chapter 12

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Newt's POV

It was late when I finally arrived redwoods, I drove over to her house, I pulled my car over and when I looked at her room, her room lights were already off, she must be sleeping now, she never turns on even a small light bulb when she sleeps, it's like she wants it all dark around her while sleeping.

I should probably stop sneaking into her room, I've been doing this all the time, like a creeper. After a long debate within myself, I got off the car and looked around, since it was too late, no one seems to be outside, I was about to climb on to her window just when I heard keys juggling. Its coming from their front door and someone came out of her house, I quickly hid behind the tree next to their house, it's big enough to cover me.

It was her dad. What is he doing up this late, he looked around and locked the door then he started walking towards the woods. Where is he going?. I followed him all the way carefully, after a long walk he finally stopped near this big rock, he sat there like he was waiting for someone.

Suddenly there was someone coming out from the darkness, it was a woman, I couldn't see her face with this all darkness, but I was able to hear what they were talking.

"Thank you for coming " she said

"what is it this time?" He asked.

"How is she ?" She asked, but who was she asking about?

"She's doing good...for now, I'm doing everything to keep her away from all that bad stuff you were involved with" he said bitterly.

"You can't blame me for this, I didn't choose this.." she said, then she paused for a moment and said " I didn't come here to fight over this topic again, I just wanted to tell you that they will come for her now, it is time, you need to keep her safe even more now" she said

"I know..but things never change, do they ? Even after all this time, they are still coming after my daughter, how could I possibly ever stop this ?" he said

"We can't change one's fate, can we? We just need to accept things and try to fight our battles as best as we can...that is what I taught my little girl and I know she will be brave and make it through all this " she said.

"Anyway I wanted to see her and also to tell you this. Now I will leave..but she seems upset about something, is there anything wrong?" She asked

"High school drama I guess, she will be alright tomorrow, she'd never let small things hurt her too much, she is a strong girl"

"Yeah she is.. well I'll take a leave now, I shouldn't be here anymore longer" the woman said and then walked away, after a moment watching that women walking away, he went home.

Just to make things clear I followed that woman. What does she meant when she said 'they will come for her now' I'm sure she was talking about Susie and she must be someone who knows about all the things about my world, I need to see her face, when she hit the road, there were lights and I hid behind a tree in the darkness, and when she turned around after crossing the road, I saw her, I didn't recognize her first but I remember her now.

Is that her? Is that Susie's Mom?.. she is alive!! No one has seen her for the last 10 years, some people said that she disappeared cause she dealt with something big when she tried to save my pack in my father's time, that made her lose her powers and she went to near death situation.

Then what would be the reason for her return now. I need to know, she might try to stop Susie from helping us. I got some more troubles into my list. Why does it have to be so complicated?

Then it suddenly hit me, Susie. She thinks her mom is dead and her dad kept a lot from her, even the fact that her mother is alive, for the past 10 years she was living in a lie and now the time has come for her to face all these truths, how is she going to handle all this !

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