Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 32 (All Men Are Pigs)

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Hey guys! So I'm so excited! I've got a baby sitting job, and I'm going down to Delaware for camping on Friday!

Anyway here's the chapter! Enjoy!


Chapter 32- (All Men Are Pigs)

I was sitting in Tatum's bed, his head was resting on my chest while I ran my fingers through his wavy hair.

Thinking about my current issues made me sigh.

Good news is; we aren't dead.

Bad news; my boss knows that I'm a seventeen year old girl working at a bar joint after I told him I was in college.

I was supposed to go work today but now I don't know if I should. What is my boss going to say when I show up to work after he found out I flat out lied to his face.

Another thing that is eating away at me is the fact that I'm lying to Tate also. I haven't even told him about the bar job. I know I should but then I also know how protective Tatum is of me.

God only knows what he would do if some drunken idiot even looked at me the wrong way. I cringed thinking of the thought.

I usually don't pray considering throughout the course of the year, I have pretty much lost my faith, but for the passed week I have been praying that I have a job still.

If I don't, I'm am royally fucked considering I have to pay my car insurance. With only one hundred and fifty dollars left from my mother, I know it's not going to be enough.

I going to have to trade it in or something. Maybe if I trade in my almost brand new mustang, I can get some vehicle with cheaper payments. I'm not sure if that's possible, but I will find out.

My phone began to buzz next to my leg, Tatum sat up so I could reach.

I looked at the caller I.D., telling me that it was Leila. "Hey babe, what's up?"

Normally Leila texts me when she wants to talk, so her calling me was a bit weird. To be honest, I am just happy that her and I are on good terms after I drunkenly kissed her for a dare. Luckily she was tipsy too, so I wasn't all to blame.

"Addison!" She said, not in her normal jolly voice. "I need you please!" I could tell now that she was crying in hysterics. Her voice was loud through the speakers and Tatum could here considering he had a concerned expression on his face.

To him, Lails was like his little sister. He had just as much right to be concerned as me.

"Leila, what's wrong?" I asked in a soothing voice.

Her hysterical crying became louder, "Please just come here, I need someone."

"Alright baby, I'll be over in five minutes."

With that she hung up. Tatum looked at me confusedly, I kissed him before saying, "Call me in like ten minutes and I'll try and tell you what happened. Whatever it is, it's bad, she is crying out goats..."

Tatum chuckled, "Alright Belle, love you. Just think, next Friday we will be high school graduates..."

I made a return smile, trying to cover up just how scared I really am. It's like I have finally woken up and boom, I'm thrown into adult reality. Working my life away just to pay off a house before I'm seventy. Working my butt off just to have the state take most of it. Work until the breaking point just live check by check. I know that life so well from my parents. This is only the beginning for me...

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