Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 12- (I'm Not A Dead Body Type Of Person)

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Hey guys here is chapter 12 :D

But first I have a confession to make... I absolutely hated Selena Gomez but after listening to her new single Come & Get It, I wanna use it in the story but it's not country... whomp... It's actually really good. I guess I just hate Selena 'cause most of her music is so auto tuned.

Not edited

Anyway, sorry!


Chapter 12- (I'm Not A Dead Body Type Of Person)

I stared at my cell phone is disbelief. Did I really just send that? Did I really just ask him to accompany me to my old hometown not to mention my grandmas funeral?

What was I thinking?

My heart was beating so fast in my chest. He is most likely going to say no. I mean, what country boy would seriously go up North voluntarily? Defiantly not Tatum.

My phone buzzed signaling a response from Tatum, I don't know... I'm not a dead body type of person.

Was he seriously considering this? One thing that scared me was that I oddly wanted Tatum to join me... Is that bad?

I began typing out my reply, Please? I'm gonna be so bored considering my brother is gonna have his hands full with my mother...

After sending that text message to Tatum, I walked over to my closet and pulled out a few dresses I had. Finally I had found a black, satin, dress that had intricate lace on the bottom of the skirt and at the top just before the bust. I placed it into a large plastic bag and laid it across my bed feeling so gloomy. Finding black flats, I shoved them into my duffel.

Tatum responded, Why isn't your dad helping your mom?

I gritted my teeth, My father is a coward so he ran. He ran because he knows I'm not a stupid little girl anymore. He also knows that my mother would believe me over him... I'm so sick of my family.

It took Tatum a few minutes to reply, You can say that again... What a fucking bastard. Anyways, I'll go with you. But on one condition...

I smiled at his last few words. I didn't think anyone could make me actually gawk at a cell phone text message. What condition would that be? I was honestly scared as to what his response might be. Tatum is usually the one to have crazy ideas...

My phone buzzed, If I accompany you to New Jersey, you have to accompany me. Tonight. You down?

I wanted to ask him where we would be going but I stopped myself and instead I replied, Deal.

Great... We are gonna have a great time. I'll pick you up at seven.

My nerves were currently on over drive. I was so scared yet oddly excited. Where could Tatum possibly take me!? This town is like the size of a pea...

I finished packing for my small and sad trip to come. Would it be better if Tatum were their with me? I don't know what I would do if I didn't have someone with me... Thinking about the trip got me thinking about me grandmother and ultimatlly I started bawling my eyes out.

If I could just go and tell her thank you one last time...

The rest of the day, I basically sulked in my room until about six O'Clock. I threw on a pair of faded jeans and a sparkly, purple shirt that falls down my right shoulder. As the time was nearing seven, I began to get excited. Sliding on my red cowgirl boots, I quickly grabbed my phone and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My eyes were a little puffy so I applied some make-up to try and hide it the best I could.

About ten minutes before seven, I skipped down the steps to see my mother sleeping on the couch. I looked out the window and noticed that Danny's truck was gone so as long as I didn't wake my mother, I wouldn't been seen leaving the house.

Five minutes after seven, Tatum pulled up in front of my house driving in his mud covered Jeep. The top was down and he also was towing a small trailer containing what appeared to be a four wheeler. I immediately got excited...

I smiled and pulled open the door semi-slamming it behind me, not even remembering my mother was asleep. Running towards the passenger side door, I smiled at Tatum. "Howdy Belle."

He tipped his ball cap and it made me giggle, "Hey Tatum. I'm happy I won't be stuck in the house."

Tatum looked at me, his eyes boring into mine, "No problem. We're gonna have a real good time." he smirked and it made me nervous.

But lord this boy was gorgeous...

White washed jeans ad a blue flannel shirt with his signature black leather jacket. Oh gosh...

Did I mention he was gorgeous?

Tatum picked up a red colored plastic cup from the console, put it to his lips and spit in it. That was gross... He then set the cup down and turned up the radio so loud that I could feel it reverberating throughout the seats.

He noticed me looking at him funny and he just smiled sweetly, "What? You never see anybody dip some Skoal before?" Tatum began to drive.

I shook my head no, "What the heck does that mean?"

Tatum bursted out laughing, "Oh my God you are such a goody two shoes. Don't they teach you that shit in health class?" I looked at him confused. What the heck is he talking about? "Oh my God Addison... Dip is chewing tobacco. And Skoal just so happens to be the best damn brand out there. How do you not know this?"

I just shrugged my shoulders, "Not sure... Nobody really uses it up north anyway. Plus I went to an all girls school so I don't think any christian girls would use that stuff."

Tatum made an exasperated groan, "Jesus I would kill myself if I were you... A school full of prissy, goody-two-shoes girls... I mean, sure I like the girl part of it, but not the christian part."

Snorting back a laugh, I looked at Tatum, "Please, you think all those girls were goody-two-shoes? We were all taught abstinence and guess how many girls got knocked up?"

Tatum looked at me with a huge smile on his face, his eyebrows were raised as if he were a dog looking for his treat, "How many?"

"Three girls. And that was just in the Junior class..." Tatum looked at me with shock written all over his face, "And you can't forget the drinkers and druggies..."

Tatum smirked and looked at me taking his eyes off of the road yet again, "What about you good girl? Do you believe in the 'abstinence' rule?"

Was he asking me if I was a virgin? Well things just got awkward awfully fast... I tried to change the subject by complaining about the radio, "Ugh! Get this hick music away..." I quickly changed the station to a similar one I listened to back in New Jersey.

I was massively blushing but I completely forgot about it when I heard my new favorite song playing. Selena Gomez was blasting out loud and I started singing and awkwardly dancing in my seat. I tried to look sexy but it didn't work...

I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.

I love you much, too much to hide you, this love ain't finished yet.

This love ain't finished yet...

So baby whenever you're ready...

When you're ready come and get it

Na na na na

I kept dancing in my seat and bending my pointer finger as if to say "come here"

I absolutely love this song.

After it was over Tatum clapped his hands and looked over at me, laughing his head off. "I love how you can sing a song like that and still be a virgin..."

I looked at him and glared, "I am not a virgin!"

"Are too," Tatum mocked.

"Are not!" I retorted angrily. Okay so, I am a virgin and know-a-days, still having your virginity is something to be proud of. But why would I make a fool of myself in front of Tatum. I mean, he doesn't have to know.

"You know how I can tell your lying," Tatum peered at me, "You switched stations and started singing, blushed, and you keep obsessively moving in your seat." I raised a finger up to protest but he cut me off, "And no, you were not dancing." He smirked.

Dangit! He got me. How does he know so much about seeing right through a lie!?

I flung my arms outward, "Fine okay! I'm still a virgin!"

I feel so stupid telling Tatum Boyer of all people... That boy would probably be rich if he got a dollar for every girl he banged. I wasn't even gonna ask if he was a virgin because I already knew the answer. It made me sad...

Tatum started laughing, "I knew it!"

I crossed my arms over my chest angrily, "Shu'up." I glared, "Having virginity is something to be proud of. Okay?'

"Well good girl, tonight I'm gonna make sure that you have a real good time." Tatum smirked and my heart instantly swelled.

Will there be alcoholic beverages to the place we are going? If so, I am so screwed...


Tatum's P.O.V

I'm not gonna lie but Addison looked so damn hot when she was doing her little dance next to me in my Wrangler. It was even better when I found out someone hasn't popped that cherry.

Plus, what the hell do they teach these kids in school? I mean common', how can they not teach about chewing tobacco?

It's not like they are that bad. At least not for me... I havn't really gotten an addiction to tobacco so I've got my habit under control.

But do you know what I always say?

For every good girl, there is a bad one waiting to be released and I'm gonna pull it out of her tonight.

Addison was currently picking at her chipping blue nail polish. She was so pretty but lets see how well this girl is when she gets dirty..

Now that it's mid April, the mud is finally reappearing. And as any country boys would say, where there is mud, there will be mudding and quadding. Kind of a stupid statement but it is damn well true. Hence why I'm bringing my Jeep and quad with me.

Nothing beats some good mud, beer, bonfires, music, and friends.

The wind was blowing through the Jeep like a tornado but it was alright. The air wasn't chilly or hot so it was perfect. It just remind me of summer...

I can't wait for summer. Then again summer for me means that after, I'm gonna be gone.

I peered through my eyes and saw that Addison was jamming out to some song on her crappy radio station. Just to piss her off, I reached over and switched it back to my country station. I then turned up the volume all the way.

The beat of the country music was slithering throughout my body. I looked at Addison who was giving me the pouty face. Winking at her, she groaned and stuck her tongue out at me. The wind made her go in every direction but it was so sexy.

She caught me staring at her and I awkwardly looked away.

Common' Tatum!

You're supposed to be the bad boy who doesn't look at anyone but sluts.

"Hey Tatum, are we almost there?" Addison broke the silence.

"Relax darlin'. Almost."

I was taking her to Brantley's clearing for the annual spring bonfire. Nothin' like a big ole' bonfire, big ole' keg, big ole' trucks.

I turned onto the old back road and followed it some more before turning into the woodsy path that let to my brothers clearing. Already people were here and the bonfire was just getting started. I could see Nick and Jason were already here. I could see Nick already sitting on the hood of his Bronco drinking a log neck while Jason was unloading his quad.

A few feet away from the trucks and bonfire I could see the big mud pit. My mouth watered at the site. That sounds crazy but to me, fresh mud is better then any fresh steak...

Addison waited in the Wrangler while I unhitched my trailer, rolling the quad off the back. This was going to be a fun night.

"Alright Belle, you can jump out."

Call me a pervert but she just looked so dam sexy hoppin' outta my jacked up Jeep. Her jeans hugged every curve perfectly and not only was the mud making my mouth water but so was she. I wish I could just gra-

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Jason near me, "Hey brother! Watcha' lookin' at?" He must have followed my gaze which was still on Addison's back.

More like backside.

"Damn dude, you better be hittin' that."

I laughed and looked at Jay and then back at Addison's figure which was slowly getting smaller as she walked closer to the bonfire, "Naw man, she's all churchy and shit."

Don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian, but nothing as serious as she is. It kinda pained me to realise that I just used church and a curse word in the same sentence.

I reached into the back of my Jeep and grabbed a hold of the large aluminum cased keg which was cold to the touch. I sat it on the ground before asking, "Hey bro, give me a hand? How about we sit it on Greg's tailgate?"

"Sure thing." He set down his beer on my hood and lifted the other side of the keg. We walked it over to Greg's tailgate and threw it up. Next thing I grabbed was the package of solo cups. I placed them next to the keg and for my own well being, I grabbed the first cup and began dispensing he first cup full.

Taking a large gulp, I sighed in content. God damn this felt good. I then set my cup down and dispensed another one for my buddy Greg. I walked over to him and haded him the golden, foamy liquid, "Sup brotha."

He clapped me up and gratefully took the cold beer, "Nothing much, I was workin'' on the Chevy today and now she purs like a kitten."

"Nice!' I hooted.

I saw Greg look past me and I didn't think anything of it until he spoke, "Say, whose that blond hottie by the fire."

"That's my friend Addison," I responded. For some reason I didn't like the idea of him wanting to get with Addison... Just the look in his eyes told me he wanted an easy bang and I knew Addison wouldn't go for it.

"You guys aren't hooked, right?"

I feel like I was making a mistake, "Naw, she's all yours."

"Thanks Tatum, I'll see you in a little." I nodded my head and began to walk away after grabbing my beer of his tailgate.

Once I made rounds to all my friends and other people I hate, I went back to my trailer and started up the quad and drove it towards the bonfire where most of the people were sitting. I glanced at Addison who was sitting next to Leila. They were talking and having a good time.

My eyes then landed on Tiffany. I could see her shooting daggers at Addison... She is such a jealous brat... She then looked at me and made a girlish wave which I internally groaned about. Seriously, for a chick I bang for fun, she gets two damn attached...

Sure, I maybe a player kinda guy, but right now, I really wished hat Tiffany was actually Addison. My little virgin of a friend could probably be more fun then freckled faced Tiffany any day.

There was about twenty of us sitting around the bonfire and I sat next to Tommy, another friend, who had his guitar out, strumming a few chords.

On the makeshift seats called logs, I noticed one empty spot and the that's when I realised it belonged to Nick. "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" he called. We all looked towards where his voice came from and then the beautiful white lights flashed signaling that Nick had turned on his KC lights on top of his Bronco.

The whole group of us started cheering, even Addison.

And then she said something that completely surprised me and turned me on just a bit, "So how about we get riding!"



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Since I'm o Spotify right now and it's a good song, It's going on the side! Song is called 5-1-5-0 by Dierks Bentley!

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