Chapter 34

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Newt's POV

I woke up in a garden of flowers, I saw a red haired girl who was plucking flowers into her flower basket. Even though I called, she didn't answer me, it's like she couldn't hear me at all. I went to her to ask where I am, but when I saw her face, words dried in my mouth, what is this place and who is she?, She looked exactly like Susie. 

"Susie?" I called her name but still she didn't look at me, she was still plucking the flowers into her flower basket, humming some melody. It was beautiful just like her. 

"Lady Alice...." someone called from afar, she turned around to see who that was and smiled, she was so beautiful, the sun light touching her face and the air throwing her red hair back.

"Martha, stop running, you might fall" she said to the girl who was coming running towards her.

Her voice sounds exactly same as Susie. Who is she?. The girl who came running to us, finally reached us and she was panting, breathing for air. She was wearing black and white clothes and a cap, her clothes looked a bit dirty, like she was working all the time.

"Lady Alice, why did you___" she was gasping for air.

"Martha, I told you to stop running, look at you now, poor girl" she said taking a wooden bottle from the flower basket and handed it to the girl Martha. "Here, drink" 

Martha accepted the water and drank, she then stood up straight and finally is stable. she must be her servant girl.

"My lady, why did you come here to pluck flowers?" she said "it's my job to do."  

She smiled and said "I know but I love to pluck flowers so I can't help myself"

"Lady Alice, if Mr.Rupert comes to know this, he'd get angry at me" Martha said.

Mr.Rupert ? that was Susie's last name, this girl is calling her Alice, I heard that name, Alice, the Alice that dad told me about. Oh My God, it is Alice Rupert. Susie looks like Alice Rupert. This is unbelievable, does this mean I am now in their time, where it all has started.?

"Dad wouldn't know I was here if you no one tells him, don't worry Martha, i've got your back, now i'm done picking the flowers, let's go" Alice said with a smile and they both started walking, I followed them. 

When we were crossing the gate of the garden, a men came on a horse infront of us and stopped, Alice and Martha stopped walking. The man on the horse got down and came to Alice with a big smile, he was wearing clothes like a rich man in historical movies, a long shirt which was long on backside and short on front, He looked young and bright.

"Came for the flowers Ms. Alice ?!" he asked. I saw him somewhere, he looked familiar. Very familiar.

It's the doctor, the one who treated my wounds, how is he here?

"Yes, Lord Marcus" she said with a gentle smile. "thank you for letting us take flowers from your garden" 

Marcus?!, He is THE MARCUS, the one who cursed us. He came as a doctor and treated me, He must have done something to me to see all this. This bastard is the reason for all that had happened to us. I tried to grab him but I couldn't touch him.

"No need to thank Ms. Alice, you are always welcome here and please call me Marcus, I have told you before" he said.

"Umm Sorry Lord Marcus" she apologized.

"It's alright Ms. Alice, you need to get used to this though" he said with a smile. she smiled back.

"Well then, I don't want to take your time, Lord Marcus, I will take my leave now" she said and bowed to him, so does Martha, he bowed back to them. and then they started walking.

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