Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 19- (Torture Him Like He's Tourturing Me)

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Hey guys... Here's the new chapter and I really hope ya'll like Tatum and Addison's frustration ;) <3333 PLEASE read the note at the end !!! <333

Chapter 19- (Tourture Him Like He's Tourturing Me Now)

Saturday. Saturday's are meant for fun and family. My typical Saturday consists of my brother and mother fighting. By now, I just try to ignore it.

Atleast today I have something to look forward too... Jason, Tatum's friend invited me to a bonfire/party for tonight in Brantley's clearing. I was oddly excited and very nervous. Last night I had voluntarily kissed Tatum in the pouring rain.

His responce back to me saying that he had no idea what we are made my heart sink.

I feel like I made a mistake... I was so stupid for putting myself out there... The entire ride home was silence. We didn't even say goodbye when he dropped me off at my house late last night. I knew it was too good to be true. But hey, at least Leila can't yell at me for not putting myself out there.

I sighed as I finished off my french braid with a hair band. I slipped out of my yoga pants and put on these white washed shorts that fringed at the bottom. To be honest, I didn't actually buy them like that... I sorta cut my pants one afternoon when I was bored. I then put on a white tanktop followed by my favorite aztec print sweater.

Reaching into my closet, I pulled out my newest pair of shoes that I got a few weeks ago downtown. They are black ankle boots with aztec printed accents. There was a small heel but I figured, why not?

I spritzed myself with some perfume and before I got out of my bedroom, my phone began to ring. I answered it knowing that it was Jason.

"Hey Jay." I say.

"Hey Addison do you need a ride for tonight? I can come pick you up whenever you'd like." Jason offered kindly.

"Awe, thanks but no thanks, I'll be okay on my own."

"You sure?"

"Yep, thanks though." I said smiling into the phone, Jason was just too sweet.

"Well alright darlin' see you soon."

"See you." I say before hanging up.

I was really starting to like Jason. He was one of those meathead jocks but once you actually got to know him, you know that he's a big sweetheart. That's why I liked him.

Plus he was such a cutie. I mean, he's not as good looking as Tatum but he's got the cutest dimples. Gorgeous smile and the darkest jet black hair you've ever seen. Quite the baby face if I do say so myself.

Just as I reached the last step my phone dinged. This time a text message, I opened up the text message and my jaw just about dropped. The text was from Leila. Except this was no ordinary text.

It was a picture. This picture just happened to have me and Tatum kissing in it. She must have snapped it in when we were completely caught up!

I can't believe her... Spying on us! She then added, "See what happens when you take a stand? ;) "

Right now I was livid. "What the hell Leila. You shouldn't have been spying on us." I text back.

"We were not spying on you! We were just passing by!"

"What the hell do you mean 'we'?" I reply angrily thumb typing.

"Jeremy and I, but don't worry. He won't tell anyone I swear. I'm sorry Addison, I have to go but ill see you soon at the clearing.

I made an angry groan and punched the wall with my fist.

"Easy there tiger, wouldn't want to do any damage to that pretty little arm of yours would you?"

I abruptly turned my neck so fast I heard it crack. I had expected my brother to have said that but it wasn't Daniel. It was RJ.

I haven't talked or even seen him in a few months but I never expected to remember him as hot as he looked now.

His dark attire mixed with his dark shortly cropped hair, stubble and alluring dark eyes made him look even more desirable.

"RJ." I say walking to the door.

"Where you headin' off to darlin'?" RJ grabbed my forearm and forced me to face him.

I smiled trying not to let him get to me, "That's none of your business."

His grip on my forearm tightened. "Awe common princess. Don't be like that." He smiled showing the small gap between his pearly front teeth. I never thought I would say this but RJ for being a total ass, is very attractive.

I chuckled, "I suggest you get your hands off me before I do something to hurt you." I threatened.

Even though RJ had that cool guy attitude, I could tell by the way his eyes scanned me. He was nervous.

To get out of his grip, I abruptly twisted my arm up in the air breaking free from RJ. With my left hand I grabbed into the back if his shoulder and knees him with my right leg.

From the kitchen I heard Daniel yell "Yo RJ you want food?"

I then heard footsteps after RJ had groaned out loud in pain.

Just as Daniel rounded the corner, I brought RJ's ear close to my lips, "Next time ill aim lower..." Meaning I would kick him in the crotch and not the gut.

I released RJ and quickly slipped out of my house leaving my brother wondering why RJ was doubled over holding his stomach.

I smirked and proceeded on with my short drive to Brantley's clearing.


Tatum's P. O. V

I was sitting on the my tailgate with a beer in my hand. Two girls had scooted right next to me. One was of course Tiffany. She hasn't left my side since I've been here being the little slut that she is. And the other was a tipsy red head college girl who kept spitting all over me every time she talked.

More like slurred.

I just wanted to to put duck tape on her Botox lips. Rich mommy and daddy may like her jabber but I can't deal with it.

Since Tiffany actually was a true country girl, I paid most of my attention to her. Not just for the red head to get a hint but also to try and get Jeremy and Jason off my back.

The guys had got the bonfire burning tall. Strong drinks in the coolers, mixed tapes playing from the portable stereo, and tables set up for beer pong. Man I can't wait to unwind.

To be honest, I had told Jeremy and Jason that Addison was nothing more then a friend but I didn't know what it is about her that makes me so happy to see her. I like her and I can't help but seeing her in my mind when I close my eyes.

After talking to a few of my buddies, I soon after noticed Addison's blue Ford Mustang pulling in and parking near the edge if the tree line. I noticed most if the guys around me whispering.

My heart thudded against my chest as Addison's tanned and toned legs slid out of the car.

She placed her tinted ray bans over her eyes, shut her door and began walking over.

She's from a movie.

Her shorts hugged her in every right way, showing off everything good about her body.

I saw the guys eyeing her up like a piece of meat and I became jealous. Before I could even say hello my face was taken in the hands of Tiffany, "Ugh. Why is that bitch here?" She asked before crashing her lips onto mine.

Of course I responded to her kiss, probably making the biggest mistake of my life.


Addison's P. O. V

I walked up towards the party and fire. Many familiar faces and some unfamiliar. I smiled and waved at Jason and when my eyes landed on Leila, I was about to strangle her.

Except something luckily distracted me. To my surprise I saw Tatum and that brat Tiffany sucking face on the tailgate of his truck.

I cannot believe it. He was just kissing me like that last night. Now look who's lips are on his..

I'm not going to lie, it hurts. He hasn't even looked my way... What ever Tatum. You can have your little hoe. Just remember what your missing out on.

I wanted to cry. I felt so idiotic!

And just then I came up with a plan to make him jealous. To torture him like he's tourturing me now.

I smirked before walking near the bonfire across from a very hot college boy.

Damn I'm thinking about everyone being attractive today aren't I... That's sad..

I kept making flirty smiles and eye contact and finally after thirty minutes, he came and sat next to me.

"Hey girl, what's your name? Been looking at you as we'll as every guy here."

"Names Addison." I held out my hand and his huge one grabbed mine.

"Pleasure darlin'. The name is Caleb. Let me go get you a drink and before you can blink ill be right back by your side."

He was back sitting next to me with two red cups in his hands. He handed me one and smiled. He was very attractive, probably a college student, looking very well put together in his blue jeans and plaid shirt. He seemed muscular which was a plus. Very short cropped blond hair with light stubble along his jaw line.

I accepted the drink and took a long gulp of the gold fermented liquid.

"So tell me about yourself pretty girl." Caleb says.

"Hmmm." I say with a flirty smile, "born and raised in New Jersey and moved here almost a year ago. I'm going to be a freshman in college next year. What about you?" I asked batting my eyelashes.

"Born and raised in Ohio, down here for college. I'm a sophomore, about to be junior."

"Sweet! I like older guys." I winked and he looked amused.

After a few more drinks I had started to loosen up. I was feeling the awesome tingly sensation and not once have I had any bad thoughts.

Caleb was great, he was really nice and sweet. It's probably just and act to get in my pants but technically I'm leading him on.

"Yo Addison and unknown dude! Come play pong with us!" Tatum's friend nick said. He had another college guy next to him.

I jumped up and smiled, "Come on slow poke let's go play!" I grabbed onto his hand and led him to the long white table where there was two large triangles made out of red solo cups.

"Alright you two on a team and me and Rob on this. You guys go first."

Caleb and I were handed two ping pong balls. I lined up the ball towards the top of the pyramid, bounced it in and I squealed. Nick grabbed the cup, took out the ball and drank it down.

Half hour later each team had one cup standing. I was feeling super buzzed. And feeling pumped. Caleb was up and when he made it in the last cup I squealed and kissed him quickly. The alcohol making my judgment fuzzy.

"Good game guys.." Rob shook both our hands.

I clapped my hands together excitedly when I heard a song on the radio. "You wanna dance?" I ask.

Caleb nodded his head and I grabbed onto his hand making sure to walk past Tatum.

I gave home the 'look what you're missing' once over and brushed my right hand against his.

I led Caleb closer to the music and began dancing.

As time ticked by, Caleb and I had moved closer and closer together, moving with the beat.

My back was against his front. No air in between. Caleb's large hands were fixed on my hip bones and mine were constantly moving on top of his hands and behind his neck.

I was having so much fun and I didn't care who watched. That's probably the alcohol taking over my body but I say screw it.

I turned around and faced Caleb, his hands traveled down to my butt.

Dancing. Dancing. Dancing.

Not as good as Tatum.

I smirked when from over Caleb's shoulder I saw Tatum breathing heavy, with clenched fists. He looked angry.

Just what I wanted..

Time for the finale anyone?

I pushed away from Caleb and walked over towards Tatum. I grabbed the cup in his hand half full with something.

I chugged the burning liquid down and made sure the throw the coupon the ground, sending him a sickly sweet smile.

Once I was sure I had his attention, I jumped up onto the back of Tatum's truck. Stepping on the diamond plate toolbox, I lifted myself on the hood.

I was probably a good 10 feet in the air when you add the trucks height, lift, and tires.

I noticed Caleb had followed me to the front of the tailgate, where he stood admiring as I danced.

Twirling my hips, shaking, gyrating. My arms in the air, having a good time. My sweater had come off a while ago leaving me dancing in a body tight tank top making every guy watch.

I was so fine with that. Even though I only cared about Tatum watching.
Which he was..

Once the song was over, I jumped back onto the toolbox and onto the bed of the truck.

Caleb was still waiting at the end so I walked over, sat down, and used my legs to pull him closer.

Grabbing onto the back of his head, I smashed my lips onto his. Caleb obviously returned the kiss just as hard.

Just as I wrapped my eggs around his waist, he picked me up and held onto me with his hands on my butt.

We were walking somewhere but I didn't know where. Next thing I know, I hear a vehicle door open as I'm being laid down horizontally on the seat, Caleb above me.


I awoke to the horrid sound of someone calling my name.

Thud. Thud. Bang. Bang.

Heads yelling. It's pounding.

The scariest part of all, I awoke in the arms of a stranger. Who is this guy?

Oh my god. What the hell have I done?

He had me half pinned under him, making it hard to breathe properly.

My name was being called out again, finally I could recognize it.


My mouth was dry. I tried speak but my words just came out in a horrid mix of scratches and screeches.

I gather as much saliva as I could and let out screechy "Tatum!"

From just laying down I felt dizzy and sick. My own damn voice hurt my head. I tried pushing the guy off of me but it was no use. He was too heavy and I was way too weak.

I heard footsteps, amplified by my headache.

Someone was running, "Addison! I'm coming!"

The driver side door was open and I saw Tatum standing there. Many expressions playing on his face. My head was all the way at the passenger side but it felt like he was two inches away by the way my head was pounding.

He effortlessly pushed the guy off of me. His sleeping body falling onto the floor of the truck we were in.

Tatum jumped in and grabbed me, lifting me up. I groaned out loud shutting my eyes.

"It's okay, I've got you." Tatum said under a whisper.

He knew the pain I was going through. Hangovers aren't fun. All I remember last night was drinking..

Tatum helped me walk over to his truck, he leaned me up against it, opened his door and pulled out a water bottle.

"Here drink." He also handed me two Advil. I was thankful.

"What the hell happened last night Addison? Please tell me you didn't give your virginity to that scum bag..."

"No Tatum!" I tell cringing at my own voice.

Tatums eyes trailed down my stomach, he lifted up my tank top and that's when I saw bruises on the top of my abdomen. "He didn't fucking rape you did he!?"

"No! We didn't have sex and he didn't take advantage of me."

"Are you sure?" He pressed. "What the hell are these bruises from!?"

"Who the hell do you take me for? I'm not your little slut Tiffany..." I seethed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't bull shit me Tatum. I saw you with her. And you know what? I'm okay with that. You two can have each other." I spit back.

Being mad, sick, and hung over is not a good combination.

Tatum frowned. "Well it's going to be hard with her when all I can think about is you..." He said.

I scanned his eyes and expressions for lies but I saw none. Baffled I spoke, "What?-"

Before I could elaborate more, Tatum cut me off, "Addison I can't get you out of my head. You're not like these girls... I like you Addison and the boys put me up to kissing Tiffany just cause I was too much of a pansy to admit it."

This can't be real...

Tatum continued, "I got so mad when I saw you with that tool... And I just kept thinking, damn that should be me. That should be me she's dancing with. That should be me she's kissing. I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to admit it."

I was blown away... "Tatum, I- I don't know what to say..."

Tatum's large calloused hands reached up and caressed my cheeks while my hands held onto his forearms. "Just say 'Yes'."

"Yes to what?-"

Soon after I realized what he meant. He placed his lips on mine and I responded telling him yes. Yes we can have this relationship. Yes, we can be together.

And yes, I wanted us.

After Tatum pulled away, we were both out of breath. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"I know what I want now Addison. Just one thing. That thing is you..."



I wanna thank all you guys for being amazing supporters of my book. You don't know how amazing it it to know that so many Of you have fallen in love with Addison and Tatum.

God bless you all! :D

Okay. Now down to business... Who do you guys think would make a better Addison: Hayden Panettiere (current) OR Anna Sophia Robb

ALSO if you are into country music, you may have noticed a few lines that sounded like Billy Currington's "Hey Girl" ... The song is not the chapter song but since I used some of his lyrics (I changed it a bit) , I had to give credit.

THE ACTUAL SONG ON SIDE IS: "Don't Ya" by Brett Eldredge! <3

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Also tell me some songs you think should be incorporated into the story!

Please and thank you! Xoxoxo

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