Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 26 (An Itch That Needed To Be Scratched)

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Hey guys! I've been having so many snowdays! It's ridiculous!


Anyway, here's the next chapter! Enjoy!


Chapter 26- An Itch That Needed To Be Scratched

I woke up feeling cold. It's wasn't because it was cold outside. No, it's in the mid 80's today. So why am I shivering?

I turned over feeling for the person I desperately wanted. I grasped the sheets feeling nothing in return.

I sighed. Tatum was gone. The summer sun was coming through the sheer curtain, mini dust particles floating around the window.

My eyelids felt like a thousand pounds as I forced them to fully open.

I swung my legs over the bed and stood up, another wave of sleepiness hitting me. I noticed that that Tatum's cowboy hat was not at it's normal post on a hook on his door.

He must be busy working outside.

I won't bother him.

I changed back into my clothes from last night and grabbed my phone. Checking the time, I couldn't believe it was twelve in the afternoon. I thought I would have slept longer.

I walked out of Tatum's room and closed the door real quiet making sure that I didn't make too much noise. Waking up Tatum's dad when he is so unstable would be bad.

I heard a chuckle down the hallway, "Darlin' you don't have to be quiet around here. My boy and I always get up at the crack'a dawn."

Maybe I have misjudged Tatum's father. Sure when he drinks, he is very unstable. However, when he is sober, he is a pleasant man.

I made a shy smile and looked at the floor, pulling my hair behind my ear, "Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's okay Hun, always get up early to do the chores and farm work."

"Yes sir, I understand."

"Well, I just made some fresh egg salad. It's in the fridge if ya want it. More then welcome." Tatum's father said. "Oh, and Tatum's outside somewhere rounded up some cows that got loose."

"Okay thank you! But I actually have to go, my mother called me."

He smiled, his wrinkles from the excessive drinking over the years, coming through, "Alright darlin' be safe."

I smiled and walked past him in the hallway walking towards the door. Walking out the screen door, I stopped dead in my tracks when I could see Tatum on his horse in the distance.

It was like he was going in slow motion. It was hot too. He had no shirt on, cantering the horse holding the reins with one hand and a lasso in the other. I then noticed the cow maybe fifteen feet ahead about to venture into the corn fields. I squinted my eyes to see Tatum throw the lasso to the ground probably cursing. I laughed.

Then it also occurred to me that he was my ride home...

Damnit! Tatum is busy. I can't bother him.

And then the light bulb in my head clicked.

I started walking to the barn and immediately I perked up as my eyes landed on Bolthouse. He whinnied and lifted his head up and down as I entered. Stroking his large forehead I cooed, "Wanna go for a run boy? Tatum can't take me home himself so can you fill in?"

I chuckled as he made another cute noise. I unlocked the stall and slid open the door, grabbing onto Bolthouses' halter. I lead him to the middle of the barn and hooked him to the side of it, preventing him from straying away.

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