Chapter 30

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Susie's Pov

"You have a beautiful name" the stranger said.

"Thanks " I said. "well I need to go now, thank you for the handkerchief"

"You're welcome" he said "and let me walk you to your house, it is really dangerous for a young lady to walk alone in these woods" he said.

"No that's alright, I can go and also I don't wanna trouble you" I said. Besides I need space right now not some strangers company.

"I believe you can go alone but still, if I let you go now, I have to worry all night thinking if you have gone home safely or not. Come on, let me walk you down to the road at least " he said

"But I can___"

"Please I insist" he said. I can't say no anymore so I just nodded in yes.

He smiled and he took his jacket off and tried to put it on me.

"Umm you don't have to, I'm fine" I said refusing it.

Then the wind just blew on us, making me shiver. Ugh this freaking weather.

"You are shivering, let me" he said with a small laugh and put the jacket on me. It is warm.

"Let's go" he said as he led the way like a gentleman.

"So what happened?" he asked. "I know it is totally none of my business but since I'm a stranger you can put down the weight on your heart by speaking to me and I won't judge" he said.

"Umm I really don't wanna talk about it...." I said.

"It's fine if you don't want to" he said "But doesn't anyone tell you its dangerous to be alone in the woods" he asked.

This reminded me of Newt, how he always says that and how he always walked me home.

"I am used to these woods, nothing here scares ne" I said.

"I see" he said. we walked in silence for sometime.

"So where are you from? guessing from your accent, you must not be from this town" I said breaking the silence.

"It's my home town actually, so technically I am from here, but I have been living in Landon, I have come to visit someone" he said.

"Someone, your family?" I asked.

His lips put on a smile, like he remembered something beautiful.

"Not exactly a family but she's more like it. I was away from her for so long and I really missed her so I had to come" he said warmly.

"Oh it's a her, your girlfriend?" I asked. I think I'm asking way to many personal questions.

He laughed.

"Well, not officially yet, hoping we would be one day"

"Well you seem like a gentleman, I don't see a reason why she would refuse" I said

"That's very kind of you to say, Susie. Thank you" he said with a smile looking at me.

"So what are you doing in the woods this late in the night?" I asked.

"I love these woods, its almost like a home to me, its been a long time, so I'm visiting." he said.

"At this hour?" I questioned. He laughed.

"Don't worry I'm not a serial killer" he said jokingly.

"No I was just asking, sorry if I made it sound like that" I apologized

"It is alright dear." he said.

He's a bit weird, his way of talking, the way he's walking like he was trained to walk like that, like in the old ancient movies.

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