Chapter 39

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Susie's POV

It has been 2 weeks and Newt still is unconscious. My mom said she never saw a person who entered a dream to be in it for this long, she said he should have woken up in a week and that she can't understand why he hasn't woken up yet and it scares me. I couldn't sleep and I couldn't pay attention to school. I am scared, it is only 3 weeks left until full moon for the ritual and everyone is scared of what might happen.

I have been learning magic, I have been Practicing the spell for the ritual, it all scared me at first, the magic and the fact that I am capable of doing magical stuff, it all scared me and I needed him. I needed him so badly beside me and he's not here. 

My parents would often come to see the Collins and they have been discussing things about the ritual and Newt's situation. My mom would do a spell everyday to keep his body in check and I would visit him before and after school.

His mom is devastate and she cries every time she see him lying on the bed lifeless, Jenna was holding up very well but I can see she was having a hard time, I know she was crying in secret. His dad had always locked himself in the library reading books that might help him wake up. They all are restless.

Jo and Steve try everyday to cheer me up and I would smile to make them think I was fine, but Steve knows something is up, but I can't bring myself to even talk about Newt, if I do I am afraid I might break into tears and that's the last I want to do right now,  I have to stay strong.

Like always I went to see Newt before going to school, just hoping when I enter his house that I would see him opening the door for me with a smile that I am longing to see. The fact that the last time I saw him was when we fought and his face with tears. 

Jenna opened the door for me with a faint smile and I sat with his mom for a while after seeing him. I wish he woke up soon, I can't go on like this anymore. I left for school after some time and I parked my car, yeah in all this mess, my mom had bought me a car so that I won't take woods to walk home anymore. 

I was walking to class and Steve came beside me and put him arm on my shoulder, I looked at him and he was having this huge morning smile on his face.

"Well someone is super energetic so early in the morning" I asked.

"It's Friday night Susie" he said 

"So?" I asked. he stopped walking and stared at me in disbelief.

"The party night" he said, oh right, The weekend party. "don't tell me you forgot about it?" 

"No... of course not" I said and started walking to class. He grabbed my arm and I turned around. 

"You need this alright" he said "You need a break Susie, you need a break from him" 

I sighed and said

"Alright, I will come Steve" I said. He let go off my hand and smiled. "see you later " I said and walked to the class. 


I was getting ready for the party when mom came to my room.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Party at Steve's" I said. She sat on my bed and asked.

"Do you really wanna go?" No but anything to distract myself.

"Yeah..I do" I said and put my hair in bun. "I will be home soon" 

"Be careful, Take the pouch I gave you" she said, I nodded.

I haven't seen Marcus again, He is not doing anything. It's like he is so quiet and hiding. I wonder what he is planning. 

I was at the party with Jo, toby and Steve. We are all having fun, playing games and drinking. It was good and I want to drink a lot but I want to stay sober, I don't know what will happen later, I need to stay alert all the time.

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