Chapter 87: Meeting Louis

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We walked in the building, we already heard the music. We walked down the hallway towards the music.

???: Gah! You little motherfucker!

We see a girl walking towards us.

???: Hey, you guys! Bout time you two woke up! Your little boy just bit me! He lucky I didn't take a boot to his head.

Kenny: How about you calm down.

Sarita: Kenny!

Kenny: What?

Clementine: I'm so sorry.

Y/N: He's been through a lot.

???: Yeah, well haven't we all? He needs to learn some respect!

She then walks off.

Carley: AJ bit her?

Lee: We need to talk to him about it.

Duck: Yeah.

We go inside the room. We see AJ watching someone playing the piano, I assume he is Louis. AJ turns around and sees us.

AJ: Guys!

He runs over and hugs us. We hug back. We pull apart and Clem starts checking him.

Y/N: Are you hurt AJ?

AJ: I'm fine, no bites. I thought you were...

Clementine: We are fine. But Y/N took the most damage from the crash. Do you want to know what you are?

AJ: What?

Y/N: Ticklish!

We both start tickling him as he laughs. We stop to ask him about the girl he bit.

Carley: That woman said you bit her, is that true?

AJ: I... I didn't mean to... she snuck up on me.

Lee: These people helped us. No more bites.

AJ: No more bites.

Louis: You guys are not dead, that's good. Name's Louis. I watched your kid for you.

AJ: My name is AJ.

Louis: I watched AJ for you.

Duck: Thanks.

Louis: No problem. Well, not *no* problem, he was a handful. But I got off light compared to Ruby.

Sarita: He doesn't like it when people sneak up behind him.

AJ: Don't ever do it.

Louis: Loud and clear, little man. Luckily I was able to calm him down with my alluring music.

He goes back to playing the piano.

Louis: Oh, yeah! Marlon left your things in here.

We walked to our bag. We get out our hats, I take my bandage off before putting on my hat. Clem gives AJ his gun.

Louis: Um.

AJ cycles the chamber of the gun.

Louis: Double um. Uh, does he know what that is? It's bigger then him!

Y/N: He earned our trust with it.

Louis: But he's a tot!

Clementine: One who can shoot.

Louis: You guys do your thing, I guess.

He plays the same song.

Clementine: You know any others?

Louis: I do, but your armed.

He then starts to play and sing "Oh My Darling Clementine".

Clementine: Stop. Stop!

Y/N: I prefer your other song.

Marlon: Rosie!

Marlon runs in.

Marlon: You seen Rosie, Louis?

Louis: Nope.

Marlon: Shit. We got a situation out there. I hate to ask with you guys coming to and all, but could you guys give us a hand?

We all nod at him.

Marlon: Alright. You too, Louis. Get your ass in gear.

Louis: Ugh. Fine.

We all run out of the room.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now