Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 1 (These People Look Like Hicks)

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First chapter :) please don't let the countryness of the story make you change your mind about reading!


CHAPTER ONE- (These People Look Like Hicks)

I watched as my beach house slowly faded in the distance. My family and I were on a long journey from Atlantic City, New Jersey to Leesburg, Georgia.

My mom, dad, brother, and I were taking the long car ride because my mom got a promotion as a District Manager at a Kohl's clothing store just outside of Leesburg.

To say that I'm excited is an understatement.

I'm going from an all girl private school to a small public school with just 1,576 attendees.

I missed my girl friends already. Besides my brother, Daniel, they are all the teenagers I've ever know.

Well, I guess you can consider Daniel's best friend, Eric, the only boy I've ever really talked to. The middle of my junior year is when things got awkward between us. We kissed and after that, it was just awkward glances.

After reminiscing on my unfortunate past, I mentally cursed myself.

Now it was the last week in June and I yearned for my wonderful beach right about now. The windows of my fathers SUV were halfway rolled and the cool wind brushed past my facing making me remember the cool, east coast sea breeze. My long, blond hair danced with the wind before my mother rolled up the windows and turned on the air conditioning.

I sighed.

My mother realized, "Sweety, aren't you excited?"

I looked at her face through the passenger side mirror that was in front of me, "Not even close. I have no interest in living in some back road, hick town."

My mom sighed, a flash of sadness ran through her eyes, "Honey it will be great. We bought a new house and you'll have a new school."

I snorted, "Yeah, a house surround by hicks and a school full of them. Sounds great mom. Just awesome." I spat, venom dripping with every word.

"Addison don't talk to your mother like that. We have been making big sacrifices to support you and Daniel." My father looked at me from the rear view mirror.

Danny peered at me through sad eyes, "Just stop Addi."

Danny was older the me, and most of the time he was a big goof ball but other times he would act mature. This was one of those times. I shot him a look, "Whatever."

I placed my phone's ear buds in my ear to draw out every noise, and to hopefully pass the time as we continued the drive to Georgia.


We were finally in Georgia after fourteen grueling hours in the car. We made a few pit stops for gas and drinks but that was about it. All of our belongings had already been shipped to our house, all we had to do was unpack it. My mothers SUV and brothers truck had already be sent out as well.

I knew we were getting closer to my house because all I saw was row after endless row of medium length corn stalks almost ready to be harvested.

The smell of corn and manure settled in my nose and I almost gagged.

It hasn't even been and hour and I already dislike this place.

After playing every song on my iPhone four times, I got sick of the songs and ripped the headphones from my ears.

The one thing that pisses me off the most, is that my parents decided to leave just a few days before my seventeenth birthday.

Lee County High school started September 2nd and my birthday was August 28th. Yeah I know I'm young. Today's date was August 26th.

I felt the SUV begin to slow down and when I looked out of my window I noticed a large blue house and right in the drive way was my mom and brothers vehicles. Then my eyes landed on a blue Ford Mustang GT convertible. A large red bow was sitting on top and I gasped.

My father smiled and turned his head to me, "Happy birthday baby."

I practically yanked off my seat belt and threw open the SUV's door running to my new car. My car. I ran my fingers over the glossy blue finish. My smile was probably a thousand miles long and it wouldn't go away.

Opening the door, I slid into the drivers seat, loving the feel if my hands gripping the wheel.

Don't get me wrong, my parents had money, but I never thought they would have money to buy me a car. Especially this car.

I grabbed the key the was already in the ignition. Just as I was about to turn it towards the dash, my mother tapped on my window.

Sighing, I stepped out of my brand new car. "Sorry to rain on your parade but I want you to pick a room and unpack a little before you take a joy ride."

I gave my mom the puppy dog face, but my mom didn't buy it. Dang it. I cursed my self. My mom pushed me along to the front door, and when I went in I saw my brother and dad taking in the sights of the the tall living room.

Dad clapped his hands and rubbed them together, "Alright kids! Go pick your bedrooms!"

I immediately ran up the tall steps and I got halfway up before I felt someone grab onto my ankle making me trip.

"Let me through! I'm oldest!"


This would be one of those times when he's not mature. "You big butt!" I grabbed onto his shaggy dirty blond hair and pulled him back so I could get past him.

I got into the upstairs hallway and ran into the first door I saw. After locking the door behind me, I gasped when I realized how big the room was. It had a full bathroom attached and a balcony that outlooked our new yard.

Walking towards the glass door, I opened it by sliding it left. I stepped onto my little balcony and was awe stricken at the scenery that was before my eyes. Our yard was pretty big with a fence surrounding it, but the land past our white fence was what took my breath.

In the distance I could see a large looking farm house and next to the farm house laid four large patches of dirt. One was fallow while the others appeared to be Cotton, Corn, and some type of fruit or vegetable.

One thing that really annoyed me, is that I heard nothing but crickets. No city ambiance or lights. I miss it.


About two hours later with the help of Danny, I managed to bring up most of my furniture and clothing. I unpacked about half of my closing before I couldn't take the agony anymore. I had to take a drive in my new baby.

I ran down our staircase to see my mom and dad fighting about where to put the couch. I rolled my eyes before putting on my best sweet daughter voice, "Mommy can I take her for a ride now?" I rocked back and forth on my tip toes anticipating a yes.

My mom went digging threw her purse, she pulled out a white envelope and through a card at me. I caught the card and realized it was my drivers license. "I had the DMV switch our info so you are all good to go." she smiled and I kissed both my parents on the cheek.

I turned on my heel as fast as I could without falling, running to the door. "Registration is in the glove compartment!" I heard my dad call as I got onto our porch. Then I heard a faint, "We love you!"

I smiled and shook my head before grabbing the large red bow off my hood, throwing it into the ground. Opening up the car door, I slid into the seat. Using both my feet, I held down the clutch and break before turning the key to start my engine. Once the car was running, I released the clutch then the break, before putting it in reverse.

Once I was on our street, I looked at our house number and then the street address just in case I managed to get lost. When I got up to twenty miles an hour, I felt my car begin to over-rev so I slowly released the gas and held down the clutch, using my stick shif to shift to second gear.

You are probably wondering how I know stick shift at sixteen almost seventeen, well, Danny taught me in his truck and I love it.

I flipped down the convertible top and let the wind take my hair in its hands. The air may be smelly, but it felt so good. Noticing a four way stop, (with no stop sign) I held down the clutch and break making sure I was in neutral. I put on my left hand turn signal and eased off the break while I turned starting the same process of shifting until I was going about eighty down the unpaved road.

I feel like this road just kept going on and on with only crops on both of my sides. Deciding to turn on an old dirt road, I slowed down doing the same shifting process, down shifting from fifth gear to neutral.

I slowly idled down the short dirt road. Coming towards the end, I noticed two men coming out of the woods. Each were dressed in camo. The older guy looked like a father and the younger the son. The older looking man had a rifle attached to his back and the younger man was carrying a bow with a quiver if arrows on his back.


The older man made a meek smile at my direction, he made a small wave before I just smirked and turned my car around as fast as I could shifting like I was Danica Patrick. From my review mirror, I could see the younger man giving me the dirtiest look.


Beep, beep, beep, my alarm clock reverberated throughout my large room.

Today was the day.

Today was my first day of senior year at my new high school and boy was I excited. (note the sarcasm).

Somehow, I managed to get everything packed away, including my clothes. I ripped the comforter off myself and plodded to my bathroom. I stripped all of my clothes off and stepped into my lovely walk-in shower.

When I was done, I blow dried my hair and put on a pair of shorts with a Hollister tee shirt. Checking the time, I grunted realizing that it was only 6:06 A.M. Slipping on my Nike hightop sneakers, and grabbing my Vera Bradley bag, I skipped my down the steps and went into the kitchen.

I saw my dad over the stove making breakfast and Danny sitting at the Granite covered counter top that had three barstools. I sat next to Danny. "Yum smells good pops!" I exclaimed. He placed two plates full of scrambled eggs in front of us.

Once finished my eggs, my father spoke, "Have a good day at school honey."

I gabbed my car keys and made my way to the front door, "Ugh. Don't even remind me."


My new school wasn't to hard to find, after all this is a small town. Lee County High. Home of the Trojans. Reading the sign at the entrance of the school made me laugh. I couldn't help but notice pretty much every teenager eye raping me and my Baby (AKA my car).

Stepping out of my car, I slung my bag on my shoulder and locked the car after I had parked it in front of school.

God these people look like hicks. Almost each of the guys were wearing jeans and a tight shirt with a baseball cap or cowboy hat. The girls, well, they just looked like sluts. I don't think I'd ever wear shorts as shorts as short as those.

Each and every eye was piercing through me.

Once I walked into school, I realized how small it really was. The office was right in the front so I walked in, got my schedule and locker number with it's combination.

I could hear snarky comments being said about me but I pushed them to the back of my mind focusing in my task of finding my locker then first period. After running around for five minutes with no clue where I was going, I jumped when the loud bell rang.

At my old school they had one just like it, letting all the girls know that they were trade. Only a few Lonely stragglers were left, including me. Awesome. I frantically picked up my pace and rounding a corner, I came crashing into something stone hard.

When I looked up at the person, I immediately freaked, "Oh, I'm really sorry!" I started rambling which was a bad habit of mine, "I have no idea where I'm supposed to be going!"

The guy looked me up and down, and I immediately became self conscious. The guy smirked at me before his facial expression turned into a stone cold one. "Are you new?" I couldn't help but notice his strong southern accent.

I nodded my head, while looking at what he was wearing. A backward baseball cap sat on his brown hair, a camo tee shirt was loosely fitted around his body, tucked into the front of his tight jeans. I will not lie, he was pretty cute. Amazing eyes. For some strange reason, he looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

He ripped my schedule out of my hands, "To get to your Disease and Anatomy class, you go down the four hundreds corridor and then you go into the back four hundreds. Don't worry every thing is marked."

He handed me back my schedule, I thanked him before walking away, "Oh," I turned back, "I didn't catch your name,"

He swiftly turned towards me on his heel, "Tatum." I nodded my head in recognition. The guy smirked. I don't know what, but the guy just felt like trouble.

I followed Tatum's directions deciding against going to my locker. Finally I found my room, I opened the door and all eyes were on me.

The teacher looked at me, "Can I help you?"

"Is this the Disease and Antomy class?" I asked really scared.

"Sweety this is English." the whole class erupted in laughter and my face went pale.

"Well, could you tell me where Mrs. Sartain's class is then?"

"In the five hundreds corridor. Room number is 506."

I quickly rushed out if the class thanking the teacher. Damn Tatum. I haven't even known the guy for 10 minutes and he already made my first day horrible. I found the right class, and walked in.

Once again, all eyes were in me. "Ah. You must be Ms.Miller. Please take a seat." Mrs. Sartain motioned to me to sit in an empty desk at the back of the room. "Alright class. Today we will be starting our disease unit. For the next three months or marking period, you will be working with the person next to you. You will pick a disease, reaserch, and break it down so you know it like the back of your hand. Then you will both present to the class."

"Hey partner," I heard someone whisper in my ear. I knew that voice too well. I slowly turned my head to see a smirking Tatum staring back at me with his dark green eyes.

I pursed my lips, just great.


Hey guys what do you think of my new book? Can you please COMMENT OR VOTE and tell me if you think its worth continuing. :)

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