Chapter 22: Luke and Pete

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I woke up on shore, half of my body was in the water. I cough and get up. The first thing I notice. Clem and Duck was nowhere to be seen.

Y/N: Clem?! Duck?!

I look around. I then see Clem. half of her body was in the water as well.


I run to her and lay her head on my lap. She was still alive because I hear her shivering. She still had my jacket. It was soaked. I take it off her. I then shake her a little to wake her up.

Clementine: Y-Y/N?

Y/N: It's okay. It's okay. We are okay.

We both stand up.

Clementine: After that waterfall. I thought we...

Y/N: Sorry about that. I didn't see the waterfall. We could've-

Clem interrupted me by wrapping her arms around me. Hugging me. I hug her back. We were both soaking wet. So I kinda felt her skin.

Clementine: It's okay Y/N. You saved us.

Y/N: I don't know where Duck is.

Clementine: What?!

We then see Duck getting up from the water.

Duck: Where are we?

Clementine: I don't know.

Y/N: We should probably get moving.

Clementine: Agreed.

We then started walking. We started to dry as we were walking. We saw broken stairs. I jump and grabbed it, pulling myself up. Clem then jumped but she couldn't reach the stairs. I lean and lower my hand so she could grab it. She still had to jump to reach my hand. She reaches my hand and I pull her up.

Y/N: Had trouble there shorty?

Clementine: Shut up.

I laugh as I helped Duck up and we continued walking, we saw a trail in the woods and walked in it. Clem started freezing again. My jacket was now dry. I gave her the jacket back.

Clementine: You don't have to do this.

Y/N: Does it look like i'm freezing again?

Clementine: No.

Y/N: I want to do stuff like this for you. I care about you.

Clementine: Thank you Y/N. I never met anyone as nice as you.

Y/N: Anytime Clem.

Duck: I'm here too you guys.

Me and Clem laughed. We continued walking. We saw a dog come out of the bushes. It was growling at us. It frightened Clem and a little.

Y/N: It's okay, boy, it's okay...

I check his collar.

Y/N: Sam. Nice to meet you Sam.

Sam then started sniffing and then started barking. He then runs away.

Clementine: Where are you going? Sam wait up! Let's follow him.

Duck: Got it.

We follow Sam and he leads us to a empty camp.

Clementine: Looks run over. But you never know.

I look at Clem to see her hand on her stomach.

Y/N: Let's look for food.

We started looking around. Me and Clem found a knife on a dead walker and pick it up. Duck found a trash barrel.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now