chapter 5

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I was walking in the woods thinking about him, why am I even thinking about him. Why am I feeling bad about being with Steve, he was my crush and now he started liking me and I am not even happy about that and I'm not even thinking about him. All I can see and think about is Newt. What is it about him that disturbs me so much?

I hit a rock so hard trying to let my exhaustion out. I hit it pretty hard that it hurts now, I was about to sit on a rock and then I heard someone's coming, I recognized the voice, how could I not, It was Newt's. I stood up and hide behind a tree and I don't know why i'm hiding. What?!

He was not alone, there was a girl too. I think it's the same girl I saw him with last night. What are they doing in the woods.? I can hear them talking.

"Look Jenna, I can handle this, I need you to stop looking after me okay" he said

"I'm not looking after you, I'm just following dad's orders, he is worried about you" she said.

Father, is she his sister? Why would he tell me that she was his ex.? 

"He doesn't have to, I told you I can handle this, she is tough but she will come around " he said, who was he talking about?

"I know but if she finds out, you will lose her and we might lose you too" she said, God this is getting mysterious.

"She won't " he said facing her and then he kissed her forehead and said

"Tell mom and dad I miss them ok and I'll be fine"

"Okay, we'll be waiting for you newt" she said and started walking in another way.

Newt watched her go and he also started walking his way home, I tried to follow him back but I stepped on a branch accidentally.

I stood there frozen, he is looking at me like I shouldn't be here.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was....I'm going home " I said

"Are you following me?" He asked walking to me, pulling his eyebrows together

"What? No" I said taking a step back.

He came closer.

"Don't lie to me Susie, I can tell " he asked with a calm voice but his eyes were Intense, I cleared my voice and said

"I'm not lying "

He moved back and he didn't say anything for a moment, we just stared at each other.

"I'm sorry " he said, but he scared me for a moment there.

"I should go" I said and started walking.

"Wait, these woods aren't safe, let me walk you home" he said, I just nodded and we walked in silence.

"You said woods aren't safe " I broke the silence, looking at him, if he still has that serious look on his face.


"Then what are you doing here ?" I asked

"You're with a lots of questions today" he said with his smirky smile.

"I'm just trying to...figure out " I said

"Figure out what ?" He asked.

"You" I said facing him. We stopped walking. I didn't even know why I was saying all these, when I looked at him, words, all these questions I held within me came out.

"You are a mystery to me Newt, Actually Weird. Every time I see you I just go blank like I wasn't here anymore. You're eyes, There's something wrong with those eyes" I said as I looked into his eyes, They are beautiful, his eyes. "Whenever I look into them, I feel like I was in different world, like I'm not here and The way you look at me and do stuff like you are keeping something, some big secret that you don't want me to know and I wonder who you really are.." I finally said it.

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