chapter 20

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Newt's POV

I was surprised to see Susie's parents, especially her mom. No one has seen her for the past 8 years, now she showed herself, that means it must be serious. my dad, mom, Jenna and Susie's parents were standing in the hall.

They saw me and Susie's dad just came at me and held me by my shirt with anger.

"How dare you come for my girl?" he said "I should have suspected you were a beast as soon as I heard you are from Collins family...I was a fool not to"

"Devid..let him go" his wife stopped him. He let go of my shirt.

"Leave my daughter alone, she is not gonna be a tool for you guys to fix yourselves" he said.

"Mr.Rupert...listen to us, susie has to help us. A lot of lives were depending on her." my father said.

"My wife nearly died for you, I'm not gonna let my girl go through that. "

"We can protect her, she is our responsibility and susie is meant to do this, every witch from your family is meant to do that spell..." my father was saying.

"I'm not here to listen to your nonsense...we are here to warn you. Leave my girl out of this" Mr. Rupert said.

" are a know your daughter has to help us. It's her duty just like how it was yours once.." my father said.

"We are sorry but I can't let my daughter face the situations I have faced while trying to help you"

"I said we will protect her" my father said

"You can' know that, no one is strong enough to protect please leave this town and my daughter. If you go near her again to persuade her, you know what I'm capable of, I won't leave you people alive" she warned us.

"We are not afraid of you Kayla....I will fight till our last breath to protect my pack." my dad said.

Susie's mom glared at my dad and Mr. Rupert anger is on edge, things will not go good if this would not stop.

"Stop...please" I intervened. "stop this dad, We shouldn't put Susie's life in danger to protect ourselves...." I turned to Kayla.

"We are sorry, but if you don't help us, there are young kids like me and your daughter, who will die if the ritual doesn't happen." I said.

"Susie will not help you...I won't let her" she said.

"I want you to help us Mrs.Rupert instead of your daughter....that way your daughter would be safe and I know I am asking you to put your life at stake for us but please...there are people, a lots of people's lives are depending on you" I said trying to plead as much as I can so that I can protect my pack and  Susie.

"You want me to do the spell...?!" she laughed at me sarcastically. "your father must not have told you this but this spell....a witch can only do that spell once in her whole life. My chance to do the spell was already used to protect your dad and that almost destroyed my whole family"

She can't do the spell?!?! is that why my dad is so insisted on Susie to help us?! I guess I really have no choice but Susie and to put her life in danger.

"Kayla...a witch should not back off from her duties...Susie must do the spell" my father said.

"She will not...this is my final warning George, leave my child alone"

"What are you so afraid of Kayla...? what are you running from and who?" my dad asked.

"I'm just trying to protect my girl" she said

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