Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 8 ( Gonna Get A Detention Miss. Goody-Two-Shoes)

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Hey ya'll... So I cannot believe the amout of comments and stuff I have been recieveing about this story. Like honestly, I don't eve think it's as good as yall say... Like I've been blowing out chapters in one day... I seriously love you guys... And I wanna thank Izabel12 and cdcsnp for their amazing comment's that made me smile so hard...

Anyway, here is chp. 8! :)


Chapter 8- (You're Gonna Get A Detention Miss. Goody-Two-Shoes)

After we presented, (well more like Tatum presenting), Mrs. Sartain gave us a smile and I was relieved. Tatum looked so hurt and ticked off. I know it was because of confessing that his mother died of the disease. I think that last time I talked to him also contributed to the fact that he wasn't talking along with the gloomy look on his face.

Meanwhile, the next group went up to talk and I turned towards Tatum, "Psssttt." he just ignored me and it made my heart sank. For once I think I actually miss his usual playful smirk.

He was writing down notes on the other teams disease. I knew he was choosing to ignore me because he never takes notes. He had an angry look on his face and by the way his jaw was moving, I could tell he was clenching his teeth. Probably to stop him from saying something he would regret.

I grabbed a hold of his muscular arm but he shook it off, "Tatum please," I pleaded. Still no reply. Why was he acting like this?

Then I remembered what I had said to him last time we actually talked...

"I don't want to talk to you anymore."

That just keep playing on a loop in my head... Did I mean it? I don't know if I could mean it... Tatum has been the one to take me under his wing and help break me out of my shell. I was no longer the shy, Christian, goody-two-shoes.

A thought then crossed my mind, I can't let him slip through my fingers. I just can't. It just scared me thinking about that. Partly because I'm getting attached to Tatum and he's the bad boy. No good ever comes from them.

My heart rate immediately picked up... Could I have feelings for him?

No. No. No. I can't.

Besides, I'm leaving after the summer whether I get into Cornell or not. Eve if I was leaving at the end of summer, I had to make amends with Tatum because it would eat me up alive if I didn't.

I've always was told to never judge people. And this is exactly what I've been doing. I've been judging everyone in this town... I took some strangers words and believed them. I didn't even let Tatum explain that night after the football game.

Guilt flooded my heart... "Look Tatum, I'm sorry for what I said to you..." I sighed and continued to whisper, "I realised that ever since I got here, I've been judging people on first glance. I'm so sorry." I grabbed a hold of his hand.

This got his attention because he looked up at me, with sorrow and anger filling his eyes. He abruptly stood up, knocking over the lab stool, "Save it for someone who cares, b!tch." Tatum spat before walking out of the classroom.

Mrs. Sartain just stared at the door along with all of the other students in class, "Mr. Boyer! Where on earth are you going!?" she got no reply...

What did I just do...?

I threw my Anatomy book into my bag and jumped up from my lab table. I heard Mrs. Sartain yelling for me but I just ignored her.

Running out into the hallway, I slung my bag over my left shoulder and began running, "Tatum!" I called but nobody answered. I looked for him in all of the hallways but I didn't see that tall, handsome, bad boy anywhere.

I knew in that moment that he was probably ditching.. I ran out of the schools front doors and that's when I found Tatum standing next to his truck. He appeared to be lighting a cigarette.

"Tatum!" I called again. He looked up in my direction and gave me a cold glare. I ran to him and when I was in front of him, I began talking, "Look Tatum, I never should have said what I said. I should have let you explain your side of the story first before I went and believed a stranger..." I ran a hand through my bangs nervously, "Please can you just forgive me and move on..." I wanted so badly to ask him what really happened to Olivia but I refrained myself.

He looked at me blowing out a puff of cigarette smoke, "Why did you come back for me? You you're gonna get a detention Miss. Goody- Two- Shoes." this time Tatum wasn't angry but it was almost as if he was back to normal.

"I just can't have you hate me. I need to make amends with you before I leave."

"You're leaving?" he asked in a shocked tone. It almost sounded as if he cared...

I nodded my head, "Well yeah. Once the summers over I'm gone with the wind whether I'm going to college or not..." A look of hurt came upon his face before it disappeared, "And for a matter of fact, I'm not a goody-to-shoes anymore remember?"

Tatum flicked his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it, suffocating the spark from any oxygen. He then crossed his arms across his chest, "Please. You haven't done anything that bad..."

"I have had alcohol for the first time..." I reminded him.

Tatum waved his hand down as if to say, "Pa-lease.".

"If you wanna do something really bad, then lets go steal something..." Tatum was thinking of what to say next, "How about a car."

I then busted out into a fit of laughter, "You have got to be kidding me!" I slapped my hand across my knee before looking up at Tatum. He raised his eyebrows and shook his head no.

Oh my god. He was serious...

"Please tell me you're joking..." I questioned..

"Nope. Now hop in."

Should I? This was tempting...

Tatum opened the drivers side door on his pick-up truck and motioned me to get in. He held out his hand for me to take so he could help me up. I grabbed a hold of his rough hand and slid my way into the cab of the truck.

I stopped once I was fully seated in the drivers seat. I wanted to drive. I gave Tatum the puppy lips and he just smiled throwing me the keys. Suddenly it was like I was a kid on Christmas.

Tatum's smile was pure gold. Breath taking...

I turned on the truck and Tatum slid in on the passenger side. He smirked at how excited I was... Pulling the seat belt over my chest, I looked at Tatum, "So, where to?"

"You need a fake I.D. so go to my place. I specialize in them." Tatum wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed before driving away from the place that was my ticket to Cornell...


Tatum and I were currently sat out in front of a run down bar. I don't know how but Tatum knew how to make fake I.D.'s. They actually looked real... Apparently my new name was Hayden Hanglington and I was exactly twenty-two.

"So what's the plan?" I asked looking towards Tatum.

"So at the door, to your left will be the bar ad to your right will be a pool table. You see that sixty-five Camaro? That's the target. When we get inside the guy with a tattoo on his face will probably be playing pool. He leaves his key's on the side next to him." I nodded my head understanding, "Then you flirt with him, and ask for him to buy you a beer. He'll say 'yes' cause he's a horny bastard. The that's whe you grab the keys and run. I'll be waiting out here."

Gosh I can't believe I'm about to do this...

"Alright sound's easy enough..." I opened the truck's door but Tatum grabbed my wrist

"Unbutton your shirt some more and it will be a piece of cake."

I looked at my black blouse and then at Tatum. I nodded my head. How does Tatum know all of this stuff? He must come to this bar to know so much about this guy...

We both got out of the truck and Tatum stopped right next to the door, "I think this is were you and I separate... Good luck," Tatum winked.

This is it... I can do this...

I took a deep breath and opened the door. The bar smoky and old looking. Tatum was right because ext to me was the bar ad then on my right side stood the guy with tattoo on his neck.

He had short cropped black hair and tattoos running up and down his arms. A cigarette was placed in his mouth while he was taking a shot at a striped ball on the pool table.

The guy looked up and when he saw me his eyes immediately went hungry. It made me uncomfortable but I had to play my part as a flirt. I strutted over to the pool table and looked at him, "Is that your sixty-five?"

The guy smirked and smashed the butt of his cigarette in the ash tray, "You bet, babe." he blew out the rest of the smoke from his lungs ad added, "Let me know and I an take you for a ride."

I saw the guys keys next to him and I knew this was going to be easy.

"What's your name?"

"James. Your's?"

I smirked. I knew just what to say, "Buy my a beer and then I'll tell you."

A glint of hunger burned through his eyes, he leaned in and whispered, "Sure thing, babe." before grabbing my butt.


He started walking to the bar an I knew this was my only shot... When his back was turned away from me I grabbed the keys and made a mad dash. I silently fun the door open and began running with Tatum.

I unlocked the drivers side door and let Tatum in the passenger side.

I started up the car easily because it was a stick shift. I quickly pulled out of the old gravel parking lot and when I looked back through the mirrors, I saw James running out the door scream something along the lines of, "You b!tch!"

Tatum and I were both laughing like lunatics. I rolled down the both the windows, loving the feel of the wind running through my hair.

"Damn girl!" Tatum yelled.

I looked back in the rear view mirror and saw that the same guy was tailing us.. Somehow, some idiot must have lent James their keys because he was following..

"Crap!" I yelled and then Tatum looked back.

I shifted all the way until I was at fifth gear reaching a speed at just over one hundred. This car can really haul some serious butt. We were driving along a winding, bumpy, asphalt road. Thankfully, James had borrowed a crappy vehicle so he couldn't catch up.

It was really exhilarating until I saw from the driver side mirror that James was holding a gun out of the window, pointing it at us...

Oh god... This guy is insane!

"Duck!" I yelled just as James fired a shot. The bullet peppered the bumper and the Camaro swiveled when I had to abruptly lower my head. "Why didn't you tell me about the gun!" I looked back in the mirror and James still had the gun pointing at us, "You idiot!" I yelled at Tatum.

"How the hell was I supposed to know!? DUCK!" he yelled. Just as I ducked, the back window of the car shattered, sending little pieces everywhere.

"He is crazy!" I yelled before I swerved to avoid a gaping pothole.

"No sh!t!" Tatum yelled, holding onto the top of the car.

We heard another shot fired and luckily it missed. James was trying to shoot at our tires but due to the amount of alcohol in his system, and his aim sucking, he wasn't hitting our tires to blow them.

I once again looked back into the rear view mirror and saw that he was stopped. I looked a little closer and realized that the idiot ran over the pothole. It blew the tire and it looked like it damaged the rim too. I started slowing down.

"Hell yeah!" I screamed. I raised both my hands in the air and began laughing. I then quickly adjusted the wheel and straightened it out before slowing down just a bit.

I turned down a dirt road that had trees lining each side. I went down the road away's and then put in park. Tatum flashed me the biggest smile, "Holy crap we did it.." he clapped his hands.

"What's with this 'we' crap!? I'm the one who did all the work!" I laughed.

"Okay I guess that's true," Tatum said agreeing with me.

I rested my head on the steering wheel which smelt like cigarettes, "Thank you, Tatum."

Tatum smirked at me, "For what, Belle?"

I looked him in the eyes, "Before I moved here, I was a shy, book worm. And when I met you, I was a ticking time bomb.. I was waiting to exploded because deep inside of me, I knew their was a funner girl in me." I laughed, "By making me steal this car, you detonated the bomb..."

I looked out the drivers side window when I heard Tatum say, "I didn't detonate it yet..."

I turned my head and Tatum was right there smirking at me. He was so close... Oh my God... How could I not look at those beautiful lips? My eyes zeroed in on them and then I looked right into Tatum's green eyes...

Tatum's eyes flickered to my lips and then back to my eyes. Was he going to kiss me? Tatum begun to lean in and my eyes instinctively fluttered closed.

He's going to kiss me... I then felt his warm, rough lips on mine. He kissed me... It was only a peck but it felt so nice. I wanted more. I needed more... I grabbed both sides of Tatum's face and pulled him close. My lips met his and it was like a fire erupted. His rough lips and my soft one's created this amazing feeling.

Here I am making out with Tatum Boyer... The school bad boy... In a stolen freaking car... Score one for Addison!

I couldn't help but have an adrenaline rush when Tatum ran his hand up the side of my thigh. It made me want to go farther. Tatum's hand then ran up my body until he tangled it in my blond hair at the back of my head. He deepened the kiss by licking my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I accepted and parted my lips more, a small sigh of pleasure escaping.

And then, the mood killer... I heard sirens in the distance... Oh great. The cops were onto us... I pulled away from Tatum, and looked at him... "Run!" I said.

Before I could open the door to run, Tatum grabbed my wrist making me look at him. He was so close, his lips near mine, "And boom goes the bomb." he smiled and leaned in pecking my lips ever so softly...

And then he slid out of the stolen car, I followed in suit. He grabbed my hand and we started running.. We started dashing through the woods, heading towards the bar that was miles away...

What the hell did I get myself into...?


AND SCENE! What did you guys think!? Were you expecting that to happen? What about the kiss? Do you think that it was too soon for them?

Anyway; hope y'all have a happy Easter...!

Check out the awesome cover on the side made by AsSweetAsCandy !

Also, check out the awesome song called, "Fastest Girl In Town" by Miranda Lambert!


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