Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 21 (What I Tell You About Hat Hair?)

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Hey y'all. Alright so some of you who follow me may have seen that I COMPLETELY freak out about Luke Bryan because he is coming to Atlantic City on his first leg of his That's My Kinda Night Tour. IM DYING. Anyway, here is the chapter. Enjoy.

ps ( Im sure ya'll already guessed that Luke Bryan is in it ;) )



Chapter 21- (What I Tell You About Hat Hair?)

I stare at my brother in disbelief. He just threatened to chop off Tatum's potentially beautiful baby making balls.

This is not happening.

"I will calmly close this door like a good person and if you are not gone in ten seconds, so help me God." Daniel seethed. I don't understand why he is having such a hissy fit, it's not like he ever gave a crap about me.

As soon as Daniel closed my door, I jumped up as fast as possible pushing Tatum off of me. I expected him to fall on the floor but he skillfully recovered and jumped up as well.

I on the other hand skillfully locked my bedroom door giving Tatum and I some more time.

"Addison, you bitch! Open the damn door!" My brother pounded.

I grabbed a hold of Tatum's wrist and pulled him out onto my balcony. I pushed him up against the wall and smiled.

"I wish you didn't have to go." I pouted admiring everything about his face. The flecks of green in his eyes, his beautifully tousled almost copper toned hair. High cheek bones, well definded jaw, thick lips that made the most amazing grins.

The pounding on my door was getting louder. I knew it was time for Tatum to leave and fast before Daniel ripped my door off it's hinges.

I raised myself on my tippy toes and placed a small kiss on Tatum's lips. I pulled away and he chuckled, grinning ear to ear.

He grabbed onto the small of my back and pushed me closer onto his body before he placed a return kiss on my lips.

I smiled while his lips were still on mine. Inside I felt sadness when I had to push Tatum away from me. "Go. I don't want you to loose your masculinity so young." I grinned before adding, "Oh and I'm sorry."

"For what?" Tatum questioned.

I felt my face heat up, "For attacking you..."

Tatum plastered his signature, country boy, lopsided grin on his lips, "Don't say sorry darlin'. I quite enjoyed your attack."

With that I walked back into my room hoping that Tatum had the sense to run. And run fast.

My brother is not happy. He continuously is pounding on the door.

Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door and immediately Danny barreled towards me. The look in his eyes scared the living shit out of me.

And in that moment I know I was in deep shit... Scared and in it... Never a good combination.

Daniel raced in front of my balcony door but he looked out it and saw no signs of Tatum.

Thank God he left.

Daniel swung around so fast to face me, I cringed. His face was red with anger. And now that he's close enough to me I can smell the heavy alcohol rolling off his breath.

"Don't you ever do that to me again you bitch." Daniel spat. "Where the hell did he go so I can kick his ass."

I shook my head ever so slightly, "Don't lie to me."

And before I could say anything back, I felt a piercing pain coming from the right side of my face.

My head whipped to the right from the force of my own brother back handing me across my cheek. Burning pain spread throughout my face, tingling. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes however, I'm not positive if they are from sadness or the blow to my head.

I should have known he would turn into the monster my father was. After all, hind sight is 20/20.

I looked up at my brother, holding my cheek, my hair covering some of my face.

And so the tears came like I knew they would. A diluted salt water mixture rolled down my cheek, the cool liquid felt good as it touched my, most likley swollen cheek.

"I remember you once told me that no man should ever hit a girl. You know, when our father beat me? But good ole' Danny doesn't hit girls in this town, does he?" I seethed, my body convulsing in to shakes.

I looked into Danny's eyes, they transformed from angry to resentful. Daniel had realized that he let the alcohol take over his actions.

Just as Daniel was about to say something, he was knocked to the ground. Tatum was over him, sending a punch his way.

Tatum stood up and with one arm he lifts up my brother effortlessly by his coller. He flung my brother out into the hallway. "You ever touch her like that again, we are going to have some big problems." Tatum seethed before closing my bedroom door, locking it behind him.

Tate turned around and faced me with the most sympathetic look in his eyes. He walked towards me with his arms outstretched and reluctantly I took this opportunity to cave. I fell into his arms and sobbed.

"It's okay, you are okay now."

For once I felt happy that I had someone to hang onto.


Today is Friday and I've been feeling super excited. Yesterday during lunch Tatum and I bought our prom tickets and wrote that we wanted to sit next to Leila and Jeremy.

I have to admit they are the cutest couple.

So far no one knows about Tatum and I's relationship. We are coming out next Saturday during prom.

As for my brother Daniel, he hasn't spoken to me since our little incident. And I'm fine with that..

I find it crazy that a turn of events on someone's life can effect them greatly. Danny was fine before he found out what my father had done to me.

I want to blame myself for all of my family's problems but deep down I know that I can't put that horrendous burden on my shoulders. Only person who is at fault is my father.

I decided not to press charges on my father because then I would have to go to court and testify.

Even if my father were to be locked up, the judge forced him into a year long rehab facility with no contact to the outside world.

In a way I was happy and in another I was sad. Sure my father was getting proper treatment for his alcohol addiction but this would require me to not see him for a year.

I sighed staring at my blank Word Document. We were supposed to type up 5 chapter summaries for the book we are reading, Ordinary People, by Judith Guest.

In some ways I can relate to the main character Conrad. He thinks the whole world is against him. Mainly his mother.

Even though my mother has been getting better with me, she still feels a little distant.

I was knocked out of my trance when my phone beside me started buzzing repeatedly.

I smiled when Tatum's name and picture appeared.

"Hey Tater." I tease.

"Hey darlin'," he said, "are you free tonight by any chance?"

I scared at my homework which is actually a blank word page.

Eh, I can do it tomorrow.

"Nope, I'm free. Why?" I ask, immediately feeling a little nervous.

"I won free pit tickets to a concert tonight. But if you wanna come, you gotta tell me now. Since it's general admission pit we need to get there early for front row."

I contemplated on wether I wanted to go or not. Surely It's a country concert but what else could I do tonight? Nothing. Mainly because Leila is busy at home.

"Sure, I'll come." I smile, "Whose concert?"

"I won Luke Bryan tickets through my favorite radio station."

Immediately my stomach started doing all sorts of crazy, happy dancing flips. "You mean that really, really hot singer who is ten times hotter than you?" I chuckled and I heard Tatum making a hurt sound.

"Ouch darlin', that hurts. Please don't damage my ego anymore." He laughed.

"Only way you'd be better then Luke Bryan is if you can dance like him."

"Oh you're on."

I began laughing out loud, "Whatever Boyer." After there was silence for a few seconds, I added, "what time are you picking me up?"

"Can you be ready in thirty minutes?"

I laughed again. Is he joking. What the hell time does this concert start? It's only two o'clock in the afternoon!

"Tatum, you do realize I'm a girl, right?" I heard him make a deep, hearty laugh, "what time was the concert starting?"


"You weren't kidding when you said you wanted to be there early, huh?"

"Belle, I don't kid."

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Whatever. You're lucky I like you enough to get ready in record time."

"Good, 'till then Belle."

"'Till then."

I smiled and hung up the phone. I jumped up from my computer chair and immediately walked to my balcony feeling what the weather was like.

Since it's May, the weather was pretty comfortable at 85 degrees. I felt no moisture in the air for rain, but just in case, I check my phone.

No rain.

I walked towards my closet and pulled out a tan tee shirt with a horse head printed on it.

I absolutely loved this shirt because it was like a belly shirt but it fringed almost at the top of my rib cage. I then went into my drawer and pulled a pair of shorts.

Slipping on my cute outfit and red cowgirl boots, I admired myself in the mirror, contemplating if makeup would be apart of my look tonight.


Too much work. My wavy hair however had to be hidden.. I pulled into a high pony tale so I could just be done with it.

I put some chapstick on my lips so they wouldn't get dried out and looked at my phone. It says 2:27.

Tatum should be here soon... What do you bring with you to a concert? I shrugged and placed my phone, some money, and my chapstick, a and license into my pocket. This is my first concert...

My ears perked to life when I heard the low rumble of Tatum's old Chevrolet. I smiled and jumped down the stairs. No one was home so i went to the kitchen and left a note saying I was out and would probably be back late.

I threw the pen down on the marble island and ran out of the door locking it behind me.

Tatum opened the passenger side door for me while still sitting down. I smiled at him ad admired what he was wearing. His cowboy boots, ripped, tight blue jeans, a plaid red shirt, and his fitted cowboy hat.

Say he looked rather attractive is an understatement.

I could see his eyes roam my body, mostly stairing at my flat stomach that was partly exposed from my fringed shirt.

"Eyes up, Tatum." I smirked and I swear I could see the slightest blush on his face once he realized I had caught him checking me out.

He quickly covered himself up with a smirk, "You wish Belle."

I laughed aloud, "No, wish you had this-" I ran my hands down my body trying to be sexy.

Somehow I knew my little stunt worked because I could see him watching me, biting the inside of his cheek.

"You're crazy. You wish you could see these abs and muscles on me everyday."

He began to pull up his shirt. He pulled it up to the point where I could see the hem of his boxers. Immediatly I blushed, "Okay, ew! Gross!" I faked and covered my eyes.

Tatum scoffed and as I felt him put the truck in drive, I uncovered my eyes. He changed the subject, "So you ready for a concert?"

I made a sheepish smile, "What if I told you this was my first one..."

"You're kidding..." He stared unbelievingly at me.

"Tatum, come on, I don't kid." I smirked mimicking his almost exact same line he had said to me earlier.

"Well, you're going to have a great time. Country concerts are fun as hell..."

His green eyes looked into my blue ones before he slowed down before the red light. I hadn't realized that we were slowly drifting away from the farming scene. More and more traffic lights came into view.

A bunch of big and small shopping centers came into view and from the corner of my eyes I saw a certain shade of green that I know all too well...

"Stop!" I yell.

Tatum got freaked out. He put on his flashers and slowly pulled over to the side of the road.

"What's the matter darlin'?" I smiled when I noticed that there was so much sincereness in voice and eyes.

"Starbucks!" I scream louder.

"You made me pull over just so your city girl ass could get Starbucks?! Were nearly there Belle! You're not gonna be able to take the damn drink in there."

"Then I'll chug it." I conclude. However Tatum wouldn't budge. He was still giving me the You- Aren't- Getting- It look.

Then the light bulb went off in my head. I took off my seatbelt and slid across the seat right next to Tatum. So close. The heat from his body instantly warming me up.

I looked up at him and smirked before grabbing a hold of his leg, right on his thigh.

I saw his eyes fill with nervousness and I swear I saw them turn a few shades darker.

He swallowed nervously as if he was trying not to think dirty thoughts.

I smirked internally but on the outside I pouted my bottom lip, "Pretty please, Tatum?"

Tatum threw back his head in defeat, "Ugh, fine. You win. Let me turn around."

I smirked and kissed him on the cheek, "Yes, thank you! I havn't had Starbucks in almost a year! You might like something too ya know."

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