Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 15- (All Hell Broke Loose)

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Hey guys! OMG SO THE LUKE BRYAN CONCERT WAS FREAKING AMAZING... Florida Georgia Line was obviously amazing too :) How ever, Keifer Thompson from Thompson Square has been really sick and a singer named Cole Swindell filled in for them. Cole was really good too but I hope Keifer gets better! He's in our prayers!

Sorry I've been MIA lately guys... ITS SUMMER!!

Hope y'all enjoy this chapter and thank you all so much for your comments and votes :)



Chapter 15- (All Hell Broke Loose)

I popped my gum for about the umpteenth time in five minutes, trying to block out every annoying girl around me. Sure, I went to an all girls school but changing for gym with a majority of nasty girls is just plain nasty. Obviously.


All they talk about is guys and what they do with them... Honestly...? Then theres all the complaining... Like Jesus freaking Christmas shut the heck up... All us girls get cramps. We know how it feels so just stop complaining. And then when they finally stop complaining, they spray themselves silly with cheap body spray... I always choke but you know, they have to spray their freaking HAIR with BODY spray.

I don't get it...

'Cause it makes so much sense... If you hair smells that bad then you should take a damn shower.

I finished getting changed by putting on my gym shirt and Nike shoes. I threw my real clothes in my gym locker and slammed it shut, walking towards the locker room bathrooms. I waited for an opening before emptying out my small bladder.

What? I don't drink liquids a lot...

I then heard one of the main gym teachers walking by as I was washing my hands and fixing my hair, "Hurry up ladies!" she clapped her hand and I sighed.

Having nothing to think about, my mind wandered to Tatum. I really felt bad about what I said. I was in a horrible mood. My family is torn apart and my grandmother is dead because of me. I didn't have time to think about what I was saying.

I didn't mean what I said but I just can't get Tatum's look of hurt and pain out of my mind. I went to New Jersey without him. It was better withought him because he didn't have to come to my dead grandmothers funeral.

He would also have to meet my crazy brother and mother which would be bad for everyone... What the heck was I thinking when I asked him to come with me!?

I need to apoligize but when?

I haven't seen Tatum in school for four days... It is now friday and he still hasn't shown up for school. I was a little worried that something has happened with him and his dad. I don't know what to think anymore... Surley, Tatum could defend himself against his alcoholic father.

I walked into the big gym taking another sigh realizing that we were starting a new unit today...


Yay me.

My friend Felix walked over to me and waved. His bright white teeth were very visibly against his dark skin and hair. I never expected my self to be friends with someone who was of Native American decent. There are about none in New Jersey.

"Hey." his smile grew wider, enhancing his amazingly sculpted cheek bones.

"Hi." I waved back.

Felix was almost the exact oppoiste of Tatum. He would never hurt a fly. He was quite like me and I met him a few weeks back.

"You ready for senior archery?" he asked.

"That's funny. You're funny..." I laughed.

"Oh come on it's not that hard..." he laughed. "I mean how hard could it be?"

"I have no idea..."

"So guess what..."

I looked at him curiously, "Hmm?"

"Tatum Boyer is in our gym now..."

I think my jaw dropped to the floor. Felix helped me close my mouth, "What!?" I shriek.

Just as I screamed and a few eyes came to look at me and my eyes locked with all to familiar ones...

Tatum staired from half way across the gym and smirked at me.


"Why did he switch gym periods!?" I begged, turning back towards Felix.

"I heard he called one of the teachers in his old period something bad so they moved him to this gym period where that teacher he insulted has a health class..."

"Oh great." I face palmed.

Can I go hide in a closet now?


Mr. Gehres walked over to the Seniors quad of the gym making annoying noises with his whistle. He was pushing a cart full of arrows. Around thirty students began walking over to the section of the gym and began to stand against the pushed in bleachers attatched to the large, brick wall, waiting for the teacher to call our names for squad lines.

I was seated in front of Felix, thank God. Luckily Tatum was all the way across the quadrant. A few times I caught him looking my way, giving dirty looks.

I think right now my only true friend is Felix... Tatum hates me and Leila is so annoying, trying to get me to be with Tatum...

Truth is, I can't do it.

Don't get me wrong, I love Leila to death but she is just way too pushy...

I pulled my legs up to my chest and hugged them, resting my chin on my knees taking yet another sigh. Mr. Gehres was walking by giving us three arrows each.

It was fine until he said something to me, "Miller, look a little alive, will ya?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Just shut up..." I mumbled.

"Excuse me young lady?"

Mr. Gehres backtracked towards me. I smiled sweetly, "Nothing...sir."

He gave me the stink eye before walking away.

I want to punch something but instead I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. Ever since returning from New Jersey, from my grandmothers funeral, it's like this ginormous cloud of dark hangs over my shoulders.

It's not like anybody notices though. My brother is too busy getting drunk with friends and my mother is to busy sitting in her own cloud of depression that seems to be ten times bigger then mine. What happened to that strickly Christian family? We're gone.

Bills have piled up, the amount of clutter has increased because no one has any energy to do anything. If your lucky to have money for take-out, then thats what you do. If you don't have twenty bucks for a pizza, then it's the dollar store frozen, bite size pizzas.

My mind raced and I think my heart stopped when I realized I needed a job...

No. Yes. No. I'm always hungry...


I was knocked out of my thoughts when Felix nudged my shoulder, "Addison. Earth to Addison..." I looked up and apoligetically frowned. I realized all of the seniors were walking out of the gym and out side towards the targets.

A soon as we got to the perimeter from the school fifteen yards away from each target, Mr. Gheres lined a group of five up with one of the six targets.

"Alright class, pick up the bow, fire three, retrieve your arrows, and then pass off to the person behind you."

I was the first person...

Yay. Me.

Tatum's group was next to Felix and I's...

Double. Yay. Me.

I picked up the large rounded bow on the ground next to me and loaded it with one arrow. I placed the bowstring in the arrows knock and lined it up with the target fifteen yards away, attempting to get a bulls eye.

I drew back the bowstring, took a deep breath, lined up the target, and let the arrow fly. My first arrow hit the fifth ring which is pretty good. My second hit the seventh ring which is not good nor bad.

And then, my last arrow hit the number one ring. Meaning, the bulls eye... I jumped up and down, turing to Felix who was behind me.

"I cannot believe I got a bulls eye!"

Felix hugged me and said good job but from the corner of my eye I could see Tatum giving not necessarily me, but Felix, dirty looks.

I retrieved my arrows and then handed them off to Felix who already had the recurve bow in his hands. He repeated the same steps I did and completly missed the target entirely the first two arrows.

Abruptly, Tatum pushed Felix out of the way, picked up the bow and remaining arrow, aimed, and fired hitting the bulls eye in less then seven seconds. It's like he didn't even have to aim at all...

Tatum turned to Felix with a cocky smirk on his face, "Now that's how a real man shoots a bow." A fire burning with hatred filled into his eyes, "Feather-head." Tatum spat angrily.

It took me a second to register what Tatum had just said. I have never heard Tatum be so racist. That comment makes me want to cry and I can only imagine how Felix feels.

Felix must feel-

"What the hell did you just call me?" He was in Tatums face.


Don't get me wrong, Tatum is strong but Felix might just be stronger.

Both chests heaving. Both noses flaring. Eyes full of rage and hatred.

"I said, Feather-Head. Do I need to spell it out for you Squaw Boy?" Tatum bitterly spat while poking a finger into Felixs' chest.

And that's when all hell broke loose. Felix threw the first punch, his large fist colliding with Tatum's stubble covered jaw. Tatum fought back with just as much power, maybe more.

I screamed for them to stop, but too much Testosterone and Adrenaline was pumping, they couldn't hear me. That's when I threw myself in front of the fighting boys.

I turned in the direction of Tatum and was shivering just at his cold hard eyes. I grabbed onto his forearms but that didn't stop him..

He picked me up and threw me onto the blacktop. I skid across, ripping flesh from my arms in the process.

Blood from both guys was flying. I whispered stop but it wasn't doing any good. I have neaver seen anything scarier then the look in Tatum's eyes in my life before... The fact that he threw me to the ground makes me want to scream.

But I laid there unable to scream, or talk, or fuction for that matter. All I could hear were frantic screams, yells, and punches being made.

In that second I had visions of my father yelling at me in the emptiness of our home. No one home for my father was the perfect time to release some steam.

On me.

I may have hit my head on the concrete when Tatum tossed me like a rag doll, I just don't know. I don't know anything anymore and all I could see was my father tossing punches and kicks my way.

I covered my ears with both my hands, still lying on the ground, trembling. I wanted so badly to block out my muffled screams from when my father abused me. Kept me quiet with tape.

Muffled scream.



Muffled groan.



HEY GUYS! A new chapter! SO SORRY FOR SHORTNESS! Pic on the side is of Luke Bryan from my june 1s concert!!! Since the chapter mainly focuses on fighting and beating, song on the side is Gunpowder and Lead by Miranda Lambert!

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