Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 6 (I'm Just A Ticking Time Bomb)

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Hey guys, I'm not sure when I'm gonna post this exactly, but either way happy Easter!


CHAPTER 6- (I'm Just A Ticking Time Bomb)

My heart was pounding so fast in my chest.. Never in my life have a disobeyed my parents like I just did. I'm so in for it tomorrow when I actually have to face them. Honestly, at this point, I'm so tired of my parent's controlling my life.

They raised me to be this perfect little Christian girl. I guess they thought thought that by putting me in an all girls, private, Christian school it would keep me in a line and away from boys.

But you know what? This is what they get for making me move all the way to hillbilly hell. Sure I'm softening up to this place, but I'm just a ticking time bomb waiting to expload. I have a feeling that Tatum's gonna be the one to detinate it.

That scares me.

Ever since I met Tatum, I haven't been the same. It's like I could care less about what's happening with my family. Daniel is older and I have no idea what he has been doing. I'm assuming college because I rarely see him.

It's so sad really. I don't even know where he goes to school but I'm assuming it's close considering he still sleeps here. No need for a dorm. God only knows what my father has been doing, and my mother always talks about her job. Blah, blah.

I wish I could just scream in her ear, "NOBODY CARES." Even then she still probably wouldn't listen to me. They ever do. It's all about Daniel most of the time.

Back at home I was crowned renaissance woman all three of my years I went to Our Lady of Perpetual Parish. I did everything in that school, class council, art club, National Honors Scociety, and so much more.

But it was always about Daniel in his acheivements. Never about mine and I hated it. They always compared me to him and I hated it. They also will yell at me for the smallest mistakes and make me seem as if I was the worst child ever.

If they want the worst child ever, thats who they are going to get.

My thoughs were iteruppted when I heard a few small taps on my glass slider door. I pulled the curtain back and I smiled at a smirking Tatum. He had showered and was wearing his black leather jacket that made me want to melt...

I slid open the door so he wouldn't have to stand outside, "Put on a sweatshirt it's cold tonight." I nodded my head and went into my dresser. I knew Tatum wasn't lying because I could see his breath whe he spoke.

He walked into my room just as I was putting the sweatshirt over my head, "So what happened?" he asked in a whispered tone, concern written on his face.

"My parents," I huffed. "Let's just say that by tomorrow, I'm not gonna have a life."

Tatum smirked, "That's what you have me for."

I grinned at him, "Awe, yay." then I thought of how rediculous my parents were, "Ugh! Sometimes I just hate them.. They act like I'm the worst child in history... Always comparing me to my brother and I can't stand it."

"Oh, come here." Tatum wrapped his muscular arms around me and for once, him touching me wasn't so bad. I liked it. "Common, let's go. I'm gonna take you somewhere so you can cool down."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto my small balcony. He tugged a little to fast because I tripped and landed right into him. I grabbed onto his jack for support only to be picked up and firmly set back onto my feet, "Jeez, you just can't stop touching me huh?"

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