Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 10 (Third World Problems... )

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Chapter 10- (Third World problems...)

For the first time in months, my parents have actually been proud of me. After I showed Tatum my acceptance letter to Cornell, I went in and slammed it down onto the kitchen island. My parents just so happened to be standing there...

Okay, so maybe that part was intentional...

But having that acceptance letter in my hands was like paper gold... It was something to tell my parents, "Hey guys! See, look at this! I'm not a screw up of a child!"

For a second as they read over the paper, I thought they were both going to have major heart attacks. Then my mother looked at me holding back tears. They both congratulated me and told me how proud they were.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that they are proud of me for something but I'm also scared. Now that they know about my college acceptance they are going to ride me about everything. Grades, my behaviour, they even pounded me on my one simple chore I forgot to do.

Apparently tonight my parents were holding a, "celebratory dinner". It wasn't much of anything if you have spaghetti and plus, Daniel is bringing over his friend from school. They had to work on something for a class so he was just going to eat dinner with us.

A college guy in my house?

I can dig it.

Snap out of it you idiot!

I snapped out of my absurd thoughts and my eyes landed on Tatum's camouflage jacket that he had lent me the night we had dumped RJ's truck in the lake behind his house. Yes, I washed it. The once mud coated jacket was now folded neatly on my table all clean and smelling like fresh linen.

I smiled and raised my hands to my lips.

I can't believe we had a make-out session... As soon as I thought about our kiss I immediately felt a fire ignite within me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it. But what did it mean? It must've been some sort of kiss out of excitement because I don't have feelings for him.

You sure?

My brain needs to be quiet! Oh and did I mention that Lee County high actually called my parents to tell them I skipped? Yep. To say the least, I've been grounded for the past five days... I was on house arrest until further notice. Not even my Cornell acceptance lessened the penalty.

I could nothing... The vultures of parents took away my cell phone and my T.V.

Third World problems...

It's been weired not being able to text Tatum and Leila. Usually Tatum would only text me for home work answers. I frowned because I just now notice that Tatum hardly talks to me in school... It's like he's afraid we are going to be seen together and he's worried about what people will say. He's embarrassed by me I know it! It's probably because he is Mr. Cowboy and I'm Miss. Citygirl.

However, all of Tatum's friends have seemed to except me so that was a plus.

My thoughts about Tatum's friends were cut short when I heard a knocking. I looked towards my bedroom door but then I realised that that wasn't where the noise was coming from. My eyes then looked towards my sliding glass door leading towards my balcony.

I hopped off of my bed and went to slide open the curtains just a smidgen to look out the window but before I could look, the door slid open so fast making my heart jump.

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