Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- (EPILOGUE)

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Holy heck... it's been a year since I've updated and I'm so sorry about that but I hope this ending makes up for it.. let me know what you think? ❤️ (sorry if there are mistakes)

Epilogue song: Real Good Man by Tim McGraw


Sweat dripped down my face as I sat right in front of the mediocre air conditioner. It was not working well at all probably because it was the cheapest thing I could find at Wal-mart and partly because it was a steamy 103 degree day. I was half temped to go take a dip in the cow pond but then I thought of the leeches and cringed.

Maybe just maybe... I could go into town and buy as many gallons of Turkey Hill sweet tea as possible and pour them into the bathtub... Get an ice cold bath AND a refreshing drink in one.

Despite my needs of a sweet tea bath I thought against it knowing we didn't have the extra money to spend on stupid things like that.

With Tatum constantly away on his second tour money was tight. Sure I had the money saved from the bar and the remainders of my grandmothers money but now was the time to save, not spend.

I sighed looking at the beautiful wedding ring swelled around my fat, bloated, sausage finger. Tatum and I got married the month he came home from his first tour, had our honeymoon, and then within a week that we got home, there was a lettter in the mail. Tatum re-enlisted thinking they would give him at least six months between each tour.

Then three weeks later he was packed up and I was sobbing in his arms at the air port. Another eight month tour where I would only see him on crappy video chats for five minutes at a time. Sometimes we would go weeks without talking due to the base not having proper connectivity. He was in Iraq for Christ sake.

Five months into his brutal tour, I could tell it was taking a toll on him. The tired eyes, sunburned lips, and sand swept cheeks made him look so aged. I felt bad for him knowing what he was going through and quite frankly- not knowing considering we only got five minutes to talk every week if we were lucky.

This year has been incredibly hard.. Not only has Tatum been off at war, but just last month his father had passed away... The cancer had taken his life in his sleep. I woke up one morning very early to use the bathroom and on the way there I checked in on him to find him in his room, lifeless. I held his hand- still warm- and cried before calling an ambulance.

It took me three damn days to get a hold of someone in the military that could get the word to Tatum about his fathers passing. I was hoping they would allow him to come home for his fathers funeral but they denied him furlough.

Three days later his father was buried next to his wife's grave without any of his sons there to salute him.

Another reason why we weren't spending, most of the last years savings I had from the bar went to covering the cost of his funeral. Having to plan my husbands fathers funeral by myself was stressful enough and then to factor in almost twenty thousand dollars drained from my bank account...

I never in my life realized how expensive funerals could be.. Between the funeral home, burial, casket, tombstone, and flowers... Unbelievable...

His father didn't have much set into his will but he did give Tatum and I the farm and house to start our family with. It was something I would always be grateful for.

I looked at the clock on the microwave and realized that Layla would be over for lunch. I got out of the cool air conditioners path and went to the mud room to grab one of my jugs of fresh spearmint tea from the mini fridge and poured two glasses to set on the table. Just as I had finished spreading the jelly on our sandwiches, I heard a knock and then a "hello." Layla looked at me and smiled, "Good lord is that Addison Boyers famous Meadow Tea?"

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