Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 36 (Good Man)

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Hey y'all! Hope you enjoy this chapter, please let me know what you think!

The scene at the end where they dance is based off a real place that I camp. Seriously, it's beautiful and impossible to describe exactly how amazing it is!


Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 36 (Good Man)

👑A D D I S O N M I L L E R👑

Since I've been held captive, I've sort of lost track of what the day was. However, from the amount of time I believe I've been here, plus the light of daybreak peaking through the cracks in the building, I assume that it's a Thursday. Maybe four or five in the morning.

I've been tied to a chair for at least three days and by now my bones were aching. I'm thankful though considering these idiots untied my arms which had started to numb within the first day.

My stomach started growl at the lack of proper food I've had while my head drummed in pain with the lack of water. This place I'm held in has turned into an oven. The hot Georgian air mixed with this metal cooker is causing me to sweat out more liquid than I'm taking in.

They took off the duck tape on my face which I am thankful for but they probably are going against RJ and my brothers orders.

"Hey nimrod!" I yelled to the idiot standing outside guarding me. "Get me some food! I'm starving over here!"

Whoever was outside banged on the metal sliding door, "Oi! Pipe down and calm your tits before we tape you again. You'll get your god damn food later."

I groaned.

God please help me. I miss Tatum, and I miss my bed. Why is my life so fucked up. Why can't it be like those happy love story books where the only thing bad in the characters life is an ex.

I wish that was my life...

I kicked my legs trying to free myself from the damn chair but it was no use. I was just wasting energy that I knew wasn't there. My feet would never slip out of the tape wrapped around my ankles. I rubbed my tired eyes wanting to finally fall asleep.

One question that has been replaying in my head is why the hell am I here? What have I done to RJ and my brother that made them hate me so much? Is it Tatum? I don't understand! Sure Tatum and RJ had this damn feud over a girl but was it big enough that these psychotics would go to all this trouble? The trouble of screwing with us and taking me, risking imprisionment?

It has to be a hell of a lot bigger than just a fight over a girl.

Whatever it is, I'm scared to find out... My eyes started to droop and in that second I know I wasn't going to be able to fight sleep anymore. Slowly I fell into the dark abyss of sleep savoring every moment of it not knowing what I could be waking up to...


When I woke up, I noticed my arms weren't tied to my back, they were wrapped in duck tape at the wrist to the arm of the chair.

Instead of them taping my mouth shut again, this time I was being gagged by a rag rolled and tied at the back of my head.

Suddenly, the metal sliding door flew open to reveal my hero. It wasn't Tatum, no. It was a cop and I thanked god. The sky outside was bright. Maybe it was about three in the afternoon.

I started to kick around and make as much noise as could with the rag muffling me. However, the cop smirked and walked right passed me. He sat on the hood of a covered up car.

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