Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 38 (You Deserve It)

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Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad

My nerves started to go up as I saw signs for New Orleans along the highway. The thrum of Leila's truck was no match for the music being blasted from the radio. We flew down the passing lane, blaring music, letting the wind whip our hair across our cheeks.

Fast food in the console and our phones shut off from the world made this road trip start off great.

Last night, after the crazy storm had ended, I packed my bags, went to Leila's and now here we are on our road trip to Louisiana. The plan is to stay for three weeks and let our minds be free. We won't be back until mid July. When she told me three weeks, I thought about how long that is. But then, I remembered how much bullshit I've dealt with. Although Leila has had a pretty rough couple of months, I still think I top her on the drama scale.

I was thankful for this trip because as much as I love Tatum with all my heart, I've always believed that distance can do wonders for a relationship.

Tatum and I's goodbye was something I will cherish forever. It's just the words he said that made my heart ache.

He drove me to Leila's, opened up his truck door, and grabbed onto me. He pulled me outside and let my body weight hang as his arms were wrapped around my lower back. Our chests touched each other, breathing was short and shallow.

I looked into his gorgeous hazel eyes and smiled, "I'm gonna miss you."

He pecked me on the lips lightly, "I will miss you more Belle." He made a slight frown, "What am I gonna do without you for almost a full month?"

I raised my eyebrows, "Twiddle your thumbs and count sheep?" I questioned jokingly.

"Ha. Ha. Funny." Tatum dead panned making me giggle. I playfully smacked his round backside which made him groan. "Y'know, I can put you back up in this truck as fast as I took you out." He wiggled his brows, "and lemme tell ya, you ain't gonna come back out if I do."

"Fair enough," I chuckled. "But don't worry, I'm going to take lots of pictures and I'll call you everyday."

This time, Tatum pinched my rump, "You better. I'm gonna hold ya to that promise."

Our eyes locked again letting our faces lean together in lip lock. For three weeks, I will miss this. Our lips came apart, and Tatum was first to speak, "I'm not going to say good bye because I hate them. This is not a goodbye because I will see you again and when I do, I'll kiss the crap outta you." He chuckled. "I also can't wait for you to get home cause I have surprises."

"For me?"

"For you." He answers.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a long, slow, and sweet kiss. I savor every waking moment of that kiss for it will be the last one that we have for quite some time. We pulled away, breathless, our foreheads resting against each other.

I peered up through my lashes, "I love you." I whispered.

He affectionately rubbed his nose against mine, "I love you more."

Our sweet moment was interrupted by Leila opening her door, "HURRY UP CHITLINS!" I giggled at her childish antics.

My hands rested on both sides of Tatum's defined face enjoying the feeling of his stubble. I pecked his lips, "Impossible."

My thumbs ran along his jaw and I gasped when he smacked my butt just like I had done earlier. He smirked and peered up at Leila, "You better go before she has my ass in a vice."

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