Mr Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 30 (My Lies Will Be The Death Of Me)

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Hey y'all! Hope y'all are doing well. I had a snowy St Patty's Day!

Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!


Chapter 30- (My Lies Will Be The Death of Me)

That morning I had woken up to a nasty headache knocking on my door.

I trudged into my bathroom, still in my dress from last night, and pulled out a bottle of Advil from the medicine cabinet. Cupping my hands and filling them with water from the tap, I downed two pills hoping I could manage to keep them in my stomach.

Sitting on the edge of my tub, I dry heaved thinking about what I had done the night before.

I wanted to punch myself in the gut for my actions last night. I don't remember much but I do remember that I made the biggest mistake of my life.

Breaking up with Tatum was the dumbest idea and quite possibly the most idiotic thing I have done in my mere seventeen years of life. I wanted to take it back. All of it!

My heart sunk deeper into my chest once I realized that Tatum probably hates me now. I'm not sure what upsets me more. The fact that I broke up with him, or that he never bothered coming after me.

To be honest, I don't blame him. I was acting like a completely drunken bitch. I'm pretty sure I even made out with Leila...

How can I expect him to pity me when I don't tell him what's wrong?

I needed to talk to him. I needed to hear his voice. Most of all, I needed to tell him everything.

Since I managed to keep down the Advil, I took a few more gulps of tap water before putting on a pair of high wasted shorts and a crop top. I walked down the steps, my stomach growling.

My house felt so empty and lonely. It was quiet and once I walked into the kitchen, I realized why.

On the granite island in the middle of the kitchen was an envelope with my name on it.

It was my mothers handwriting...

I picked up the cream colored envelope and slowly opened it, fearing the worst, hoping for the best.

Wrapped up in the letter was three one hundred dollar bills. I set them aside, taking a deep breath before I read.

Dear Addison,

I never meant for your life to be collateral damage in my marriage. By the time you read this, I will be halfway to New Jersey by now. I need to get things in order with your father. It pains me to say, but we are getting a divorce. I'm hoping that I can get some money out of your father to help pay the bills. Im not sure how long I will be gone, but I'm going to get a job and will send you money to pay the bills.

For now, I have left you three hundred. Please try to make it last.

I love you Addison.

- Mom

A single tear slipped down my cheek as I read my mothers letter. From now on, I'm alone. It's not like Danny ever comes around.

I'm living alone forced to pay bills because my mother abandoned me.

I have three hundred dollars to my name with - I opened the fridge- with only a head of lettuce, half empty jar of pickles, and a three fourths empty bottle of whiskey to show for it.

My family is consumed by alcohol. Hell, I'm getting that way.

I'm scared.

Taking the chilled whiskey bottle, I flung it across the room at the wall. It shattered against the eggshell stucco leaving a piercing noise along with my screams.

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