Chapter 45 (Our Journey)

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Hey babes new chapter! And sorry I've been distant! I work in retail and it's been SO hard to do anything but sleep!!!

Also there is a lot of military type stuff in this and please know that I am by far NOT an expert. So if you know or see a mistake, let me know :)

(3 weeks later)

Tatum's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and I looked at the alarm clock that was next to me on the night stand. The clock read nine thirty A.M. and for a slit second I couldn't believe that I had slept in that late. I'm used to waking up on the base every morning at five A.M. Today however, I woke up in Addison's king sized bed because we had the weekend to ourselves. I ending up staying with her for a few days and it's been amazing. Things between us have never been better..

Today however I have to go back to the base because today was my graduation with my new sniper unit. Addison will be accompanying me and will be able to see me graduate. However, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't scared. I knew what sniper graduation meant... It meant that I would be sent away to either another base across the country or to another country across the sea.

If that happened, what would happen to Addison and I?

I shook my head and threw the covers off of me not wanting to think about it. The cold air in Addison's room ripped across my bare chest once all of my body heat from the blanket had left me. Addison must be up already because she was not in bed.

A yawn escaped my lips as I walked into her large master bathroom to do my usual morning routine. Once I was done, I stepped out of the bathroom looking for my shirt in the bedroom. For whatever reason, I couldn't find it. My only explanation is that Addison put it in her wash. Instead I grabbed my pair of jeans and slipped them on. When I opened up her bedroom door, the smell of bacon and pancakes hit my nostrils and instantly I was hungry. I stomped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to see Addison with her back towards me. She was hovered over the stove flipping a pancake, dancing to the small radio on the counter top. It was a fast paced country song and I stood their watching her with a grin on my face for what felt like hours. Not only did the food look delicious, but so did my baby girl rockin' to the radio wearing the shirt that I couldn't find in the bedroom. She was shaking her little hips as she poured some batter into the pan with a measuring cup. What is even better, is that she had no idea that I was behind her.

Finally I spoke up, "Damn, is this how I get to wake up every morning?" I chuckle.

Her whole body jumped and the measuring cup still filled with pancake batter went flying, splattering all over the wooden cupboard. She grabbed her chest with her small hand and heaved, "Holy shit Tatum! You almost just made me shit my pants!"

I started laughing uncontrollably, "Belle last time I checked you weren't wearing any pants..." I made a crooked grin as I sat on the bar stool across from her making sure I took an extra long look at her tanned legs.

She cursed under her breath before grabbing a dish towl from the drawer, "How much of that did you see exactly...?" She started to wipe the pancake mix off the wooden surface.

I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, nestling my head into her neck, "Just enough to know that you look sexy in my clothes.."

She threw her head back into my chest and smiled before she grabbed a glob of batter and smeared it across my cheek, "Shut up."

I tightened my grasp onto her hips, "Oh you did not just do what I think you did..." I smirked.

My body turned around and grabbed the bowl containing the thick, sweet smelling batter with chocolate chips. Addison immediately started backing away because she knew what I was going to do next...

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