Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 9 (You Are Thinking Of Me Shirtless Right Now)

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Well guys, how was your Easter!? Or sping break? Yesterday was the last day for me :( Luckily today though, most of the sophomores in U.S. History get an "In school feild trip" So I get to miss most classes just to see Lincoln in the PAC :D

Anyway, here is chapter 9!!!

(Sorry for the shortness :( )


Chapter-9 (You Are Thinking Of Me Shirtless Right Now)

Tatum started running through the woods, my hand entangled with his. The sirens were getting louder and I was really scared.. Then the thought ran through my mind..

If the cops find the car, they can just scan it for our prints! I'm sure Tatum has a history with the police. His prints are probably already in the system. I stopped abruptly and yanked Tatum backwards. He looked at me as if I had seven heads, "Let's go!" he yelled.

"What about our prints!?" I ran my hand through my hair nervously and Tatum smirked digging his freehand down into his pants pocket.

He pulled out his Zippo lighter and flipped open the hinge, pulling down the wheel, creating a spark. I knew immediatly what he wanted to do. Could I let him burn James' car!?

"Are you serious!?" I yelled pushing at his chest. By now I had let go of his calloused hand.

"Do you want the five-oh commin' after us? Huh!?'

"THEY ARLEADY ARE!" I shook Tatum looking at him as if he was an idiot which right now, he was being one.

"Well how about them catching us!?"

I shook my head. I knew Tatum was right.. He grabbed handfuls of leaves and sticks, throwing them under the car. They landed towards the back of the car in the middle. He kneeled down and sparked his lighter alive. Reaching under the car, he set the leaves on fire and dropped the lighter in the pile.

With that, we both ran. "Hurry! Once the po-po see's smoke they are gonna come and inspect."

I was now in head of Tatum, running and dodging past trees and brush. I had an easier time of navegating around all of the obsicals because of my small feet and graceful motions. Tatum however, was about as loud and an Elephant. His big tan work boots did no help either.

Stomp. Crush. Stomp. Stomp. Crush... Every time he would move, a branch or crispy leaves would make a noise.

I'm not sure how long we've been running but it felt like forever. For a second, I was starting to think that we got lost. But then I came to realize that we were behind a tan conveniece shop that we had passed during the chase. We were getting closer to the bar.

Tatum was far behind me probably gasping for breath... Smokers lungs no doubt... I peered around the corner of the shop and when I realised a cop car was sitting in the parking lot, I immeditalty gasped. It's window was down so I started praying that he didn't hear me.. The cop looked young too. Maybe if we told him, he would understand?

Get a grip Addison!

What are we going to do now!?

My heart was pounding so fast and I couldn't believe how much energy I still had. It must be an adrenalin rush because I could never run that far if I wasn't under these cercumstances.

Tatum finally caught up and started to run past me. But before he could get two steps ahead and out into the open in front of the cop, I grabbed a hold of him. His whole body slamming against the brick building.

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