Chapter 50

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Newt's POV

Kayla buried herself in books trying to find a place Marcus could possibly hide and my dad and Susie's dad have been driving all over the town looking for clues and I have been thinking and thinking, There's something I have been missing all along, Why? why did Marcus showed me the past, there must be a reason.

"Newt" Jenna called, I looked up to see her "Here, you need to at least drink this Newt" she said handing me a cup of orange juice

I took the cup and started drinking it.

"Are you okay?" she asked

I shooked my head in no.

"I am helpless Jenna, I don't know where she is and I don't know how I can help her"

"We are all doing our best Newt, it isn't your fault that Marcus took her" she says

"No, its always me Jenna, If only I hadn't involved her in all this..."

"Marcus was gonna get to her one way or another Newt, It isn't your fault" she said.

I put the cup on the table

"I have been thinking about why Marcus showed me the past but I can't figure it out"

Jenna was silent for a moment but later she said

"Well If he wanted Susie to know how much he loved her or what kind of person he was, he would have to show the past to her but he showed the past to you, then I think there must be something important for you to know than letting Susie know how much he loved her, he must have showed you the past because he wanted you to know something more important than his love for her"

She was right, there must be something more important, which I need to know, that was the reason he showed me the past, he wanted me to know something.

"But what could possibly be so important for him than Alice" I said "Alice was everything he wanted"

"You said Alice died but you don't know the reason, what if he is trying to show you the reason." she said.

"I can't" I said "After Alice died, there was nothing to see, I woke up"

Alice died mysteriously though, There was no blood, no screams or anything that could possibly hurt her but She died the very morning she made love with Oliver but he didn't hurt her, then what could possibly be the reason.

"Try to remember what happened to her before she died Newt" Jenna said

"Alice was writing something in her journal when Oliver came and kissed her on her neck but she flinched like something had hurt her... there was a" I stopped.

"There was what?" Jenna asked.

It can't be the reason, It's silly.

"Oliver, He__He bite her on her neck and there was a drop of blood " I stood up

"Newt, what is it?" Jenna was scared

How could I miss it? I was so stupid, I threw the glasses on the table to walls shattering them to ground.

My mom and Kayla came to the hall running.

"Jenna what's going on here?" my mom asked "Newt what are you doing?"

"I was right, there was nothing in the world that mattered to Marcus more than Alice, He was protecting Susie"

"What?" Jenna said "that's ridiculous Newt, What could he possibly protect her from? Nothing is more dangerous to her than him"

"No Jenna, Its not him" it said, I never hated myself more than I hate myself now "It was me, he is trying to protect her from me"

Kayla came forward and said

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