Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 33 (My rock)

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Hey guys! Hope y'all are having a great week.

Enjoy the chapter and let me know what y'all think.


Chapter 33 (My Rock)

I unlocked the door to my lonely home and trudged straight to my room. I sat on my bed for a few minutes puzzled.

Leila walked out of the examination rooms with a white gauze bandage taped on the inside of her arm where she got blood taken.

Her face was still in shock and I felt for her. We walked out of the Woman's Clinic together and what still puzzles me is that Jeremy showed up.

He ran over to us and grabbed a hold of Leila and forced her to look into his chocolate brown eyes. In a penitent voice he pleaded for her to forgive him.

Even on Jeremy's dark skin, I could faintly see a dark mark around his left eye. I wondered how he got that in the moment.

I tried not to listen in on their private conversation but I found my ears tuning in even when they shouldn't have. "You need to listen to me Leila, I was so scared, I wasn't thinking clearly! I didn't know what the hell to do when you told me. Please baby, you gotta understand."

I watched from my peripheral vision as Leila got right in his face and pushed his chest, "You listen to me Jeremy," she said mocking him, "You made us done, so I'm making sure it damn well stays that way."

She pushed him one more time before storming off over to me, "Let's go Addison. Please take me home."

I looped my arm around hers and gave Jeremy an incensed look before I unlocked my car and we drove away.

Leila sighed and rested her hand over her forehead.

I cleared my throat, "So what did the doctor say?"

"Not much, they can't do anything for me until they know for sure that I am pregnant. They took a blood sample and are testing it. She will call me tomorrow with the results."

I nodded, "That's good, so there's a possibility that you aren't pregnant?"

"It's possible but very unlikely."

To be honest, I didn't know what to say so I just shut my mouth until I got Leila home safely. "I'll catch up with you later, I gotta go change for my job."

Leila nodded her head and before she stepped out of my compact car, she grabbed my hand, "Thank you Addison. I don't even know what the hell I'd do with out you."

I smiled and said, "No problem babe." before kissing her cheek when she was about to get out an close the door.

She started to walk away before she stopped abruptly and stuck her head in my open window, "Please don't tell Tatum about this."

"You got it."

Once I made sure that she was in her house, I pulled out of her drive and head towards my house.

I jogged up the steps and found myself where I'm sitting now. In my bed wondering how the hell Jeremy even knew where we were.

It's not like either of us told him. Tatum didn't know obviously because Leila doesn't want him to.

Once I put two and two together, my heart started racing... Oh shit.


I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and went back into the history of my calls which said that Tatum and I were on the phone with each other for thirty minutes and twenty nine seconds... We only talked for about forty five seconds.

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