty bales remained.

I looked up when I heard the bouncing of a ball on the old wooden floors. Addison was bouncing the old basketball, smiling. "How about a little one on one?" She smirked.

I stood up, "Oh, you're on." She passed me the ball and I caught it, bouncing it across the floor towards the hoop nailed to the wall.

She kept trying to block my moves so I took the ball and extended my arm all the way up over my head sticking out my tongue. My tall stature was no match for Addison.

Or so I thought...

She jumped onto a hay bale matching our heights. Jumping from the bale unexpectedly, she knocked the ball from my hand and gained control of it.

She had her back turned towards me, bouncing the ball, blocking it with her body.

I had my arms out trying to steal the ball back but she was quick. She turned and made a jump shot making it in the basket.

"OHHHH!" She yelled with her hands in the air, grinning like a mad woman.

She picked up a handful of hay and chucked it towards me. Jumping on the piles of hay, I went after her.

I grabbed her by the sides and we both fell on top of the hay bales. I began tickling her, "I let you win, admit it!"

"Never!" She laughed. "You're cray cray!"

"What's that?" I say going after her neck which I know is sensitive. "And cray cray? Really?"

"Ahahaha! Okay! Okay! You let me win! Stop! Oh my gosh!"

With that I let go of her, falling back, laying down in the hay.

We quieted down, trying to regain our normal breathing patterns.

"Gonna get a little cray cray in the hay hay." Addison giggle, "See what I did there?"

She got up and dumped a pile of lose hay on top of me.

I smiled at her, running my fingers through the hair on my head. My hat was on the floor somewhere, probably covered in hay.

I jumped up from the hay and walked to the other side of the loft. "Come here."

Addison followed after and stood next to my side as I open the large double doors in the loft. The moonlight flooded in as we stood there admiring the view of my fields of hay and corn.

We stood at the ledge for a second admiring the view before I sat down and leaned against the edge of the opening.

I patted the ground in between my legs for Addison to come and sit. My left leg was extended all the way out while my right was bended, the heel of my boot resting in between a slit in the floorboards.

Addison crouched down in between my legs and leaned her body against mine. Her head was perfectly resting against the left side of my chest.

We interlocked our fingers and stared out into the distance admiring the view and the sound of the crickets making a morning lullaby. The sun was about to come up.
The first rays of pink were starting to show on the horizon.

My voice ended the silence, "My brother and I used to come up here all the time. This was another one of our places to just get away, you know?" I sighed. "Now he's gone and it's always been difficult for me to come here."

She craned her neck to look up at me, "I know I can never replace your brother, but I'm here now." She smiled. "I'm not going anywhere."

A pang of guilt hit my chest.

She kissed my lips and even then I could tell she was tired.

"You're tired."

"Maybe. But that doesn't me I wanna get off of you." She chuckled.

I kissed her cheek, "Come on, up."

With a sigh she lifted herself off my chest, "Yes father." and I immediately felt cold.

I got up, "Put that blanket on the bales and lay down. I'm gonna go get some more."

She yawned, "Okay Tatum."

I walked down the steps feeling like crap. My heart was hurting so bad. I just want to punch myself right now. Why can't I just tell her!?

I can't stop falling for her...

She's not going anywhere, but I am...


What did y'all think of this all Tatum pov chapter!?


Song on the side is "Cray Cray" by the amazing Brandon Ray. CHECK OUT HIS YOUTUBE ACCT! He's just starting out and could use the extra fans.

Pic on the side is of Luke Bryan. That's the scene I was going for when they were in the barn.


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