Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 35 (Psycos and Dirty Jobs)

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Hey y'all! Hope you are having an awesome summer!

My Blake Shelton concert on the beach was amazing and Danielle Bradberry surprised us and sang "Heart of Dixie" so cool!!

Hope you all enjoy!


Chapter 35- (Psychos and Dirty Jobs )

I reached my arm all the way into the mailbox just to make sure my eyes we not playing tricks on me. Of course they weren't because I felt nothing.

I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket to call Tatum. My heart started to race at the thought of my brother having the new house keys.

Still stood at my mailbox, waiting for Tatum to pick up, I heard a car pass by not thinking anything of it until I heard a car door slam shut and felt someone grabbing me from behind.

At first I thought it was Tatum playing a prank on me but as soon as a sweet smelling rag was placed on top of my face, I knew I was in trouble.

As much as I wanted to fight back, the chloroform doused rag slowly made my eyes droop. I struggled against the unknown persons grip before I felt myself slip into unconsciousness. My phone which was still ringing Tatum fell to the ground.

I wanted to pray for my safety. However, I never got the chance because I blacked out.


My eyes fluttered open and I was in this dark garage. Sweat pored down my body as my breathing intensified. My short blond hair clung to my neck with perspiration and for a second, my mind was blank. I couldn't remember how I got to where I was.

My memories flooded back to me and that's when I really began to panic. I looked down to notice that my ankles were chained to the wall and the throbbing pain in my shoulders let me know that my arms were tied behind the back of the chair together.

I tried to say something but all that came out was muffled noises because of the strip of tape the covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming.

I began to thrash around trying to break free but it was no use. I have been kidnapped with no way out. The sweat bled through my thin, white, tank top. I could have sworn I was wearing a shirt over it earlier.

My breath started coming out in pants through my nose as my duck taped mouth made noises of struggle.

"I took off your teeshirt because you were sweating a lot. You still are actually."

My eyes snapped up to see that someone had been watching me this entire time. I was shocked at who I saw...


I used to be friends with him in the beginning of the school year. I know he hates me now because I chose Tatum over him. He was still the poor, Native American, dark haired guy but now, his heart wasn't full of kindness. It was full of another emotion. One I could not pinpoint.

His eyes burned into mine, at first, he was angry and then his facial expressions softened with the realization that I was not okay.

Did he know about my dad and what he did? Why is he here baby sitting me?

He slid off of the hood of a car and began to walk over towards me. Tattoos covered his arms. One stood out to me once I realized that it was the same one that my brother and RJ have around their bicep. Was Felix in a gang with them?

Surely not. Would their really be gangs in the south?

Felix stood next to my chair I was tied to and I started to say something trying to get him to take off the duck tape on my mouth.

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