Chapter 29

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Susie's POV

**Before Susie went to Newt's house**

When I was home, my dad was waiting for me sitting on the sofa. He looked a bit tense. I put my bag aside and went to him.

"Is everything alright, Dad?" I asked.

He looked at me with tense and told me to sit down.

"What's going on dad?" I asked.

"Honey, there's something you need to know and this is very important..." he said.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"This is about your__ mom" he said.

"Mom? What about her?" I asked.

"We are really sorry that we hid this from you, that's because we had to.." he was saying but I don't understand what he is saying.

"What is it dad?"

My dad took a deep breath and looked over the kitchen and I saw someone coming from there.

When she came out and stood infront of us, I couldn't believe my eyes, I stood up shocked, looked at my dad who is looking at the women infront of us, but he wasn't surprised, how could he stay calm? That's my mom, his wife, who we thought was dead, now standing infront of us breathing.

I looked back at her, she smiled, that's when I came to my senses, she is my mom, she's alive.


"Yes honey, it's me" she said with a warm smile.

I broke into tears and hugged her for so long.


I just cried for a very long time, not letting her go off of hands, she was holding just as tight as I was holding her and crying.

"I missed you honey" she said.

I finally let her go, I'm still surprised.

"But how is this possible?" I asked in disbelief looking at my dad and mom.

"There's so much you need to know honey" my dad said.

"What?" I asked.

We all sat on the safe, my mom on my side, holding my hands, my dad on our opposite side.

"So what is it dad?" I asked.

"I don't know how I should even start this, you're not gonna believe this" he said.

"Well try me" I said.

He took out the books that mom had given me and put them on the table.

"I know you have read these books and__" he paused for second "everything that's said in these books is true" he said.

It wasn't hard for me believe this cause I know about beasts but i wasn't sure about witches, newt said he knew a witch but I never saw one.

"Are you saying that beasts and even witches exist?" I asked.

My dad nodded slightly.

"Okay but what does any of this has to do with us?" I questioned.

"Because it does," he said, looking at me carefully. I didn't understand. I waited for him to say more.

"The reason your mom disappeared all these years was because of this" he said pointing at the books. "your mom is a witch" he said. It took me a minute to respond to that.

"What? tell me this is a joke" I said in disbelief. My mom squeezed my hand, when I looked at her, she was looking into my eyes with worry.

No they are not joking.

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