Chapter 46- (To The Moon And Back)

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Hey guys, here is the last chapter of MCKB! I can't believe the end has come 😭 hope you enjoy! Comment, vote, and share 💕A/N AT END (not edited)

Chapter 46

"Tatuuuummm." I whined as he interlocked our fingers together. The long drive back to Georgia made me grumpy and quite tired.

We had decided to spend our last month together down in Georgia. That way Tatum would be able to spend time with his father as well.

Coming home to Georgia was not as easy as I had hoped though. When Tatum and I walked into his house, the look on his fathers face was scary. Not only did his father look physically sick, with hollow cheekbones and sunken in purple eyes, but his facial expression became almost sick looking at his son in the kitchen.

It was then that his father told us that he was sick with lung cancer and was diagnosed a month ago. At first Tatum was angry at him for not telling him. He was so angry and he started yelling and even threw a glass at the wall. Tatum stormed out of the house, the door smashing against the threshold. Out of the kitchen window above the sink, I saw him quickly walking to the barn.

The tears quickly welled up in my eyes as I looked at his sickly father who was holding back tears of his own, "I'm sorry." I choked before running out of the house towards the barn.

"Tatum!" I had yelled.

The sound of the horses being stirred led me to the inside of the barn where I found Tatum leaning against the wooden wall, pounding on the wood. His eyes were clenched closed as he looked down, his jaw locked in tension.

He looked at me with water in his crystal blue eyes, "Why!". He continued to yell, "I know he has screwed up, but why does it have to happen to him!? Why didn't he god damn tell me!?" He grabbed tuffs of his thick hair, hitting the wall once more with his fist.

I slowly walked over to him and lightly grabbed his cheeks, "Hey," I said softly, "It will be okay baby. Your father is going to be fine."

"How am I supposed to leave now!? My father is dying and will die alone, I'm not even going to be on American soil! It's bad enough I'm leaving you, but I can't do that to him knowing he's sick!"

The tears have started falling down his prematurely aged skin. Seeing this side of Tatum was something I'd never seen, and it was beautiful no matter how bad the circumstance.

I rested our heads together against each other, "Hey, hey, hey." I whispered, "I will move in with him, okay? I will hire a manager at the bar full time and I can move back to Georgia and take care of him, okay? He isn't going anywhere until you come back to us, got it?" I patted the side of his face.

Tatum slowly nodded, wiping the wetness from under his eyes, "Thank you Addison..." He kissed the center of my forehead, "I will send you some money each month to help pay for things here, okay? I want you to hire a hand to help man the ranch. There is no way you can do all this alone."

A small, sad smile played at my lips, "Baby, you don't have to do that I have money of my own still. Not only do I have my inherited money in savings, but I also have income from the bar. If I really needed some cash, I would see if I could work part time at the bar down here again. Everything is going to be fine, your daddy is gonna be fine!"

Tatum shook his head and grabbed a hold of my hands, "No. As long as I'm away, I don't want you to use your money, I want to take care of you and my father by myself."

I nodded, "Fine. You can send some money, I'll hire a farm hand, and I will still take care of your father. But if I get bored, I will be going to get that part time job. I will make sure that your dad has a quick way to contact me if something happens though so you don't need to worry. I love you Tatum, we will make this whole ordeal work one way or another."

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