Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 29 (You Want The Truth?)

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Hey y'all! Over 70k reads on my book! I'm so great full!

I have finished HSPA's so hopefully I passed...

Anyway, here's the chapter :)

Sorry for shortness


Chapter 29- (You Want The Truth?)

Tatum's P. O. V.

I starred at Addison in disbelief. What the hell happened to her?

Here my girlfriend is standing before me just asking to be eye raped by all these guys here.

Her new look is tearing me apart considering I hate it but I also love it too.

The beautiful, long blond hair I grew to love was now cropped above her shoulders.

Hopping of my tailgate I started to walk towards her. Once her eyes landed on me she smiled and did a little twirl showing me her new look.

Once I was close enough, I could see her tattoo and that it was of a bunch of red roses.

How the hell did she get that?

First of all, you need to be eighteen to get a tattoo without parental consent. I know damn well her mother would never allow it, so how the hell did she get it?

"Hey Tatum," she said placing her hands on my cheeks, giving me a kiss, "I've missed you so much."

I laughed, "Missed you too. I obviously missed some changes as well..."

She ran her fingers through the back of her short hair, "Oh yeah, I know. You like it?"

I cupped her cheeks looking to the left and right at all the guys, "I love it but so do all these guys..."

She looked around, "Awe, don't worry Tate. If anyone tries anything, I'll kick them in the balls."

I don't think Addison realizes how excruciating it is to see other guys drilling over her.

Nonetheless, I laughed at her saying she would kick them.

I kissed her on the cheek before grabbing her hand, "Let's go to the fire."

"Oh wait!" She yelled before she bent over and took off both of her heels, holding onto them in her right hand.

There was a table set up near the fire with a keg, and other bottles of alcohol, soda, and of course plastic cups.

I walked over there first with Addison, "What would you like to drink?"

She looked at the numerous drinks, some alcoholic and some just carbonated, "I'll have some Captain 'n Coke, please. Heavy on the Captain, light on the Coke."

Damn. Addison's going all out tonight. I poured one fourth of her cup with soda an the remaining space was reserved for the Rum.

She took a sip and smiled at me, "Yum. Tatum you make it good."

I pretended to pop my nonexistent collar, "I know."

She shoved my side before walking towards the fire and taking a seat on one of the logs.

The fire maybe about five foot high, crackled and spit out embers as the big, square pallet of wood fed it life.

Addison set her shoes behind the log and transferred her cup into her now free hand. With her left, she placed it on my knee, staring into the fire.

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